Lance Storm Admonishes Fans Over Daniel Bryan’s Health

Lance Storm’s latest blog entry addresses Daniel Bryan’s injury and the WWE World Title situation, specifically those fans who have been focusing on the title situation over Bryan’s health status. Storm notes that he “even got a little rude with a fan” who was more worried about whether Bryan will be champion still. You can check out Storm’s statement below:

“I want to wish all the best on a speedy recovery to Daniel Bryan, who underwent neck surgery earlier today. I think people have gotten far too used to guys needing and getting surgery, and because of that this isn’t getting the attention it needs. I even got a little rude with a fan on twitter who tweeted “worst case scenario he’s stripped of the title”. My response was “No worst case scenario is he has a really screwed up neck that shortens his career and quality of life.” Hopefully this will end up being minor, but I think fans need to realize that neck surgery of any kind is serious business and what we do for a living takes a large physical toll on our bodies. Long term health is way more important than a Title run. I hope people in the industry use this as a wakeup call and everyone tones down their style a little bit and everyone reduces the number of huge and awkward bumps taken every night. With the benefit of hindsight, the Stinger Daniel Bryan got doing the missile drop kick vs. Randy Orton several months ago should have been the wake up call.”

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella Goofing Off!