**SPOILERS** WWE SD! Results For Friday

Source: Billy of PWInsider.com

*Smackdown opens with Teddy Long in the ring discussing the Bragging Rights PPV. Long says John Cena is welcome to come to Smackdown if he doesn’t win the Iron Man Match against Randy Orton. CM Punk comes out and tells Long not to focus on Cena, but on him. He complains he has to wrestle Batista tonight. He demands a rematch against The Undertaker tonight and that Scott Armstrong (ref from Breaking Point) be the referee.

*Vince McMahon comes out and announces at Bragging Rights that The Undertaker will defend the World championship against CM Punk, Batista and Rey Mysterio. He says the action will begin right now and calls out Mysterio for his match….

*Rey Mysterio defeated Chris Jericho in a good match with a 619 and top rope splash.

*WWE Women’s champ Michelle McCool defeated Eve Torres.

*Backstage, Vickie Guerrero complains to Teddy Long that it’s unfair that Eric Escobar doesn’t have a PPV match since he was introduced on the Smackdown roster last week. She says it’s also not fair that Undertaker has to be in a Four Way at the PPV. In Spanish, Escobar tells Long he won’t be disrespected. Guerrero reminds Long he’s on probation.

*WWE Intercontinental champ John Morrison defeated Dolph Ziggler. Maria was at ringside watching but didn’t become involved beyond taking a chair Ziggler had set up to “use later” and sitting on it. When Ziggler went for the chair and saw it wasn’t there, he was distracted, allowing Morrison to nail him with a kick for the win.

*Backstage, Maria asks Ziggler to speak to her. Ziggler tells her that he has a personal life and a professional one. He tells her he sees big things in his future, but she isn’t one of them and walks off. Maria starts to cry.

*Drew McIntyre & Kane defeated R-Truth & Matt Hardy when McIntrye pinned Hardy with the double underhook DDT.

*Backstage, Batista and Rey Mysterio agree that whatever happens in the Four Way at the PPV, they will remain cool and hug.

*WWE World champ The Undertaker comes out and discusses winning the belt in the Hell in A Cell. He says that at the PPV, he’s going to win and take all of their souls.

*CM Punk defeated Batista by countout.
