AEW Collision Results – Oct, 26, 2024 – La Faccion Ingobernable vs. FTR

October 26, 2024
Cedar Rapids, IA – Alliant Energy PowerHouse
Commentary – Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness
Results via Alex Kahrs of

Quick Match Results

  1. Jay White defeated Shane Taylor via Bladerunner (pinfall)
  2. Penelope Ford defeated Robyn Renegade via Muta Lock (pinfall)
  3. The Outrunners defeated MxM Collection via Total Recall (pinfall)
  4. Ricochet defeated Lio Rush via Modified Hidden Blade (pinfall)
  5. Anna Jay defeated Viva Van via Widow’s Peak (pinfall)
  6. FTR defeated La Faccion Ingobernable via Shatter Machine (pinfall)

Video: Orange Cassidy

We get a recap of what happened to close Dynamite before looking at exclusive footage immediately following the show, in which Orange Cassidy shouts at Daniel Garcia saying he told him this would happen. Cassidy is absolutely distraught and enraged about the situation, promising he will “take care of this” next Wednesday before leaving the ring.

With that we go to ringside to get a look at the Cedar Rapids crowd as commentary hypes up what’s to come tonight. We get confirmation that Chuck Taylor is still recovering after the attack on him at Dynamite.

Jay White vs. Shane Taylor

The two circle the mat to start things off before locking up, with Taylor sending Jay to the corner before White escapes for a chop. He backs away to avoid Shane’s grasp before leaving the ring briefly, re-entering the ring before the two circle the mat again. They lock up once more, with Jay getting a side headlock on Shane before taking to the ropes to lay in a kick. He hits the ropes again for a low dropkick, before laying in some chops on a kneeling Taylor. Shane’s back up but an enziguri attempt is blocked, only for Shane to send the Switchblade crashing to the canvas.

Using the ropes for some leverage, Taylor continues to go to work on White with some stomps until the ref intervenes to force a break…only for Taylor to follow up with a legdrop that sandwiches White against the apron as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Taylor continues the beatdown on Jay White, bringing him back to his feet before the Switchblade hits the ropes…only to be caught in mid-air by Shane, who drives him right back into the mat for good measure. He sends Jay to the corner, laying in a hard double-hand chop that rattles the Switchblade before he sends White back done yet again. Jay is struggling to fight to his feet as we come back from break…

…and starts to pick up the pace with a flurry of offense, before Taylor takes him down! Except that White manages to evade a splash by Shane, going after his leg with a couple dragon screw leg whips before bringing Taylor to the corner for some chops. He hits another dragon screw, but Taylor makes his way to the corner to fight back…only for Jay to connect with a DDT for a nearfall!

Jay looks for a uranage on Taylor as both men are back to their feet, only for Shane to respond with one of his one for a nearfall. White manages to evade him long enough to connect with a flatliner, but Taylor fights out of a German suplex attempt. Jay connects with a second attempt, before driving Taylor into the corner for a uranage and the cover…but Taylor manages to kick out. Outside the ring we see Lee Moriarty trying to get involved, only to be dropped with a Left Hand of God by Juice Robinson.

Back in the ring, Taylor is looking to take Jay down with a powebomb…but White reverses, hitting the Blade Runner to pick up the win!

Winner: Jay White via Pinfall.

After the match, Jay gets a microphone as he talks about knowing Shane Taylor for years and how much harder Taylor hits than Jay does. He says that’s the same with Hangman Adam Page, and yet he’s always been ahead of him when they’ve gone one on one. He talks about his record against Page, hoping the Hangman has recovered well from injury. He knows Page would love to beat him up and put that belt around his neck, but he’d better not misstep when dealing with Jay White. He offers a challenge to Page for Full Gear, before addressing his…Goldmembers…in Cedar Rapids, and if Hangman Page ain’t down with that, Jay White has two words for him: Guns Up!

