Fans Lash Out At Linda McMahon + John Morrison Update, More

— Former WWE Superstar John Morrison appears for Pro Wrestling Holland on March 2, 2013 at Dynamo in Eindhoven, Holland, according to the I.P.A. Network.

– If you’re worried that Linda McMahon’s advancement in the Connecticut Senate race is going to mean bad things for WWE television, you’re not alone. Several fans took to Twitter last night and today, airing their concerns about the product being further sanitized by Linda’s political aspirations. Here is a brief selection from

Linda McMahon may have won her primary but she better not f—ing win the gen. election!!! Or else we suffer under PG era for years to come!

Linda McMahon won the senate primary, smh now WWE will continue with their pg programming.

Linda McMahon wins Republican Senate primary in Connecticut. Does this mean the WWE will go from PG to G?

Linda McMahon will continue to have WWE be PG. I know what the problem is. Old people and kids are alike. They like nice. PG is nice. #F–kU

For what it’s worth, WWE’s “PG” rating has a lot to do with advertisers and is not all because of Linda McMahon’s ongoing senate campaign. It’s a mix of both.

100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Linda Hogan In New Rap Music Video! **THONG SHOTS – EEEEWWWWW!!! OMFG!!