WWE NXT Results – Oct. 15, 2024 – Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page

October 15, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T
Results via Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com

Quick Match Results

  1. Stephanie Vaquer defeated Wren Sinclair via Package Backbreaker (pinfall)
  2. Gentlemen’s Duel match – Lexis King defeated Oro Mensah via Euro Clutch (pinfall)
  3. Nikkita Lyons defeated Lola Vice via Vader Bomb (pinfall)
  4. Ridge Holland defeated Riley Osborne via The Redeemer (pinfall)
  5. Brooks Jensen defeated Ashante “Thee” Adonis via Top Rope Assisted Hanging DDT (pinfall)
  6. NXT Championship #1 Contender Triple Threat match – “All Ego” Ethan Page defeated Wes Lee and Je’Von Evans via Roll-up (pinfall)

Video: Last Week’s Show Recap Video

Your announcers are Booker T and Vic Joseph.

Booker and Vic are at the entrance by the wheel.

There is TABLE in the ring with a bottle of wine.

We take a look at last week’s show.

In-Ring: Tony D’Angelo, D’Angelo Family, Oba Femi

Tony D’Angelo is in the ring and he says he wanted to have a big celebration as the new champion and he wanted to celebrate with his family because without them, he wouldn’t be here today.  He makes a toast to Oba Femi.  He was the longest reinging champion in NXT History.  He says Oba is a machine but Tony says he had to win by any means necessary.  He used Pride to beat Oba.  He says he made Oba think he broke him but Tony says he had him where he wanted him and he beat him.  

Tony says part of him wants to think this is over but he knows they are far from over.  He toasts Oba and . . . 

Oba Femi’s music plays (as is tradition).

Channing, Luca, and Rizzo are in the ring with Tony as Oba enters.

Oba says he cannot lie.  He says Tony got him.  He congratulates Tony.  He says it happened once, but it won’t be happening again.  At Halloween Havoc, he will regain his championship and he will be the ruler of NXT.

Oba leaves the ring, but he tells Tony that his family will not be by his side to help him.

Oba spins the wheel and it lands on Tables, Ladders, and Scares.

Backstage: Oro Mensah, Lexis King

Oro Mensah is with Byron Saxton and he asks about the Gentlemen’s Duel Match.  

Oro wants to know why Lexis is lying about not being his father’s son.

Lexis says that to make his father proud, that would mean he would have cheated but Oro did that.  He wishes Oro good luck.

Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair

They lock up and Wren with a hammer lock.  Vaquer with a wrist lock but Wren with a single leg take down and a side head lock.  Vaquer with a head scissors and a rollup and Backlund Bridge for a near fall.  Wren gets a near fall.  Vaquer with a leg sweep and cover for a near fall.  Vaquer with a take down and she has Wren tied up.  Wren with Cattle Mutilation and she spins around and then turns it into a Fujiwara arm bar.  Wren with an arm bar into a wrist lock.  Vaquer with a rollup for a near fall.  Wren misses a clothesline and Vaquer with a kick to the midsection. 

We see Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez standing in front of MONITOR in ROOM and they LEAVE.

Vaquer with a face wash.  Wren goes for a sunset flip but Vaquer does not go over and she rakes the eyes and hits a leg drop.  Vaquer with a head scissors and she drives Wren’s head into the mat.  Vaquer gets a near fall.  Wren with a chop and Vaquer with a forearm.  They go back and forth.  Wre with a forearm and a take down.  Wren floats over into a butterfly suplex.  Wren puts Vaquer in the corner and connects with a clothesline.  Wren misses a splash and Vaquer with a dragon screw and a running double knee strike.  Vaquer with a package back breaker for the three count.

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer via Pinfall.

After the match, Perez and Jade attack Vaquer but Giulia’s music plays and she goes after Perez and Jade.  Giulia with a double drop kick.  Giulia and Vaquer kick Jade and Perez to the floor.

Vaquer challenges them to a tag match at Halloween Havoc.

Backstage: Trick Williams, Kelani Jordan, Fatal Influence

Trick Williams and Kelani Jordan walk in WAREHOUSE and Jordan asks Trick about his opponent for Halloween Havoc.  Trick says either way, it will end up better than the last time.  Jordan says the way the women’s division is going, it could be anyone so she says she will let Ava pick her opponent.

Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, and Jazymn Nyx walk into the room after Jordan and Trick leave and they say they better pay Ava a visit.

Backstage: Karmen Petrovic, Brinley Reece, Ashante “Thee” Adonis, Shawn Spears, Brooks Jensen, Mr. Stone

Brinley and Karmen are in LOUNGE and Ashante Thee Adonis shows up and he apologizes to them.

Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen show up and Shawn tells Adonis to talk to the women with respsect.

Brooks takes the rose and bites it.

Robert Stone stands between them ad he sends them to Ava’s office.

Gentlemen’s Duel Match
Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah

King with a waist lock and Oro with a side head lock take down.  King with a head scissors and Oro escapes.  King with a side head lock and take down.  Oro with a head scissors and King escapes.  They lock up and go around the ring.  Oro with a clean break and a waist lock.  King with a wrist lock.  Oro with a kick.

We see a tweet from Tavion Heights about the match.

Oro goes for a boot to the head but King moves into a no contact position.  King with a rollup for a near fall.  King goes back to all fours to stop Mensha.  Oro with an enzuigiri.  King with arm drags.  Oro with a rollup and bridge for a near fall.  Oro with a monkey flip and an Irish whip.  King goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall.  Oro with a punch and King misse a punch.  Oro goes for a springboard move and he almost pushes Oro over the top rope but King pulls him back in to avoid a loss.  King hurdles Oro and both men with cross body presses and both go down.

We are back and King goes up top and hits a swanton for a near fall.  King with a knee to the midsection and Oro blocks a second one.  Oro with a back body drop and a leg sweep.  Oro with chops.  Oro with a head scissors and a power slam for a near fall.  Oro misses a short arm clothesline and King with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. 

Lola Vice is in LOCKER ROOM preparing for her match.

King with chops and Oro with an uppercut.  They go back and forth with European uppercuts and chops.  Oro with a rolling kick.  King goes to the apron and King with a shoulder and he goes up top.  Oro kicks King off the turnbuckles.  Oro goes to the apron and hits a springboard side kick for a near fall.  King with a super kick and he sets for the running knee but Oro with a clothesline.  Oro sets for a spinning heel kick into the corner but King moves.  Oro avoids Coronation and he gets a near fall with an inside cradle.  King with a rollup for a near fall.  Oro with a rollup.  King with a rollup and Backlund Bridge for the three count.

Winner: Lexis King via Pinfall.

After the match, King offers his hand and Oro shakes it.  King raises Oro’s hand.

Backstage: Cedric Alexander, Je’Von Evans, Axiom, & Nathan Frazer, Wes Lee

Evans and Alexander are in WAREHOUSE and Evans talks about his match tonight.  

Axiom and Frazer show up and he tells Evans how much they liked his match against Orton.  Alexander mentions what they did a few weeks ago.

Wes Lee shows up and says that Evans might be in this match but he isn’t ready for a title match.

Evans says that Wes has been a bit salty since his friends left him.

They go back and forth about the NXT title and how many titles they have won before.

Video: Meta-Four, Damage CTRL

We are back with a look at what happened ‘last night’ on Raw with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend.

Kairi Sane and Iyo Sky challenged Lash and Jakara.

Lash they have been very successful on all levels.  Lash says they are going to swat you out of the sky.  Jakara says they are going to take care of them next week.  Lash says they will beat them and then go after Jade and Bianca.

Video: Nikkita Lyons

We have a video package for Nikkita Lyons.

Lola Vice vs. Nikkita Lyons

Lyons mises a few round kicks as the match starts.  Lyons sends Lola to the mat.  Lola sends Lyons to the mat with a kick and she shakes her hips.  Lola with a side head lock.but Lyons with a shoulder tackle and she gesticulates.  Lyons with a top wrist lock.  Lola with kicks as Lyons comes off the ropes.  Lyons anticipates a third one and she slams Lola a few times.  Lyons with an Irish whip and shoulders in the corner.  Lyons with a back drop and she misses a shoulder in the corner and hits the ring post.  Lola with a rear naked choke as she gets on Lyons’ back.  Lyons gets to her knees but she gets back to her feet and tries to get out of the hold by backing Lola into the corner but Lola holds on.  Lyons with a side slam to escape and she gets a near fall.  