Backstage: Ricochet, Lio Rush

We cut backstage where Ricochet talks ahead of his match against Lio Rush later tonight. He addresses MVP’s history with him before Lio Rush steps in, telling Ricochet not to think he’s special because MVP offered him a business card. Ricochet insists he has no business with MVP, leading Lio to tell him not to overlook him as a loss means there will be no International Title shot for Ricochet…just a one-way ticket to the back of the line. He walks away as Ricochet says he’ll see him in the ring, and we get a hype package for upcoming AEW shows before going to commercial.

Backstage: Kyle Fletcher

We go backstage where the “new and improved” Kyle Fletcher addresses his statement from Dynamite, hoping that Will Ospreay will show up before saying he will head to Collision in Philadelphia next week looking to prove he is the prototype of what a star should be.

Penelope Ford vs. Robyn Renegade

Ford sends Renegade to the corner, forced to break things up before continuing the offense. She brings Robyn to the center of the ring for a standing moonsault and a nearfall, bringing Renegade back to her feet for more damage culminating in a stunner for another nearfall in the process. Robyn is brought to the ropes as Ford starts choking her out, before Robyn fights off Penelope’s shoulders for a roll up and a nearfall.

Ford hits a big lariat and starts mounting up on Renegade for some punches, transitioning to a chinlock and then driving her knee into the back for added damage. Robyn starts to fight back, eventually setting Ford onto the ropes for a DDT and the cover…but Penelope kicks out to stay in the match. She fights back with a kick sending Robyn to the ropes before driving herself into Renegade. She hoists Robyn up to send her crashing into the canvas, setting up for a Muta Lock that forces Renegade to tap out!

Winner: Penelope Ford via Submission.

The celebration is cut off by Jamie Hayter showing up on the screen, issuing the challenge to Ford for a match at the 11/6 edition of Dynamite. A graphic makes the match official as we cut away.

Backstage: FTR, The Outrunners

Backstage, we get a promo with The Outrunners and FTR ahead of their respective matches…and I don’t think I can do it justice. See for yourself.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) vs. MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor)

We start off with a bit of action between Mansoor and Truth Magnum that quickly turns into a pose-off which Magnum wins. Mansoor goes back on the attack until Turbo Floyd tags in, himself posing much to the chagrin of Madden who tags in to take Floyd down as we see Johnny TV watching on from backstage. Madden says he wants to see how vascular Floyd is, to which Turbo responds in kind forcing a tag to Mansoor. Chaos ensues before the Outrunners are sent to the outside, with MxM posing as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The action fully spills to the outside with the Collection and Outrunners going at it before we go to a full commercial break. Thanks, TNT!

Back from break, we have Mansoor with a chinlock on Magnum before the latter escapes. Madden with the tag, and the Collection keep Truth isolated from his corner for a nearfall until Floyd breaks it up. Mansoor tags back in, but Magnum manages to escape his grasp for a tag to Turbo! Floyd drops Mansoor with a scoop slam before fending Madden off… escaping a suplex attempt to tag Magnum back in!

The Outrunners block a double chokeslam attempt before dropping Madden to the mat…and dropping Mansoor onto Madden! Mansoor back down as Madden charges at the pair…who drop him facefirst onto Mansoor’s little Mannies!

Despite this, the Collection manage to fight back, leading to a double-team that gets Madden a nearfall. Tag to Mansoor as they look for a Doomsday Device, but Madden is sent out of the ring as the Outrunners hit the Total Recall on Mansoor for the win!

Winner: The Outrunners via Pinfall.

Video: Nigel McGuinness, Wheeler Yuta

We cut to the sit-down interview between Nigel McGuinness and Wheeler Yuta. Things get very heated very quickly as Yuta makes fun of Nigel as what they did at WrestleDream came before McGuinness could actually end Bryan Danielson’s career. Nigel says Wheeler stepped across the line for this, but Yuta insists that everything they’ve done is for the greater good before he storms off.

Video: AEW Fright Night Dynamite Ad Video

We get a promo package for Fright Night Dynamite and its upcoming matches, before going to a commercial break.

Backstage: Jake Roberts, La Faccion Ingobernable

We go backstage, where Jake Roberts addresses FTR ahead of their match against LFI tonight. He says LFI are assassins, noting they will go after the weak backs that the team have going into the match. With a final word from RUSH and Dralistico, we cut away.

