John Cena’s Florida Mansion (Pics), Mysterio’s WWE Future, Benoit

Eric Yaworowski sent this in: I was going through the WWE site and this page caught my attention. It talks about the best matches (Wrestlemania moments). The names on here include Benoit, Razor Ramon, Macho Man and Kurt Angle. The last match is HBK/Flair so it’s recent.

Rey Mysterio recent stated in an interview that he’s got a few years left with WWE. “I still feel like I got a couple more years in me. I try to conserve myself as much as I can without doing as many crazy moves as I used to do when I was a lot younger. Some of those moves I can’t do anymore. Some I try to modify so I don’t have the risk of blowing out my knee or any other part of my body. It’s worked out pretty well.”

Darryn sent this in: Just to let you know, the WWE always had Benoit’s name still in the title history section. His name has been there ever since his death. But Benoit did make it in the Money in the Bank preview video WWE has shown recently. Although they tried their best to edit him out, when they showed Edge spearing Kane, you can see Benoit lying on the ground.

John Cena recently purchased a beautiful home in Florida. He also owns a house in Massachusetts. You can see photos of his gorgous Flordia home at this link. We’ve toned down the popups on the galleries as well.

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: John Cena’s GORGEOUS Florida Home!!!