Lyons with kicks but Lola with a take down and forearms.  Lyons with forearms and Lola goes for a cross arm breaker.  Lyons wtih forearms and punches to Lola.  Lyons with a clothesline but Lola with spinning round kicks.  Lola misses a spinning round kick but Lola escapes and hits Speedball kicks.  Lola sets for the Shakira hip and connects.  Lola with an axe kick.

Jaida Parker comes out and gets on the apron and distracts Lola.  Lola knocks Jaida off the apron.  Lyons with a spinning heel kick and Lola goes to the floor.  Jaida with a running hip to Lola and Lola is sent into the ring for Lyons to hit a Vader Bomb and get the three count.

Winner: Nikkita Lyons via Pinfall.

Backstage: Ava, Stephanie Vaquer, Giulia, Fatal Influence

Ava congratulates Stephanie on her victory and she likes the idea for the match.

Jacy, Fallon, and Jazmyn say that since they can get a match why can’t they.  

Ava says that they have a reason for their match.

Ava says if they want a North American title match, two of them have to face Vaquer and Giulia.

They accept the match.

Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland

Riley attacks Ridge before the bell rings and he hits a plancha.

The referee starts the match and Riley with a drop kick and shoulder tackle.  Riley with a twisting cannonball off the turnbuckles and a shooting star press for a near fall.  Riley avoids a few clotheslines but Ridge with a side slam and punches.  Ridge sends Riley into the turnbuckles and hits a clothesline.  Ridge drives Riley into the apron and he connects with a running knee.  Ridge breaks the referee’s count and he puts Riley on the announce table.  Riley rakes the eyes and he hits a DDT off the announce table on the floor.  Riley goes up top and Ridge stops him.  Ridge punches Riley on the turnbuckles and Riley punches back.  Riley almost falls tot he floor but Ridge pulls him back p.  Ridge with a super exploder.  Ridge with a power bomb.

Ridge with a knee to the midsection and Redeemer for the three count.

Winner: Ridge Holland via Pinfall.

After the match, Ridge attacks Riley and he sends Riley to the floor.  Ridge goes after Riley on the floor and Ridge adjusts the announce table.  

Thea screams for Ridge to stop but Ridge does not stop.  

Ridge goes for Redeemer on the announce table, but . . . 

Chase U music plays and Ridge stops to confront Andre Chase in the ring.  Chase clotheslines Ridge over the top rope.

Thea hugs Andre.

Backstage: Tatum Paxley, OTM

We take a look at what happened last week between Tatum Paxley and Wendy Choo.

Byron stops by Tatum’s playhouse and he asks about what she did to Wendy Choo.

Tatum says she never forgets.  She asks if Wendy forgot acting like her friend.  Tatum says she didn’t forget that.

Jaida Parker takes Byron and she is with Bronco and Lucien.

Tatum yells at Jaida for interrupting her time.

Jaida says she knows Tatum can take care of Wendy Choo but she doesn’t play with anyone.

Ashante “Thee” Adonis vs. Brooks Jensen

They lock up and Brooks backs Adonis into the corner.  Brooks has some words with the referee and Adonis punches Brooks.  Brooks with an Irish whip but Adonis with a clothesline out of the corner.  Adonis with another clothesline and he gets a near fall.  Brooks with a hot shot to Adonis and he kicks Adonis.  Brooks with punches and an elbow to the top of the head.  Adonis rakes the eyes and he punches Brooks in the corner.  Brooks with a double thrust to stop Adonis.  Brooks with an elbow tot he top of the head for a near fall.

Brooks with a rear chin lock.  

We see Ethan Page in LOCKER ROOM (possibly wondering when Oba has his Triple Threat match to face Tony D’Angelo again).

Brooks with a knee to the head.  Brooks goes over the top rope when Adonis drops down and Adonis follows with a drop kick through the ropes.  Brooks with a double thrust to the throat but Adonis drops Brooks on the middle rope and Adonis with a drop kick.

