AEW Rampage Results – Oct. 25, 2024 – Undisputed Kingdom vs. Gates of Agony vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

October 25, 2024
Salt Lake City, UT – Maverik Center
Commentary – Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard
Results via Joseph Collins of

Quick Match Results

  1. Three-way Tag Team match – Undisputed Kingdom defeated Gates of Agony and Shane Taylor Promotions via Top Rope Elbow Drop (pinfall)
  2. Anna Jay defeated Leila Grey via Gory Bomb (pinfall)
  3. The Beast Mortos defeated BEEF via Destination Hellhole (pinfall)
  4. Ricochet defeated Nick Wayne via Modified Hidden Blade (pinfall)

Three-Way Tag Team Match
Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty) vs. Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Roderick Strong joined the commentary team for the opener. 

Matt Taven and Lee Morairty had a good sequence on the mat to start that was punctuated by a dropkick from Taven. Bishop Kaun got the tag and overpowered both members of the Kingdom.  Kaun floored Taven with a lariat and followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. The Gates of Agony double teamed Taven in their corner. Taven side stepped a charge from Kaun, hit Toa Leona with an enziguri, and got the tag to Bennett. Bennett superkicked Leona into a tag from Shane Taylor, and Taylor took Bennett down with a hanging tree slam for a near fall. Bennett fired back with chops on Taylor, but Taylor floored him with a lariat. Bennett and Moriarty ganged up on Bennett in their corner. 

Taylor and Moriarty worked over Bennett during the split-screen break. Taven got the tag and took out all four of his opponents. Taven hit Moriarty with a Stinger Splash, into a death valley driver from Bennett, and Taven hit a sliding knee strike for a near fall. Bennett floored Taven with a knee strike, and Kaun took Taylor down with a Samoan Drop. Leona gave both Moriarty and Bennett a Samoan Drop at once. Kaun and Leona gave Moriarty a double-team slam, but Taven dove in with an elbow on Moriarty and got a pinfall. 

Winner: Undisputed Kingdom via Pinfall.

Backstage: BEEF, JD Drake

Renee Paquette interviewed Beef about Anthony Henry, and JD Drake showed up to promise to be in his corner tonight. There is some kind of ROH angle (I guess?) between Henry, Drake and Beef but I have no idea about that so this whole thing felt out of place.

Backstage: Undisputed Kingdom, The Beast Mortos

Paquette brought the Undisputed Era and The Beast Mortos together for Strong to try and recruit Mortos for the Undisputed Era.

Anna Jay vs. Leila Grey

Jay started out with some solid stuff on the mat. Grey came back with a sloppy blockbuster and a slight better bulldog. Jay did some okay selling, then reversed Grey’s suplex attempt. They exchanged forearms, and Jay caught Grey with a flying forearm. Jay pulled Grey off the middle ropes with a cross arm slam, hit a shotgun dropkick. Jay hit the Gory bomb for the pinfall. Jay is wrestling with a lot more confidence.

Winner: Anna Jay via Pinfall.

After the match, Deonna Purrazzo and Tyra Valkyrie were shown watching from the back.

Video: Chuck Taylor

A video aired recapping this past Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite show featuring Chuck Taylor’s appearance and speech to Orange Cassidy and Taylor later being taken out by John Moxley’s Blackpool Combat Club group.

The Beast Mortos vs. BEEF

Mortos dropped Beef with a back suplex. Mortos hit a knee strike for a near fall. Beef rolled out of the way of a senton. Both guys fought for a suplex until Mortos dropped  Beef with a headbutt. 

After a commercial break, Beef escaped a back suplex and caught Mortos with a crossbody. Beef took Mortos down with a bulldog for a near fall. Mortos hit a pop up fallaway slam for a near fall. Mortos came off the top with a twisting senton for another near fall. Beef caught Mortos with an enziguri. Beef followed up with a crossbody into the ropes. Beef went to the top for his finish, but Rush tripped him up.  Mortos dropped Beef with a piledriver variation and got the pinfall. 

Winner: The Beast Mortos via Pinfall.

After the match, LFI beat up Beef and choked him with an extension cord. JD Drake watched from the outside. Rush jumped Drake from the outside and choked him out, too. 

Backstage: Harley Cameron

Renee Paquette interviewed Harley Cameron. Cameron was her fantastically charming self, promising that whatever Thunder Rosa can do, she can… also do. 

Video: AEW Fright Night Dynamite Video

Fright Night Dynamite preview.

Ricochet vs. Nick Wayne

Lots of stalling to start. When they finally engaged, Ricochet worked a side headlock for a couple of near falls. Ricochet took Wayne down with a head scissors and a dropkick. Wayne avoided a moonsault off the apron on the floor. A distraction from Mother Wayne allowed Nick to catch Ricochet with a boot. Nick then dumped Ricochet into the crowd. 

After a split-screen break, Ricochet started to mount his comeback. Ricochet hit a gamengiri, then took Wayne down with a twisting tope on the floor. Back in the ring, Ricochet hit a springboard crossbody and a standing shooting star press for a near fall. 

Ricochet went to the top, but Mother Wayne distracted him and Nick Wayne raked his eyes. Ricochet sent Wayne down with a headbutt. Ricochet missed a 450 (landed on his feet), but Wayne caught Ricochet with a stunner for a near fall. Wayne hit a full nelson suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Wayne went for Wayne’s World, but Ricochet blocked it. Ricochet hit a high kick and a deadlift German suplex for a near fall. Ricochet and Wayne exchanged kicks. Ricochet hit a half and half suplex. Ricochet dove into a cutter, and Wayne nailed a double underhook destroyer for a near fall. 

Wayne set Ricochet up again for the Wayne’s World, but Ricochet avoided it and floored Wayne with a knee. Ricochet delivered a Vertigo driver, then finished Wayne off with his own version of the Hidden Blade for the pinfall. That was tremendous. 

Winner: Ricochet via Pinfall.

After the match, Kenosuke Takeshita came out to the entrance stage to taunt Ricochet with his International Title belt.