Petey Williams Dumbfounded By TNA Release, Matt Morgan’s Brain

Matt Morgan posted the following on his Twitter page: Im now an official member of Chris Nowinski’s Sports Legacy Institute! I have signed on to donate my brain to this very earnest, admirable cause. Concussions is a very serious topic that desperately needs more addressing so im proud to be part of something that will def help future wrestlers and other atheletes for yrs to come. Ive noticed more & more, that wrestlers are starting to see the ramifications that concussions can cause. Its leading to more guys to take more self-preventative measures when in the ring. I know it has for me! I encourage any and all atheletes to please look into the Sports Legacy Institute to see how u may be able to help, and most importantly, learn more!

Slam! Wrestling has a story on former TNA and current ROH wrestler Petey Williams. He is still dumbfounded as to why TNA released him. He said: “My contract was up for renewal in January 2009 and everything seemed to be going well… Out of the blue, I received a call from head of talent relations for TNA, Terry Taylor, saying my contract was not going to be renewed. I still don’t understand why the contract was not renewed. It may have been a money issue since I was the highest paid guy in the X Division. They also mentioned freshening up the roster but I am one of the youngest guys so that doesn’t make sense. I guess more than anything, I would like an explanation why I was released.” He said he had offers from WWE, but didn’t want to go to developmental in Tampa as he has mouths to feed and bills to pay. “If I had the same offer five years ago I would have agreed,” he said. “Now that I am married with a mortgage, it changes things.”

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