Exclusive: Major Backstage Meeting Set For RAW

According to a WZROnline.com source, WWE sent out emails and text messages to their talents on Sunday stating that there will be a major meeting backstage at RAW at 3PM on Monday to address ongoing issues with travel and pay. The company is extremely worried with A.W.s’ most recent Twitter rants as well as JTG’s rant last Monday prior to RAW. They will also be trying to calm down numerous other mid-card talents before they go out on social media as well. It all comes down to nearly half of the current roster being frustrated with numerous issues (travel & pay). They’ve basically had enough and are all coming together as one to call out the company. It’s obviously not a good time for this to be happening with Linda McMahon’s senate campaign and is also part of the reason talents are speaking up now. They feel that WWE will be forced to do something about it.

We hope to have exclusive details on that meeting tomorrow evening prior to RAW going live.

Stay tuned to WZROnline.com for the latest.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: Top talents to speak up at the RAW meeting >>