AEW Wrestle Dream 2024 Results – Oct. 12, 2024 – Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley

September 14, 2024
Tacoma, WA – Tacoma Dome
Commentary – Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness, and Jim Ross
Results via Ryan Howard via

Quick Match Results

  1. Zero Hour Pre-show: ROH World Television Championship – Brain Cage defeated Atlantis Jr. (c) via Drill Claw (pinfall)
  2. Zero Hour Pre-show: Anna Jay defeated Harley Cameron via Gory Bomb (pinfall)
  3. Zero Hour Pre-show: The Acclaimed defeated MxM Collection via Mic Drop (pinfall)
  4. Zero Hour Pre-show: Eight-Man Tag Team match – The Outrunners & The Conglomeration defeated The Premier Athletes & The Dark Order via Total Recall (pinfall)
  5. Jay White defeated Hangman Adam Page via Bladerunner (pinfall)
  6. AEW Women’s World Championship – “The Glamour” Mariah May (c) defeated Willow Nightingale via Storm Zero (pinfall)
  7. TNT Championship – Jack Perry (c) defeated Katsuyori Shibata via Pinfall
  8. AEW International Championship Three-way match – Konosuke Takeshita defeated Ricochet and Will Ospreay (c) via Power Drive Knee (pinfall)
  9. Best 2-out-of-3 Falls match – Hologram defeated The Beast Mortos via 2 Falls to 1 Fall
  10. Darby Allin defeated Brody King via Coffin Drop (pinfall)
  11. AEW World Tag Team Championship – The Young Bucks (c) defeated Private Party via TK Driver (pinfall)
  12. ROH World Championship – Mark Briscoe (c) defeated Chris Jericho via Jay Driller (pinfall)
  13. AEW World Championship – Jonx Moxley defeated Bryan Daneilson (c) via Bulldog Choke (submission)

ROH World Television Championship
Brian Cage vs. Atlantis Jr. (c)

Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone on the call, as the Code of Honor is adhered to, with Cage using his power to his advantage in the early going, connecting with a spinebuster. After a back drop driver got two, Atlantis utilized his speed with a second rope hurricanrana and tilt-a-whirl head scissors. High cross body off the top, as Cage rolled outside, allowing Atlantis to hit a Tope and somersault dive. Back inside, Atlantis connects with a snap powerslam for a near fall, but took too long to go up top, allowing Cage to hit his deadweight suplex from the apron into the ring for two.

Atlantis floated over a Drill Claw into a snap low DDT, but Cage battled back with a spinning sit-out pumphandle for a near fall. Cage tried corner strikes, but had his legs kicked out, allowing Atlantis to hit a Torture Rack sit-out slam for two of his own. Atlantis up top and connected on a Frog Splash, as he placed Cage up in the corner, wanted a hurricanrana, only for Cage to counter into an Avalanche Liger Bomb. This set up Cage a Drill Claw attempt, but Atlantis rolled through for a near fall. Cage popped up, hit a discus lariat and hit the Drill Claw for the win and the title.

Winner: Brian Cage via Pinfall to become the new ROH World Television Champion.

Backstage: MxM Collection, Rico

Alicia Atout is backstage with MxM Collection and asks about their guest tonight. Mansoor said he’s anything but ugly, he will make sure they take The Acclaimed’s spot and end scissoring forever. Mansoor asks how they look and Rico (yes, that Rico) slides into the shot and said they look so good to him.

Harley Cameron vs. Anna Jay

Dueling chants from the crowd, as both traded strikes until a hip check by Jay sent Cameron to the corner. Cameron bit at the hands of Jay in the corner and hit a cross body before missing an axe kick in the ropes, allowing Jay to get a Queen Slayer and snap dropkick to the outside. Snap suplex followed, as Jay bent Cameron in half using the post, but Cameron used her legs to pull Jay into the steel. Back inside, Cameron controlled the action until a jawbreaker and dangerous Jay kick in the corner put Jay back in the driver’s seat.

