More Off-Air & Live Notes From Last Night’s WWE RAW

Credit: Trevor Heinecke &

John Cena defeated Big Show in the dark match main event. Cena won with the AA in a back and forth match that the crowd was very into.

This was my fourth or fifth Raw, and it wasn’t the best, but wasn’t the worst. Time really seemed to drag on and I think it showed with some of the crowd reactions. John Cena was very over with most of the crowd, but still had his dissenters. CM Punk got either cheers or no reaction from most. I don’t think his heel turn is going the way WWE hoped. Triple H got almost 100% support, which I’m sure WWE is happy about given the “you tapped out” chants at Summerslam. The Daniel Bryan/Kane anger management segments were very over and had everyone laughing. Overall, I thought it was a good show but definitely could have been better.

Biggest Pop:
1. John Cena
2. Triple H
3. Sheamus
4. Randy Orton
5. CM Punk

Biggest Heat:
1. Vickie Guerrero
2. Daniel Bryan (if you consider that heat)
3. Dolph Ziggler (for using Y2J’s music)
4. Michael Cole
5. Miz

And there was a very cool moment with Cena when he hugged a young fan in the front row with a mental disability after his match with Miz and then gave him an armband after the dark match. Even Cena haters like me have to respect him for things like that.

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