Mark Henry Says He Considered Retiring

SITE NOTE: As most of you know by now, I will be taking the train down to New York City tomorrow (Friday) to cover the ROH i-PPV event. My train leaves around 11AM and doesn’t get back here to Albany, NY until around 3AM Saturday morning. With that being said, news will be very slow tomorrow afternoon/night. I plan to throw a few posts up early tomorrow morning and then I’ll update the rest of the news on Saturday morning. Thanks for your continued support of the website!

Mark Henry is interviewed in the January edition of WWE Magazine and says he considered quitting before his World Title run. Henry noted that he’s capable of another sustained run but that time is catching up to him.

“Well, I’m older in the business, and my children miss their dad,” he said. “Not to mention the aches and pains are just making it harder to get through everything. But, right now, I’m feeling fresh and things are going well. I’m going to hang around as long as I can.”

Photos Of Mark Henry & His REAL-LIFE GIRLFRIEND [>>]!!>