Somersault neckbreaker gave Jay a near fall, as Cameron battled back with a series of kicks, including a Shining Wizard for two. Both ladies trade pin attempts until a cross chop from Cameron led to Sole Food, but Cameron didn’t get enough of it. Cameron took too long in the corner, allowing Jay to hit a brutal Gory Bomb to get the win.

Winner: Anna Jay via Pinfall.

MxM Collection (Mason Madden & Mansoor) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)

McGuinness informs us Rico has been spending his time off in Italy since we last saw him, what, 20 years ago? Billy Gunn asked if Rico, the guy who almost roped him into marrying another guy, is payback for ruining MxM’s fashion show? Fast start from Bowens & Mansoor, who got an early takedown and pose for the crowd. Caster & Madden in, with Madden using his size to toss Caster around, hitting a pose himself. The delay allowed Caster to hit a shoulder tackle and Manhattan Drop for Mansoor, who ate corner strikes. Rico tripped up Caster and hit a spin kick outside before being chased off by Gunn. Caster was isolated and double teamed, as MxM posed for the crowd, in which McGuinness said was more than the tip. Schiavone tells us he really misses Taz.

Caster tried to mount a comeback, but again, Rico interjected. Caster finally was able to dodge a charging Mansoor, as Bowens made the hot tag and ran wild with multiple Fame-Assers. Thrust kick caught Mansoor flush for two, as he fought off The Arrival with an enzugiri. Bowens answered with a rolling elbow, tried another Fame-Asser, but was caught with scissors kick into a sit-out powerbomb for a nice near fall. Bowens kept fighting back, as Caster made a blind tag, tried a Mic Drop, but leapt into Madden’s clutches and a chokeslam/German suplex combo got a close two.

MxM opted to touch tips instead of following up, as they went for Scissor Me Timbers, but The Acclaimed reversed and Bowens darted Mansoor onto his partner. They hit a proper Scissor Me Timbers on Mansoor, as Madden swept Caster outside and hit a head butt. Mansoor & Madden sent outside, as Bowens hit a dive off the top onto both. Rico tried pulling Mansoor back into the ring, but Billy Gunn showed up from behind. Gunn blocked a spin kick and hit a Fame-Asser, as Mansoor was dropped with The Arrival, with Caster hitting a Mic Drop for the win.

Winner: The Acclaimed via Pinfall.

Backstage: Mercedes Mone, Kamille, Queen Aminata

Mercedes Mone is shown arriving to the arena with Kamille and demands from a backstage hand talking to Queen Aminata where her locker room and water is? Aminata interrupts and said she doesn’t care what Mone has done in this business, there’s no need to be that rude. Mone mocks Aminata and told her to get out of her face, as she & Kamille storm off.

On-Stage: Antonio Inoki Tribute

Tony Schiavone is on stage and brings up WrestleDream being about the memory of Antonio Inoki as he brings out Tony Khan, along with Inoki’s grandsons, Hirota & Naoto Antonio as they lead the crowd in an Inoki chant.

Eight-Man Tag Team Match
The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) & The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly) vs. The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese) & The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

Cheap shot by Nese on Magnum, who quickly responded with a head scissors and spin for the crowd. Nese retreated, as O’Reilly & Reynolds were in to trade submission attempts. Blind tag by Cassidy, as we get quick double teaming from The Conglomeration until Silver tried to make the save and suffered the same fate. Floyd, Magnum & O’Reilly all fired off 10 corner bunches, with the cherry on top being Cassidy’s one punch. Cassidy was tripped up by Uno ringside, allowing Woods to fire off a right hand, as all of The Premier Athletes pounced. Cassidy was isolated until he fought his way free after a round the World DDT on Nese. Magnum & Floyd got the crowd going, as they went wild when Floyd made the hot tag and ran wild.

