Christian Resurfaces + WWE Return Update, Colter Tweets

— Chris Jericho tweeted a photo of Christian earlier this week. The photo features Jericho and Christian together. As we’ve been reporting here on the website, Christian is set to return to WWE anytime now. He’s been ready to go for months now and the creative team has reportedly been working on a return angle for him for months. Christian’s return to TV has now been made somewhat of a priority, and he is expected back on TV “very soon.”

— Zeb Colter tweeted the following regarding tonight’s WWE Payback pay-per-view: “Tomorrow night, #payback, very interested in the @VivaDelRio vs. @HEELZiggler match. Eyes on the prize. @RealJackSwagger.”

Major WWE Payback **SPOILER** For Tonight [>>]!!!!