Mark Henry Praises Vince McMahon – Details


Mark Henry recently spoke about Vince McMahon’s dedication to the troops and the National Guard. Here is what he had to say…

On Vince McMahon’s dedication to the Troops & The National Guard: “Vince is very competitive. He wants to do as much or more than any other professional sport or civic group. We try not to leave [the National Guard] out because a lot of times they feel like they get the short end of the stick. We’re very pro-Army National Guard.”

On WWE’s support of the Troops: “We respect and love our soldiers for giving us the freedoms we have in this country. We’re trying to serve our country in a way, but it will never meet what they do for us … John Cena has granted more wishes than anybody in history. He goes the extra mile. Cena should run for President for all he’s done on that front.”

On WWE getting media attention for the Troops WWE live events: “We know what we do. I don’t think anybody’s looking for a pat on the back for our efforts. We are 100% pro-our guys and girls in the military and could care less how the media portrays it.”

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Mark Henry With Josh Brolin At X Games!! *AWESOME*!