WWE NXT Going Strong & Praised, Updated OMEGA Card

Partial Source: Prowrestling.net

— The AWA returns to ESPN Classic tonight with its first show at 9PM ET. Scheduled for the show is the following: Mitch Snow vs. Washington, Tolas vs. Peterson, Steve O vs. Kevin Kelly (Nailz), Soldat Ustinov vs. Evans, Larry Zbyszko vs. Stevens, Curt Hennig vs. Greg Gagne for the AWA Title.

— The AWA also airs at 10PM ET, with the following scheduled: Midnight Express vs. Burke and Allen, Steve O vs. Rick Gatner, Wahoo McDaniel and D.J. Peterson vs. Tony Leone and Pete Sanchez, The Nasty Boys vs. Jarrett and Burke, Tommy Rich vs. Tom Stone, Boris Zhukov vs. Anderson.

— WWE NXT has been receiving a lot of focus from WWE lately. This is due to Triple H overseeing things. The feeling is that the system is going strong and that it will benefit the company long term as they will have a new influx of talent to call up.

— Here is the updated card for the January 15th The OMEGA – Chinlock for Chuck benefit show, which will take place in Durham, NC…

* Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, James Storm & Hurricane Helms vs. Steve Corino, CW Anderson, Lodi & Gunner
* Reby Sky & Amber O’Neal vs. Kacee Carlisle & Jayme Jamison
* Arik Royal vs. Brad Attitude vs. Ric Converse
* Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander vs. Steve Walters & John Skyler
* Christian York & Pat Cusick vs. Cueball Carmichael & Jimmy Cicero
* Chiva Kid vs. Trevor Lee
* Phil Brown vs. Preston Quinn

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