Karmen Petrovic shows up at ringside and pours some rose petals on the apron as she backs away.

Adonis stops Brooks from attacking him from behind and Adonis with punches and a hesitation kick in the corner.  Adonis goes up top and Brooks hits the ropes to crotch Adonis when Stone distracts him.  Brooks with a hanging DDT for the three count.

Winner: Brooks Jensen via Pinfall.

After the match, Adonis stares at Karmen and Karmen stares back.

Video: DELTA

A new video teasing DELTA’s upcoming NXT debut aired.

Backstage: Lexis King, No Quarter Catch Crew, D’Angelo Family

Lexis thanks Charlie for the help and then he suggests he is ready for a rounds match.

Lexis sees Tony and friends and he has some words for Tony.

Channing, Rizzo, and Luca talk about Oba and the match at Halloween Havoc.  Luca asks for a match against Oba next week.

NXT Championship #1 Contender Triple Threat Match
Je’Von Evans vs. Wes Lee vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page

Evans with a super kick to Lee and Page punches Evans a few times.  Evans with a springboard rollup and Wes with a rollup on Evans.  Evans with a sunset flip on Page after Page tries to blocks it.  Evans gets a near fall.  Wes with a punch to Page.  Evans sends Wes to the apron.  Evans with a slingshot arm drag to Page followed by a drop kick.  Wes with a springboard drop kick to Evans.  Wes kicks Evans and Page seds Wes to the apron.  Page with a fallaway slam on Evans into Wes to knock him off the apron into the ringside barrier.  Page with a running boot for a near fall.  Page goes for Ego’s Edge bt Evans escapes.  Evans with a springboard Shiranui but Wes with a slingshot senton to break up the cover.  Wes gets a near fall on Evans.  Wes punches Evans.

Evans with a forearm and punch to Wes.  Evans with a forearm and Wes with a punch and kick.  Page watches as Evans blocksa  kick.  Evans sends Wes’ foot into Page and then Wes sends Evans’ boot into Page and Page goes to the floor.  Evans with a jumping punch and Wes with a punch.  Page trips Evans and Wes with a drop kick through the ropes to Page.  Wes goes for a tornado DDT off the announce table but Page blocks it and he sends Wes into the apron and over the announce table.  Evans with a plancha onto Page.

We are back and Evans Irish whips Page into Wes.  Wes and Evans go face to face and they exchange punches.  Both men with clotheslines at the same time.  Page kicks Wes and then he kicks Evans.  Page slams Evans onto Wes and then he drops Wes onto Evans with a gourdbuster.  Page sends Wes shoulder first into the ring post.  Page with punches to Evans.  Page pulls Evans up and hits a power slam for a near fall.  Wes punches Page.  Wes punches Evans and Wes with an uppercut to Page.  Evans with a punch and Wes with a kick and a tornado DDT.  Wes with a shooting star press on Page for a near fall.  

Wes punches Evans and Evans punches back.  Wes with a kick and Evas with a punch.  Page with a forearm to Evans.  All three men with round kicks at the same time and all three go down.  Wes with a rolling shotei to stop Page on the turnbuckles.  Page pushes Wes off the turnbuckles.  Evans with Spanish Fly to Page and a spinning round kick to Wes for a near fall.  Evans is pushed into Wes by Page and Page with a round kick to Evans.  Page goes for Ego’s Edge on Evans but Evans with a ana.  Evans with a springboard cutter on Wes for a near fall.  Evans goes up top but Page crotches Evans and sets for Ego’s Edge but Wes with a thrust kick to the midsection.  Wes goes for a superplex but Page with a power bomb to Wes but Evans lands on his feet.  Evans with a super kick to Page and Evans with a twisting triple jump splash but Page gets back into the ring and gets the three count on Evans.

Winner: “All Ego” Ethan Page via Pinfall.

After the match, Page says he is not going anywhere.  He says if there is air in his lungs, he is coming for his championship.  He tells Trick to come out so they can spin the wheel.

Trick spins the wheel and it lands on Devil’s Playground Match.

Page hits Trick with a stage light.

Page kneels over Trick holding the title belt.