**SPOILERS** iMPACT! Results For Next Week

Credit: Dylan Wolfe and PWInsider.com

The crowd for the Monday taping was minimal and as an incentive to keep people in the audience for tonights tapings they are giving a free t-shirt to anyone who is staying the entire night, its not lack of TNA fans however Florida is in its slower season where there aren’t that many people in town to attend the taping.

TNA taped an episode and a half tonight and the matches were ALL OVER the place so other than the Series matches, I am not sure what order the show will go in.

For the Thanksgiving Episode they did away with the Turkey Bowl and will be doing a Championship Series with the winner getting a shot at the respective titles in their Division, meaning if you primarily wrestle in the Tag Division, you get a Tag Title Shot.


Bobby Lashley vs. Abyss
Championship Series Quarterfinal
When they take the fight to the outside Abyss accidently throws an elbow and hits Krystal. Abyss doesn’t realize he hit Krystal and when he has his back turned looking outside the ring at her Bobby Lashley hits a spear for the win.

Suicide vs. Desmond Wolfe
Championship Series Quarterfinals
Desmond Wolfe pins Suicide after the Tower of London.

Kurt Angle vs. The Pope
Championship Series Quarterfinal
Kurt pins Pope after an Angle Slam. Both men were TOTALLY over, Pope is now entering through the Face Tunnel.

Homicide vs. Robert Rude
Championship Series Quarterfinal
Rude won after he hit Homicide with a spinebuster.

Tara won a Knockout Battle Royal for a title shot at Final Resolution which included The Beautiful People, Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Daffney, Hamada, and Tracy Brooks. ODB was out at ringside as a “special ref” to watch the action. After Tara won ODB got in the ring and raised her hand, Tara went to shake her hand but ODB slapped her hand away and walked out of the ring.

Daniels (Who is 100% heel now) vs. Abyss
AJ started out sitting at commentary but ended up standing next to the table with his arms folded just watching the action. Daniels pinned Abyss after a low blow and a roll up when Abyss was distracted by the Beautiful People attacking Lauren in the Ladies Room on the big screen. Daniels motioned for AJ to get in the ring and after some taunting AJ took off his watch and emptied his pockets, before he could make it in the ring AJ was attacked by his masked assailant.

Bobby Lashley vs Desmond Wolfe
Championship Series Semifinal
Lashley beat Wolfe when Referee Earl Hebner DQ’d Desmond for not breaking the submission he had on Lashley in the ropes. Wolfe worked over the arm of Lashely for most of the match.

Robert Roode vs. Kurt Angle
Roode beats Angle by Countout after Wolfe came out and the 2 brawled on the entrance ramp. Angle tried running into the ring before the referee’s 10 count but just missed it, which is a shame cause the two had a great match.

Jesse Neal vs. The Pope
In his re-debut match on Impact, Jesse Neal took the fall to Pope after the Dinero Express. After the match, Jesse “Gored” the Pope and then the lights went out. Suicide appeared on the top turnbuckle and dropkicked Neal. Team 3D and Rhino charged the ring and the 4 surrounded Pope and Suicide. This brings out Morgan and Hernandez who quickly clear the ring. After a stare down and the heels attempting to get back in the ring, the heels make their way to the back and the faces celebrate in the ring.

AJ Styles comes to the ring and first has a message for Sting, he says its the holidays and he is worried about Sting cause he hasn’t heard from him, so he asks Sting to get in touch with him. Then he moves on to Daniels who comes to the ring and runs down AJ about being selfish and not being a good friend. I really couldn’t hear everything cause the crowd kept telling Daniels to shut up and it was really loud. Nothing physical though, Daniels just leaves the ring.

Hamada vs. Sarita
These two had a really good back and forth match which ended with Hamada hitting the Michinoku Driver.

Bobby Lashley vs. Robert Roode
Championship Series Finals
Some really good wrestling with the crowd being split…Lashley gets the win after a spear. He now receives a future TNA World Heavyweight Championship match, they didn’t say anything about it being a Final Resolution.

Xplosion Match
Kiyoshi pinned Kip James after spraying mist in his eyes and a short DDT.

Some additional spoilers notes to add to JD’s TNA Impact spoilers for the episode that will air tomorrow:

*During the opening 8 man tag, the MCMG got the win using the Neckbreaker/Frog Splash combo. Rob Terry cost World Elite the match when Sabin ducked a clothesline and Terry hit a member of the British Invasion. After the match the World Elite were all having words with Big Rob.

*When Daniels pinned Styles during the tag match he celebrated as if he had won the title, screaming “I told you”

*In the Alex Shelley vs Doug Williams match the referee sent all teammates at ringside to the back, Brutus and Big Rob sucker punched Sabin on their way to the back, the teammates were not at ringside during the match.
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