JR Blog: Ultimate Warrior/HOF, Piper/RAW, WWE Status, More

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some of the highlights:

His WWE Status: For the record, I don’t have a burning desire right now, while addressing my present health issues, to get back on weekly TV whatsoever. I am much more focused on the medical tests that I will undergo tomorrow which are the results of previous tests done a week or so ago. Yes sir, I’m ready for this little journey to end and to be 100% ready to rock….and that will happen.

Roddy Piper Hosting Raw: Rowdy Roddy Piper will no doubt be at the top of his game Monday night in Madison Square Garden when he hosts Monday Night Raw. I know that Hot Rod considers “The Garden” hallowed ground, as most of us veterans do, and who knows how many more times the WWE Hall of Famer will be in such a key role in this arena? I expect all sort of Survivor Series oriented fireworks in NYC Monday evening.

Ultimate Warrior in the WWE Hall of Fame?: The WWE Hall of Fame class for 2010 seems to be garnering more interest as our email flow gets stronger. Lots of speculation that the “Ultimate Warrior” will be inducted this year. I have no clue but the fact that “Warrior” lives in Phoenix, the site of WM26, being a significant reason as to why makes zero sense to me. Either the man deserves to be introduced or he doesn’t no matter his zip code. I personally feel the former Blade Runner is deserving and just because the guy is considered “controversial” should not exclude him from any accolade. Warrior’s accomplishments and contributions to the business are what counts and hearing Warrior’s acceptance speech live and in person would be classic and likely a “Wrestlemania Moment.”

On Jericho vs. Taker: I’m told that the Undertaker-Jericho main event on Friday Night Smackdown, starring Todd Grisham and Matt Striker, is a dandy. Can’t wait to catch it on TV Friday night or over the weekend on DVR.

On The Hulk Hogan DVD: The WWE Hulk Hogan DVD has some great, old bouts on it including some taped matches from live events that really put in some time. I love the atmosphere of the darkened arena and the focus being on the ring and the performers in the ring and not on fans looking to get their 15 minutes or seconds of fame especially those that would rather watch the ‘tron instead of the ring. I know, I’m old school……so what? If you like old school wrestling and seeing some of the business’ biggest names from back in the day I think that you will enjoy this DVD. It isn’t a “tell all” type DVD but is heavy on classic wrestling bouts from a variety of arenas and TV shoots. Old schoolers might really get a kick out of JR and The King reuniting for some of these bouts that we narrate as opposed to doing “live commentary.” King even reveals how Hulk invented a back shaving device that Jerry began utilizing himself. Seeing Hulk with the late, WWE HOF’er Classy Freddie Blassie was a hoot. I never realized Hogan was as hairy as George “The Animal Steele at one point in Hulk’s career.

On Kurt Angle’s Legal Issues: I’m happy to see that former WWE Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle’s legal sagas have ended at least for the time being. I hate to read about anyone that I know having personal issues that are embellished and broadcast throughout the media. I’ve said it many times, “wrestling romances” rarely work over the long haul and those that do are simply meant to be and are the exception to the rule. Those involved in the one’s that l do last are blessed individuals who are able to avoid the egocentric and paranoid fueled pitfalls that plague other couples who are usually in lust and not in love. I hope that Kurt can happily move on in his life in a healthy way.