ROH TV Results – Oct. 17, 2024 – Athena vs. Lady Frost

October 17, 2024
Toledo, Ohio – Huntington Center, Spokane, WA – Spokane Center, and San Jose, CA – SAP Center
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. Spanish Announce Project defeated Ren Jones & Derek Dillinger via La Cruzeta (submission)
  2. Yuka Sakazaki defeated Viva Van via Magic Girl Splash (pinfall)
  3. Nick Wayne defeated Brian Cook via Wayne’s World (pinfall)
  4. MxM Collection defeated Midnight Heat via The Centerfold (pinfall)
  5. AR Fox defeated Jack Cartwheel via 450 Splash (pinfall)
  6. Atlantis Jr. defeated Jon Cruz via Frog Splash (pinfall)
  7. ROH World Television Championship #1 Contender match – Komander defeated Willie Mack via Ropewalk Shooting Star Press (pinfall)
  8. ROH Final Battle 2018 – ROH World Tag Team Championship Ladder War match – The Briscoes defeated The Young Bucks and SolCal Uncensored (c) via grabbing the titles
  9. ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground match – Athena defeated Lady Frost via Crossface (submission)

Video: Joe Koff Memorial Tribute

A memorial graphic was aired at the start of the show paying tribute to former ROH COO Joe Koff.

Video: Mark Briscoe

Little was said to promote tonight’s Episode 86 of Ring of Honor on Honorclub, but that didn’t stop the show from kicking off in style, with a very poetic promo from the ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe! Briscoe survived his match with Christ Jericho at Wrestledream, and as long as Jericho runs down the Briscoe name and family, Mark promises to fight him anytime, anywhere!

Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico) vs. Ren Jones & Derek Dillinger

Dillinger and Jones would be teaming for the first time here (and making their ROH Debut to boot). Angelico and Serpentico have been picking up wins over the likes of The Infantry and the Iron Savages over the summer. They also managed to get Serpentico’s mask back from Maria and her goons, but that was behind them now as they looked to position themselves in a good spot for a shot at the ROH Tag Team Titles, currently held by Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara. 

Dillinger and Jones were definitely beefier than the laid-back SAP, but the agility of Angelico was on full display as he started off against Jones. Angelico practically danced around Jones before locking in an arm lock and tagging in Serpentico for a double stomp from the top rope on said arm. Dillinger tried to get involved, but like so many bulls in so many china shops, he ran right into the SAP’s fluid and cohesive offense.

Dillinger hopped in and spent some time throwing Serpentico around. The luchadore was not prepared for the brawling style of Dillinger and it looked for a few minutes like an upset was imminent. However, Jones and Angelico got involved andSerpentico locked Jones ina grapevine ankle lock and Serpentico got Dillinger in a tandem cobra stretch to draw out a double submission and a win for SAP.

Winner: Spanish Announce Project via Submission.

Backstage: Rachael Ellering, Harley Cameron

Rachael Ellering was interviewed in the back. Ellering promised to step up in ROH, and was interrupted by Harley Cameron. Cameron felt that she and Ellering got off on the wrong foot. The two traded passive aggressive insults for a moment, until Cameron pulled her in for a hug, starting their “friendship” off right.

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Viva Van

Sakazaki, still hurting from a failed attempt to capture the AEW Women’s World Title from Mariah May at Grand Slam in September, was looking to take it out on Van. Van for her part was still looking for her first singles win in ROH, but had her work cut out for her. 

Sakazaki’s entrance music was the real winner as the hardcore J-Pop filled the arena. Whent he match started, Van tried to keep the match pace slow to take away Sakazaki’s sped, but she didn’t count on the agility of the smaller woman, who wormed out of everything thrown at her.

Van went to the top for a springboard attempt, but Sakazaki knocked her from the ropes and stomped around the ring before landing a high knee in the corner. A missile dropkick from the top rope knocked Van senseless, but she managed to kick out at two.

The two played back and forth, trying pinning combinations and wriggling out of them. Van looked pretty impressive against the Joshi star, but in the end Sakazaki hit a Magic Girl Splash from the middle of the top rope and got the pin.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki via Pinfall.