Ricochet vs. Lio Rush

The two men circle the mat before locking up, with Rush fending Ricochet off with an elbow strike. Ricochet goes for another lockup but Rush continues to keep him away before sending him to the corner for a flurry of offense. Ricochet starts fighting back, using the ropes to build speed before hitting a spinning kick that sends Lio to the outside. Rush slides back in only to be hit with an elbow drop by Ricochet for a nearfall.

Ricochet goes back on the attack until Rush rocks him with a right hand, sending Ricochet into the corner before the latter evades an attack. Lio dodges a double stomp, but is sent into the corner himself by Ricochet and looks more than a little rattled. The ref intervenes until Ricochet offers to help Lio to his feet. Rush takes his hand, only to pull him through the ropes to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The action continues at ringside until both men are able to get back in the ring, where Lio Rush gets the upper hand sending Ricochet into the corner to drive his boot into the man’s neck. He sets Ricochet up on the turnbuckle, but the two fight back and forth on the turnbuckle as we come back from break!

The back and forth ends with Rush sending Ricochet onto the top rope, but the latter manages to fight back as he heads into the ring for a flatliner and a standing shooting star press for a nearfall. Rush is back to his feet, hitting a stunner on Ricochet…who fights back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for another nearfall! He seems to be sending a message to Takeshita as he sets up for Vertigo, but Lio rolls him up instead for a nearfall.

He takes Ricochet back down, making the cover before Ricochet kicks out once again. This causes some frustration for Lio, who leaves the ring to grab a chair from ringside…only for Ricochet to hit a baseball slide sending the chair into Rush instead! Ricochet with a big dive onto Rush before bringing him back him, connecting with a Hidden Blade for the win!

Winner: Ricochet via Pinfall.

Backstage: Harley Cameron, Thunder Rosa

Backstage, we hear from uhhh…”Thunder Harley,” who runs down Thunder Rosa before the latter appears to respond. She talks about what the facepaint actually stands for, before challenging Harley to a Dia de Las Muertas Match on Collision. Rosa walks off as we cut to commercial break.

Backstage: Undisputed Kingdom, The Beast Mortos

Backstage, Roderick Strong tries once more to get The Beast Mortos to join up with Undisputed Kingdom with a gift basket of food handed over by Matt Taven. Mike Bennett appears with a Mortos mask, attempting to translate before we cut away.

Anna Jay vs. Viva Van

Anna gets the upper hand early on, wrenching the arm of Van who manages to counter out of it before mounting up for some punches. Jay fights back for a snap suplex, taking Van to the mat before hitting the ropes. Viva gets sent to the corner as Anna hits a swinging neckbreaker for the cover, but Van kicks out.

Jay brings Van to her feet before going back on the attack, only for Viva to respond with a running leg lariat followed by some more mounted punches. Van shows off for the crowd as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Viva stays on the attack, laying into Anna to set up for a double stomp before sending her to the corner…but Jay fights back with a right hand before Van drops her to the mat. Viva is firmly in control as she goes for a cover for a nearfall, quickly countering into a submission hold that is nearly disqualified for her pulling Anna’s hair as we go to a full commercial break. Thanks again, TNT!

Back from break, both women are fighting to their feet with strikes. Anna manages to send Viva down with a dropkick, bringing Van to her feet to send her to the corner for some chops. Iconoclasm from the corner leads to a nearfall. Van fights back from the corner now, dropping Jay before making the cover…but Anna kicks out!

Jay turns Viva around for a backstabber, but can only get a nearfall for her efforts. Viva back up in the corner as Jay charges in, but Van dodges…only to be caught in the corner by Anna Jay! Viva Van fights her off for a springboard cross body, but only gets a nearfall. Anna fights out of a hold from Viva, connecting with a Widow’s Peak for the win!

Winner: Anna Jay via Pinfall.

Video: “The Glamour” Mariah May

We get a word from Mariah May, who insists that Anna Jay will not be able to beat her next week with the Women’s World Championship on the line. Anna talks about how it’s sink or swim, but Mariah will make sure she drowns next week.

