Randy Orton Turns 29, Mysterio’s Fear Of Heights, Storm

Silvervision in the United Kingdom has announced that the British version of the WWE Wrestlemania XXV DVD set will feature a mini-version of the WWE Encyclopedia. It is unknown if the Encyclopedia will be featured in the American released.

Rey Mysterio revealed in a recent interview with the Houston Chronicle that he still has a few more years in him when asked whether it’s harder to jump around at age 35 than it was at age 25. “It is without a doubt. I don’t know if it’s age or the years I’ve been doing it, but it has definitely taken a toll on my body.” Mysterio said. “But I don’t want to quit. I still feel like I got a couple more years in me. I try to conserve myself as much as I can without doing as many crazy moves as I used to do when I was a lot younger. Some of those moves I can’t do anymore. Some I try to modify so I don’t have the risk of blowing out my knee or any other part of my body. It’s worked out pretty well.” Mysterio also revealed that he has a fear of heights, “My very first show with the WWE I had my wrestling match versus Chavo (Guerrero). . . . I had to climb up a cage on the outside and stand on top and dive into the inside of the ring. At the moment it didn’t hit me — I climbed so fast — until I tried to stand with nothing behind me and ring in front of me. And looking 15 to 17 feet down is when it really hit me. (Laughs.) I don’t like heights. I just did it. It happened so fast, I just dove off and it was over.”

Randy Orton turned 29 yesterday.

Lance Storm has posted a new commentary commenting on this Sunday’s WrestleMania 25 and the Hall of Fame over at his official website, stormwrestling.com.

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