Video: Brian Cage

Footage of the Brian Cage vs Atlantis Jr match from Wrestledream was shown next. Cage ended up the winner of that match and became the new ROH TV Champion! He cut a promo afterwards, saying things are going to change in ROH now that someone of his caliber has the TV Title. He talked a lot about cliffs, and being pushed off them, but it didn’t make much sense. The gist of it was that the “Age of Cage” is upon us!

Nick Wayne vs. Brian Cook

This is only Wayne’s second match in ROH, losing to then-ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata way back in the dark vestiges of 2023. Following along form The Patriarchy was Mother Wayne. Cook for his part had a cup of coffee with AEW last year, but hasn’t been seen much since, spending most of his time in Defy.

Things started off fast though. Cook caught Wayne on his heels and managed to land a series of quick dropkicks that actually busted Wayne’s lip open. Wayne powered back though, using the skills taught to him by Christian Cage of the Patriarchy. Or so they say.

After that, Wayne dominated the match. Single arm DDT’s, dropkicks and not an insignificant amount of mugging for the camera kept Cook on the mat for the most part. He got a few quick rollup attempts in, and a really cool twisting DDT, but in the end, Wayne hit a jumping cutter and put Cook down for good to get the win.

Winner: Nick Wayne via Pinfall.

MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor) vs. Midnight Heat (Eddie Pearl & Rick Gibson)

So, Midnight Heat. Disturbing name, pretty good cred on the indies. Their last match around these parts was on a springtime episode of Dynamite where they lost to the Dark Order. MxM Collection came out of the gate on a hot streak (they even competed for the INTERGALACTIC Tag Team Championships in Hoodslam Wrestling!) but seem to have cooled a little after traveling the Dynamite/Collision/ROH highway. 

To begin, “Tips of honor” were touched and poses were, uh, posed. Mansoor started off against Gibson, who despite my hope every time I saw or heard his name, was NOT 60 years old like another Gibson. As far as the match goes though, Gibson held his own against Mansoor. Pearl tagged in, but that just brought in Madden, who towered over him. At one point, he picked up Pearl with one arm for a leg drop slam.

MxM had this thing in the bag from the start. It was really just a series of poses and comedy bits with a little bit of wresting in between. This does not in any way mean it was a bad match, but it was a predictable one. MxM controlled everything and a sit out choke slam from Madden set up Pearl for the Centerfold and a pin.

Winner: MxM Collection via Pinfall.

Jack Cartwheel vs. AR Fox

Hometown hero Cartwheel came down to the ring doing round outs. No, he was doing cartwheels! And in Dusty Rhodes’ old coat no less! Fox was a little more subdued (for Fox) as he used this as a warmup for an upcoming match with Ricochet coming up on Collision.

The two locked up and Cartwheel looked absolutely ripped. He was about 6 inches shorter that Fox, but all muscle. Couple that with his speed and Cartwheel had Fox backtracking. Fox, looking pretty good himself, tried more of a brawler approach, but Cartwheel was able to work around that until Fox hit him on the outside with a massive dive.

Fox tried a rolling senton on the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring!) but Cartwheel avoided it, causing Fox to land right on his back. He was ok though, as evidenced by the jumping neckbreaker he delivered to Cartwheel moments later.

The two hammered on each other in a relatively even affair until Fox went to the top rope for… something, and Cartwheel sent him to the mat. Fox jumped up for a 450 splash and managed to keep Cartwheel on the ground long enough to get the pin.

Winner: AR Fox via Pinfall.

Jon Cruz vs. Atlantis Jr.

Cruz was pretty excited to see his name up on the big screen as he entered. Atlantis Jr, fresh off losing the ROH TV Title to Brian Cage, was a little more subdued, but still carried that Luchadore flair. He had the size advantage on Cruz, but Cruz has the veteran reps to surprise.

Atlanis struck first, catching Cruz with a big kick and spinning backbreaker. Atlantis set up Cruz in the corner and tried to feed him kicks, but Cruz squirmed out and began pounding on Atlantis, counting blows in Spanish. He then bit Atlantis on the mask for some reason.

Cruz got a little cocky, trying out a standing cover, but Atlantis wasn’t going down like that. Atlantis hit a pop up cutter followed by a big frog splash and got the win.

Winner: Atlantis Jr. via Pinfall.