Magnum & Floyd bodyslammed one another onto Nese & Daivari before doing the Predator handshake double elbow drop. The match broke down outside, as Romero was taken out by Uno, as Nese & Silver hit a double team attack on Floyd, as Daivari flew in with a Frog Splash for two. O’Reilly cleaned house on the Dark Order boys, as Daivari spiked him with a DDT. Floyd started hulking up on Daivari, as Cassidy made a blind tag and Orange Punch, but Sterling put Daivari’s foot on the ropes.

The Outrunners chased Sterling into the ring and he suffered a high/low from Cassidy & O’Reilly, with Woods being taken out as well. Cassidy wiped out Dark Order & Nese with a dive, as Magnum & Floyd hit their neck breaker/powerslam finisher on Daivari to get the win.

Winner: The Ourunners & The Conglomeration via Pinfall.

Backstage: Kazuchika Okada, Kyle O’Reilly, Christopher Daniels

Renee Paquette is backstage with a now medically cleared Kazuchika Okada and asks what brings him to Tacoma, as he doesn’t have a match tonight. Okada said he’s here to support The Elite, as Kyle O’Reilly walked in and asks for a match. Okada said he’ll think about it, hell no, bitch. O’Reilly gets it, next time he’ll try a different approach and punched Okada in the face. Security intervened with Christopher Daniels and ejected both Okada & O’Reilly from the arena.

Jay White vs. Hangman Adam Page

White slapped Page in the face multiple times as dueling “F You Cowboy/Cowboy Sh*t” chants ring out from the crowd, with Page stomping White in the corner. White answered by going after the right leg and keeping Page grounded. Slingshot throat first under the bottom rope, as White took the fight outside with a flapjack on the apron. Page was able to respond with a springboard lariat, as he pounced on White before hitting a fall away slam in the corner. Spinning sleeper from Page got a near fall, as Page continued to control the action, until White side stepped a Buckshot, as he flipped Page off. He suckered Page to the corner where he kicked out the leg and hit an underhook suplex. Series of reversals led to White spiking Page with a DDT for two. Page flipped out of a suplex, but landed awkwardly on his leg, allowing White to hit a Flatliner for a near fall. White wanted a superplex, but Page dug at the eyes, only for White to chop and trap Page in the ropes, giving White free range to go after the eyes in return. White opted to play to the crowd, allowing Page enough time to hit a DVD on the apron. White refused to fall back into position for a Buckshot, so Page forearmed his head off. White took the shot to allow himself to hit a dragon screw through the ropes, but Page answered with an apron bomb and follow-up powerbomb onto the steps. Ref Paul Turner ordered Page back to the ring, but he was ignored, with Page taking his belt off, as White spat at him and suckered him into a knee breaker on the edge of the ramp. White actually refused to take the count out and went back after Page on the outside. Back inside, White lit up Page with jabs and chops until both threw super hard lariats with White ultimately hitting a Uranage for two. Page tried to hold onto Turner and get a low blow kick, but White side stepped and hit a half and half suplex. White wanted Blade Runner, but Page countered into Dead Eye, but couldn’t follow up due to the bad knee. Page tried a Buckshot but flew right into a Blade Runner to give White the win.

White slapped Page in the face multiple times as dueling “F You Cowboy/Cowboy Sh*t” chants ring out from the crowd, with Page stomping White in the corner. White answered by going after the right leg and keeping Page grounded. Slingshot throat first under the bottom rope, as White took the fight outside with a flapjack on the apron. Page was able to respond with a springboard lariat, as he pounced on White before hitting a fall away slam in the corner. Spinning sleeper from Page got a near fall, as Page continued to control the action, until White side stepped a Buckshot, as he flipped Page off. He suckered Page to the corner where he kicked out the leg and hit an underhook suplex. Series of reversals led to White spiking Page with a DDT for two.

