— Stephanie McMahon tweeted her congratulations to newlyweds Tyson Kidd and Natalya:
“Congratulations @NatbyNature and @KiddWWE ! Wishing you every happiness in your new life together!”
— Tickets are now on sale for WrestleCon’s 2014 event taking place in New Orleans during WrestleMania weekend. The convention will have three sessons over the weekend as follows:
* Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM (Includes admission to vendors & autograph/photo sessions, Marty DeRosa comedy show, $5 Wrestling show)
* Saturday: 7 PM – 1 AM (Includes admission to vendors & autograph/photo sessions, indy show, live Colt Cabana podcast taping)
* Sunday: 10 AM – 3 PM (Includes admission to vendors & autograph/photo sessions, live tapings of Kevin Steen and Steve Corino podcasts)
For $25 extra, the Saturday evening session can be upgraded to a front-row ticket for the indy show. For ordering details, click here.
100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): 5 Classic Stephanie McMahon **CLEAVAGE** PixXx!!! Holy BOOBS!!