RAW Dark Match & Partial Superstars **SPOILERS**

Source: The Pro Wrestling Torch

Bo Rotunda beat Primo. Fairly solid action. Not much crowd participation, though. It started off good and was all right, but didn’t last long. Rotunda won with a springboard bulldog from the turnbuckle.

(1) WWE tag champs David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty beat Santino & Chris Masters. New entrance music for Nexus and “Santino” chants early on. Good back-and-forth, then Santino was isolated for a while. Hot tag to Masters, who was nailed from behind by Mike for Nexus to win.

(2) Alex Riley beat Jack Swagger. Fair heat for Swagger. Big pop for A-Ry. Swagger with a waistlick take down early on followed by stiff slaps to the back of Rikey’s head. Riley came back with a flurry of offense. Swagger regained control and threw Riley in to the barricade, taking control for a few minutes. Riley mounted the comeback and nailed the Impaler DDT for the three count.

The rest of WWE Superstars will be taped tomorrow night at the SD! tapings in Philly.

100% DIRECT LINK (PICS): John Cena’s Massive Mansion/House – Holy Crap Guys!!!