Page flipped out of a suplex, but landed awkwardly on his leg, allowing White to hit a Flatliner for a near fall. White wanted a superplex, but Page dug at the eyes, only for White to chop and trap Page in the ropes, giving White free range to go after the eyes in return. White opted to play to the crowd, allowing Page enough time to hit a DVD on the apron. White refused to fall back into position for a Buckshot, so Page forearmed his head off. White took the shot to allow himself to hit a dragon screw through the ropes, but Page answered with an apron bomb and follow-up powerbomb onto the steps. Ref Paul Turner ordered Page back to the ring, but he was ignored, with Page taking his belt off, as White spat at him and suckered him into a knee breaker on the edge of the ramp. White actually refused to take the count out and went back after Page on the outside.

Back inside, White lit up Page with jabs and chops until both threw super hard lariats with White ultimately hitting a Uranage for two. Page tried to hold onto Turner and get a low blow kick, but White side stepped and hit a half and half suplex. White wanted Blade Runner, but Page countered into Dead Eye, but couldn’t follow up due to the bad knee. Page tried a Buckshot but flew right into a Blade Runner to give White the win.

Winner: Jay White via Pinfall.

AEW Women’s World Championship
Willow Nightingale vs. “The Glamour” Mariah May (c)

Nigel McGuinness is smitten by May on commentary, as Schiavone agrees, but called May a nasty lady. Nightingale used the power to her advantage to start, as May met a cartwheeling Nightingale with a shotgun dropkick to the ropes. May forced a smile from Nightingale, who responded with a massive Pounce before sending May crashing from pilar to post. May swept the legs out of Nightingale in the corner, as May unleashed punches in bunches. Another snap dropkick for a near fall, as May kept Nightingale grounded, attempting a kiss of death, but Nightingale answered by biting May. Nightingale put on the brakes and slammed May down repeatedly until a combo ended with a spinebuster for two.

May fought off the Doctor Bomb, as she countered into a release German suplex. She wanted Storm Zero, but Nightingale pulled out the legs and got almost an Indian Death Lock. Both traded slaps until Nightingale slammed May repeatedly into her own leg, which popped the crowd. Nightingale hit the corner cannonball, went up top for a moonsault, but no one was home, allowing May to go up top for a missile dropkick. May connected on May Day, but Nightingale kicked out, leaving May shocked.

Crowd loudly behind Nightingale, who avoided Storm Zero, tried another Pounce, but this time May fired off a headbutt, only before Nightingale went down, she swung for the fences to hit a lariat into the double down. May floated over a Doctor Bomb, but as Nightingale went for a DVD, each traded pin attempts. Nightingale up first with a big boot and a violent running DVD to the corner for a super close two. May battled back, wanted a corner head scissors, but Nightingale teased a powerbomb, only for May to hit a hurricanrana. Charging knee strike led to Storm Zero, allowing May to retain the title.

Winner: “The Glamour” Mariah May via Pinfall to retain the AEW Women’s

TNT Championship
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Jack Perry (c)

Shibata continuously wrestled Perry to the mat early, forcing Perry to take multiple powders, before throwing a water bottle at Shibata. The chase was on, as that was enough for Perry to sucker Shibata outside and get on the attack back in the ring. Shibata shook off kicks and dared Perry to hit him, so a cheap shot sent Shibata to the corner. Shibata was looking like he’d no sell chops, so Perry opted to rake the eyes. Again, Shibata no sold strikes, as he answered with chops so loud it echoed the arena, which Schiavone described as Wahoo McDaniel-like. Perry fired back with a forearm, but Shibata dropped him with a snap suplex.

Perry spat in Shibata’s face, as he continued to no sell kicks until he rolled through and booted Perry in the face before violently unleashes machine gun chops. Perry avoided a corner charge dropkick, as he wanted a draping DDT on the apron, but Shibata countered into a gnarly snap suplex onto the edge of the ring. Stalling corner dropkick led to the front chancery suplex for two, as Kawada kicks unloaded by Shibata. Perry blocked a charge and applied the Snare Trap, but Shibata got the ropes, so Perry successfully this time spiked Shibata with the draping DDT outside. DVD connected followed by one onto the knee from Shibata, who sank in a rear naked choke, only for Perry to bridge up and the ref counted Shibata’s shoulders down. This finish came out of nowhere and the crowd was furious when they realized what happened.