Video: Adam Cole, Buddy Matthews

We go to some hype for Fright Night Dynamite, along with a video package hyping Adam Cole’s in-ring return as he faces Buddy Matthews next Wednesday. Up next is our main event as FTR faces LFI in tag team action!

Backstage: Tomohiro Ishii, Kyle O’Reilly

We cut backstage as Kyle O’Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii address Chris Jericho and the Learning Tree after the Ladder War on Dynamite. The word of the day is “honor” which the Learning Tree has none of, before Kyle addresses keeping an eye on the Undisputed Kingdom by saying he’s good with the Conglomeration. With that, we cut away.

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (RUSH & Dralistco)

We start things off with Dax and Dralistico going at each other, with Dax managing to slow things down as he wears Dralistico down. Tag made to Cash Wheeler for a double-team and a nearfall, before Dralistico crawls over for a tag to RUSH. RUSH and Wheeler lock up, the action moving to the corner as RUSH takes control for just a moment.

Things end up in an exchange of strikes between the two, one that RUSH ends by dropping Cash with a big elbow strike. Wheeler back to his feet as he sends RUSH to the corner for some chops followed by a lariat, with Dralistico running in only for FTR to catch their opponents with a set of German suplexes. This ends with LFI managing to roll out of the ring to avoid further punishment…until FTR gives chase, bringing RUSH back into the ring.

Tag made to Dax, but RUSH manages to take control as he sends Harwood into the corner before we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: RUSH continues the attack before tagging in Dralistico, who keeps Harwood away from the corner by wrenching the arm before sending him to the mat. Dralistico stays on top of things as we come back from break…

…only for Dax to break away, before RUSH charges in with a tag to keep Wheeler off the apron! He then sends Dax to the outside, slamming him against the barricade before the action ends up back in the ring. RUSH mocks Harwood with a Tranquilo pose before Dax tries to fight back in the corner, only for RUSH to get back at him before tagging in Dralistico.

Dax takes him down once more before making the tag to Wheeler, who goes after Dralistico and RUSH with a backbreaker on the latter! Wheeler with a nearfall on Dralistico, who tries to use his speed to no avail as Wheeler gets another nearfall in the process.

Cash sets him up on the nearest turnbuckle, but the two start fighting back and forth before Dralistico hits Wheeler with a crucifix bomb off the top rope. Both men slowly get to their feet to make the respective tags, and RUSH and Dax go at each other with strikes. RUSH gets the upper hand and the tag to Dralistico, but Dax escapes the grasp of LFI leading to a cross body by Wheeler! Dralistico sends Cash out of the ring before locking in an armbar on Harwood, with RUSH keeping Wheeler at bay on the outside…only to be sent to the steps as Dax grabs the ropes for a break.

Dax sets Dralistico up on the turnbuckle now, hitting a big superplex that sends both men crashing to the canvas. Dax sets up for a Shatter Machine but only gets half of it as Cash gets pulled out of the ring by RUSH, but this only gets Dralistico a nearfall before he drops Dax again for the same result. Tag to RUSH as the pair attack Harwood, sending him into the corner…but Cash stops RUSH in the corner, only for Dralistico to go after him.

Dax with a springboard powerbomb on Dralistico, but RUSH is the legal man and rolls him up for a nearfall instead! Both men are on their feet with strikes, before Dax drops him for a Sharpshooter…but RUSH fights out of it, sending him to the ropes where Mortos rocks him with a right hand! RUSH gets the cover…but Dax manages to kick out!

Cash makes it into the ring to help his partner, keeping Mortos out of the ring as FTR hit a Shatter Machine for the win!

Winner: FTR via Pinfall.

Mortos stops the celebration, leading to a beatdown by LFI as RUSH hits The Horns on Cash in the corner. This is interrupted by the arrival of The Outrunners, who get a huge pop from the crowd as LFI retreat up the ramp. FTR and Outrunners stand tall in the ring, posing to a big pop from the crowd that LFI responds to with a pose of their own from the stage…and the four men in the ring do their handshake to end things as Collision comes to a close.