The Major BFG *SPOILER*, Hornswoggle/Twitter, Shane’s Departure

Broadcasting & Cable has an article up on Shane McMahon’s departure from WWE.

The MMA section of AOL Fanhouse also has a story up on Shane’s WWE exit.

WWE has issued a survey to their Canadian fans. The survey asks how often they watch WWE programs, visit, if they can remember any of the advertising on, whether they click the ads, etc. The survey only wants information from males.

Hornswoggle has launched his Twitter page at

As noted earlier, Comcast, Time-Warner, and other cable systems have started airing commercials for the 11/15 TNA Turning Point PPV. The commercial mentions who the TNA champion will be at the end of Bound for Glory. TNA must be pretty upset with In Demand right now, as the cable systems would have to download the commercial from them, meaning they must have given them access to it early.
TNA Bound For Glory Main Event Result – 110% DIRECT LINK!!