Winner: Jack Perry via Pinfall to retain the TNT Championship.

Post match, Shibata asked the referee what had happened, as Perry attacked from behind and caught him with a belt shot to the face. Perry went for another until Daniel Garcia ran to the ring and went face to face with Perry. The crowd were into it, but Perry shook his head no and bailed.

All of a sudden MJF’s music hit and he power walked to the ring. Garcia & MJF stared each other down until Perry ran in and blasted Garcia with the TNT Title, bailing, allowing MJF to take his jacket off and pounced on his attack before taking the microphone. The last time he saw Garcia he beat him handedly, then went off to make several movies and several millions of dollars. MJF brings up Garcia’s bidding war, which was about as real as the Seattle Supersonics. MJF thanks Garcia his Dynamite Diamond Ring was in a pawn shop in Buffalo, as it took him time, but he found it. MJF took out his ring, put it on and said Garcia is going to kiss it. Before he used it, Adam Cole’s music hit to a massive ovation. MJF looked like he saw a ghost, as Cole sprinted to the ring and MJF hightailed it through the crowd, who gladly did the Adam Cole Bay-Bay chant, as Nigel McGuinness said this is only beginning. Cole helped up Garcia and showed respect with a fist bump.

AEW International Championship Three-way Match
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ricochet vs. Will Ospreay (c)

Don Callis joined commentary for this one as Ricochet & Ospreay immediately double-teamed Takeshita to start. That was until Ospreay & Ricochet decided to go a mile a minute until their double Spider-man pose was interrupted by Takeshita, who wouldn’t stand by for such antics. Takeshita sent both crashing into the barricade, as he’s getting a good ovation from the crowd, despite being heel. Takeshita spiked Ricochet with a suplex before setting up a table ringside. Takeshita wanted a Blue Thunder Bomb off the apron, but Ricochet floated over into the ring. Takeshita missed a charging knee strike, as Ricochet tried a Sasuke Special, but was caught, so Ospreay did one of his own and wiped out the pile.

Back inside, Ricochet hit a neckbreaker on Takeshita, who simultaneously connected on a DDT on Ospreay. Ricochet tried a rolling Flatliner, but it allowed Takeshita to fire off a fastball forearm. Blue Thunder Bomb blocked, as Ospreay flew in with a handspring Pele kick that took out both men. All three men fought on the apron above the table, as Takeshita was knocked back and forth with strikes until Ricochet dodged an Oscutter. Ospreay tried to launch off Ricochet’s back, but Takeshita caught him with a DVD on the apron, as Ricochet flew off with a Meteora on Takeshita. Ricochet placed Takeshita on the table, as he went for a dive, but Ospreay cut off the charge with a Spanish Fly for two. Ospreay wanted Storm Breaker, but Ricochet popped up into a snap hurricanrana for a two of his own. Ricochet blocked Hidden Blade into a snap backslide bomb for another near fall. Ricochet up top, as he rolled through a 450, as Ospreay hit a pop-up powerbomb into a Styles Clash for two, as Takeshita broke it up.

In a wild sequence, Takeshita wiped out Ospreay with a gnarly Crunchy into a deadlift German, as Ricochet flew in with a handspring, but Takeshita countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Takeshita wound up and waffled both Ospreay & Ricochet with foerarms, as both slowly got to their feet and decided to go 2 on 1 like how the match started. Takeshita buckled, but kept rising, as he destroyed both with the loudest forearms you’ll ever hear. Ospreay tried a thrust kick, but caught Ricochet until a wall walk enzugiri hit Takeshita, who avoided Oscutter initially. Takeshita threw a lariat, but hit so hard Ospreay flipped to his feet and hit an Oscutter. Ricochet then flew in off screen with a 450 and broke the pin in another incredible sequence.

