Shawn Michaels admits Bret Hart was the man

In a recent interview with Faith 4 Life, Shawn Michaels admitted that Bret “Hitman” Hart really was the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be. Shawn said of Bret, “He was the man and I had trouble even lacing his boots when I was in the ring with him.” Most wreslting fans remember Survivor Series 1997, where The Heartbreak Kid broke millions of wrestling fan’s hearts around the world by screwing over “The Hitman” On this topic, Shawn said, “Yea, I screwed Bret. But when it comes down to it, I really just wanted to try out my favorite move of all-time, The Sharpshooter. My version wasn’t nearly as good as Bret’s, but I got a short taste of what being the man felt like when I used the hold.” When asked the question, what would you say to Bret today if you saw him, Shawn responsed, “Well, I would of said sorry and asked for forgiveness, but ever since I caught him screwing my wife, I think that’s out the window now”

Shawn Michaels will be appearing and jobbing at Wrestlemania 25.