What’s Marc Mero Doing These Days?, CHIKARA In Florida, More

— As noted late last night here on the website, WWE has decided to drop their strategy of drawing attention to Glenn Beck since Beck is refusing to associate with them after he spoke out against Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter as a parody of the Tea Party.

— Former WWE wrestler Marc Mero is currently on a speaking tour in Georgia advocating youths on the dangers of drugs, suicide, bullying and peer pressure. He will be speaking Thursday at the J.J. Daniell Middle School in Marietta at 9:30 a.m., noon and 1:45 p.m., Friday at the Simpson Middle School in Marietta at 1:30 p.m. and 2:50 p.m., and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at Piedmont Church in Marietta for a free community outreach event.

— Here are the updated cards for this weekend’s CHIKARA swing into Florida…

Friday 3/8 in Tampa, FL at the Orpheum:

*Eddie Kingston vs. Amazing Kong
*CHIKARA Tag champions 3.0 vs. The Devastation Corporation
*Fire Ant & aSSailaint & Dasher Hatfield & Saturyne vs. Soldier Ant & ?
*Young Lions Cup holder Mark Angelosetti vs. Jacob Hammermeier
*Hallowicked vs. Sean Waltman
*Mike Quackenbush & Green Ant vs. FIST vs. The Batiri vs. Kigsaw & The Shard
*Gran Akuma vs. Johnny Gargano
*Archibad Peck vs. Obariyon

Saturday 3/9 in Orlando, FL at Orlando Rec Center:

*CHIKARA Grand champion Eddie Kingston vs. Green Ant.
*3.0 (Scott “Jagged” Parker & Shane Matthews) & Gran Akuma & Dasher Hatfield
& Saturyne vs. Devastation Corporation (Max Smashmaster & Blaster McMassive) & F.I.S.T. (Sugar Dunkerton, Icarus, and Johnny Gargano)
*assailANT vs. “Mr. Touchdown” Mark Angelosetti
*Mike Quackenbush & Fire Ant vs. Jigsaw & The Shard
*Tim Donst vs. Archibald Peck
*Soldier Ant & ? vs. Ophidian & The Batiri
*Hallowicked vs. Jakob Hammermeier
*Eddie Graves vs. Oliver Grimsley

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