Fight Forever chants as Ricochet & Ospreay fight in the corner until Takeshita gets a Doomsday Device position, as Ospreay tried a springboard lariat, but Ricochet landed on his feet. A wild chain of Poison Ranas led to Takeshita hitting a double German on both men. Takeshita brought Ricochet to the corner, as Ospreay cut it off and did a top rope hurricanrana that sent Ricochet flying into the arms of Takeshita, as he collapsed for a two count. I think Ricochet was supposed to go for another rana, but they adjusted as well as they could. Ospreay wanted Hidden Blade, but ate a Ricochet corkscrew kick, as he went up top for a huge Shooting Star Press. Takeshita ran in with a Power Drive Knee and stacked both men for a close two.

Takeshita looked down at the table, as Ricochet fought off with a pump curb stomp, looked for Vertigo, but Takeshita countered into a Crunchy through the table. Takeshita fired up, high fived Callis, as Ospreay met him with Hidden Blade back in the ring for one. Ospreay hit it again, but Callis pulled out the ref. Callis went for a screwdriver shot, but Ospreay blocked, as he teased a Tiger Driver, but Kyle Fletcher ran to the ring and hit Ospreay with a screwdriver of his own. Fletcher stared down Ospreay, as Takeshita dropped his knee pad and hit the Power Drive Knee for the win and title.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita via Pinfall to become the new AEW International Champion.

Post match, Ospreay crawled to Fletcher, who picked him up and hit a Tiger Driver 93, as Callis told Fletcher he’s so proud of him. Takeshita walked to the back with Callis, who said he’s the best in the world, there’s no one like him.

Backstage: Jerry Lynn, Orange Cassidy, HOOK

Renee Paquette is backstage with Orange Cassidy & Jerry Lynn, who told Cassidy that he’s never seen anyone like him in his 40 years in the business. Lynn said he knows Cassidy has been going through some stuff, but with all the chaos going on in AEW, if Cassidy tried, he could be the man. HOOK walked in and told Cassidy to listen to Lynn, he’s the man.

In-Ring: Prince Nana, Swerve Strickland, MVP, Shelton Benjamin

Prince Nana introduced Strickland to the ring to a huge hometown ovation, as Nana continued to dance and ask Whose House? Strickland said it feels weird being out there without the AEW Title around his waist, but he’s happy to be home again. Strickland said his medical update is he still feels wonky and has tingling in his fingers, as everything he said about Bryan Danielson is coming back to him now, as karma is a real, but he is medically cleared. Strickland wanted to address his hometown about the past, present and future.

Before Strickland could elaborate, MVP interrupted on stage with Shelton Benjamin. MVP said it’s his future that he wants to discuss, as maybe his minion didn’t give him MVP’s card. Strickland must be thinking about the decisions regarding his future. MVP believed in Strickland before he believed in himself. The crowd chanted Swerve’s House and MVP said they’re right, but Strickland’s career is floundering a little bit. Thankfully MVP is good at taking former champions and reminding them why they’re great, so let’s talk business.

Strickland said first off, hello, then brings up a Defy match they had years ago where he beat MVP that night. Strickland saw MVP take stars and make them superstars, like Benjamin, who was a huge inspiration, as he paved the way for Strickland and black wrestlers to do what they do. Strickland turns to Nana and said MVP wasn’t wrong in that the past few months haven’t treated them right. Since being with Nana, Strickland lost at All In, All Out and his childhood home. On the other hand, he wouldn’t have all the things he’s had if it wasn’t for Nana. The potential though, with Strickland & MVP, they could make history. With MVP & Benjamin backing him up, he could be even more dangerous. Strickland brought up his wages go up week in and week out and brings up Nana still selling weed to high school kids. The biggest thing about Nana, is he is family and Strickland doesn’t turn his back on family for anybody. MVP can take his business cards and shove them up his ass because they’re here in Swerve’s House.