ROH World Television Championship #1 Contender Match
Willie Mack vs. Komander

Mack is calling himself “The Chocolate Juggalo” these days and that’s… well, that’s something. Komander brought along his hype man and the two set up for what promised to be a really fun clash of styles. Mack, a notorious brawler against the luchadore stylings of Komander. Also, the winner of the match will get a future ROH TV Title shot!

Mack appeared to be twice the size of Komander, but had trouble keeping up with him. When the two did connect, Komander definitely got the bummer end of it, being hit so hard he flipped over. A couple of times.

Speed wasn’t an issue though, as Mack is unearthly fast and agile for a man of his size. Komander didn’t have much to fight back with, but he was able to take a lot of what Mack was dishing out to keep the match going. Right up until the nipple twists. Mack twisted Komander’s nipples and it was as awkward as it sounds.

Komander got a bunch of offense in on Mack, inculding a big dive over the ropes to the outside. He tossed Mack back in the ring and ran the ropes for a shooting star press to get the victory over the bigger man and become the new #1 Contender for the ROH TV Title.

Winner: Komander via Pinfall.

Video: Chris Jericho, Mark Briscoe

Chris Jericho cut a promo next, claiming that Mark Briscoe cheated to win their match at Wrestledream. He wants a rematch and to become the 2-time ROH Champion, just like Jay Briscoe. They cut to Mark right away, and he accepted the rematch, but it will be a more violent affair next week on Dynamite when Jericho and Briscoe have a LADDER WAR for the ROH Championship!

ROH Final Battle 2018
ROH World Tag Team Championship Ladder War Match
The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. SoCal Uncensored (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) (c)

Speaking of Ladder War, how about a classic one featuring the Briscoes and current AEW EVP’s Matthew and Nicholas Jackson, as well as then ROH Tag Champs Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian. There was a lot to love about this match, but honestly it was just a joy reliving Jay and Mark Briscoe doing the tag team work they did so well. Their opponents couldn’t be better, but it was seeing Jay do his thing that was really exciting. He is really, really missed.

As with most of the classic matches, I won’t get into who won what, but this was a wild and violent match. At times it was impossible to know who was winning as bodies were flying everywhere. Chairs, tables and of course, ladders, were used as weapons by anyone and everyone. The Briscoes had a bit of advantage in that they were used to hardcore, violent matches at this point. But the Young Bucks and SoCal Uncensored hung in there, giving as good as they got.

Winner: The Briscoes to become the new ROH World Tag Team Champions.

To get ready for the Briscoe/Jericho Ladder War coming up on Dynamite, this was an excellent taste of what it could look like. I highly suggest checking it out on Honorclub or elsewhere.

ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match
Lady Frost vs. Athena

Lady Frost has been having a rough time in ROH lately. She’s lost an ROH Women’s World TV Title Proving Ground match, been eliminated from the AEW Women’s World Title, uh, Eliminator tournament and now she has to face a very cranky Athena. For her part, Athena has been stressed out lately by what she sees as a failing Minion in Billie Starkz, and being stalked by Abadon. If Frost could last ten minutes or pin the champion, she’d be guaranteed a future title shot.

Athena arrived still chained to Lexy Nair, with no Billie Starkz in sight. Last week, Athena chained herself to Nair to avoid Abadon. I don’t know exactly how this was supposed to work, but go with it. For the match, she unchained herself and for some reason locked Lexy to the ringpost? The only thing I could think of was Athena was setting Lexy up to be bait for Abadon, not unlike Wyle E. Coyote attempting to trap the Roadrunner.

With all that out of the way, the match started and the two women tangled up and wrestled from post to post. Athena ended up with the better of it, but Frost responded with a hurricanrana off the ropes. Anything Athena threw at Frost, she had an answer for, but Athena only needed to keep the match going until the 10 minute time limit to win.

Frost was nearly counted out after some interference from Lexy on the outside. That gave Athena the momentum, but the champion was clearly distracted by the thought of Abadon lurking nearby. It caused her to miss a senton and give Frost an opening. She went high, but Athena countered.

Athena manged to land a big slam from the top rope and lock in her crossface submission. Frost tried to fight out of it, but Athena only wrenched down harder, causing Frost to tap out.

Winner: Athena via Submission.

Athena re-cuffed herself to Lexy and started beating up Frost. Suddenly, Abadon’s music hit and Athena a Lexy turned tail and rand as fast as they could to the exit as the show came to a close.