Benjamin said Strickland misread the situation, as they weren’t asking, they’re demanding, you’re either with us or against us. Things got scrappy as referees and Christopher Daniels hit the ring and tried to separate everyone (a referee got hit, but we never saw how), as Benjamin was convinced by MVP to retreat, but turned back to Strickland and said time is ticking. Strickland and Nana hugged to end the segment.

Best 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match
Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos

It was Mortos who used the speed early with a springboard arm drag, but Hologram met him with a wild head scissors, then tilt-a-whirl arm drag until both trade quick pin attempts to the stalemate. Hologram flipped out, backflipped off Mortos’ shoulders, low bridged Mortos outside, as Holoragn hit a full speed Tope that sent both nearly halfway up the entrance way. Back inside, Mortos cut off a charge with a reverse Sling Blade and snap crucifix slam before a pop-up Samoan Drop got two. Hologram hung up in the ropes, as Mortos tried an Avalanche press, but Hologram countered into a head scissors mid-air and top rope diving crucifix bomb and cradle to take the first fall.

Score: Hologram – 1 Fall, The Beast Mortos – 0 Falls

Mortos was up and just launched Hologram clear out of the ring where he followed with a twisting Tornillo. Mortos pressed Hologram over his head and tossed him onto the ramp as back inside got a near fall. Headbutt fired off from Mortos, who followed with a release overhead belly to belly in the corner. Hologram suck in the Tree of Woe, as Mortos charged in with a Spear, but missed the second, allowing Hologram to hit a top rope moonsault to the floor. Back inside, Hologram just got enough of a Poison Rana, as Mortos answered with a reverse Torture Rack back breaker and powerbomb on the knee followed with a discus lariat to win the second fall. Tony Schiavone mentioned this was the first time Hologram has been officially pinned in AEW.

Score: Hologram – 1 Fall, The Beast Mortos – 1 Fall

Immediate discus lariat from Mortos got two, as Hologram fought back in the corner, but Mortos attempted an Avalanche Torture Rack, but Hologram spun into a huge head scissors off the top. Hologram used his speed to evade Mortos, as both went to the apron, where Hologram hit a Poison Rana on the edge of the ring. Hologram walked the top rope and hit a somersault dive, but clutched his right leg in the process. Back inside, Hologram hit a double stomp off the top, went up again, this time trying a 450, but Mortos got the knees up. Fall away moonsault from Hologram, who was met with a discus lariat by Mortos into the double down.

Both climb up to the top rope again, this time Mortos hitting his Avalanche press slam for a close two. Mortos again hit his Torture Rack back breaker into the powerbomb on the knee and discus lariat for another near fall. Mortos keeps holding his ribs and commentary points it out that he could be hurt, as Hologram cut Mortos off in the corner and hit a super hurricanrana. Again, up top, Hologram hits the diving crucifix bomb and cradle like how he won the first fall, but Mortos kicked out. Hologram manages to get the Portal Bomb and wins the third fall and match.

Winner: Hologram, 2 Falls to 1 Fall

Darby Allin vs. Brody King

Footage of Allin skateboarding, then traveling the streets of Tacoma, holding the back of a bus while on his skateboard as he rides to the Tacoma Dome while punk rock plays in the background. King no sold strikes early and just rag dolled him to the outside. King caught a diving Allin, tried launching him into the steps, Allin rolled through, leapt off and King demolished him with a forearm in mid-air. King trapped Allin under the steps, walked up them and stomped down. King had his way with Allin in the ring, violently battering him from corner to corner. Tree of Woe trapped Allin, who managed to dodge a King cannonball and hit a dive, but King didn’t go off his feet, so a second did the trick. Allin followed with a huge Coffin Drop off the top, as he got a near fall back inside.

Allin sank in a rear naked choke over the top, a callback to how King won the Royal Rampage, but King dragged Allin over the top and dropped down on the edge of the ring. This allowed King to get the choke, but broke it at 4 before tossing Allin back inside like a sack of potatoes. A standard release German, followed by one from the apron over the top inside and finally an Avalanche one off the top by King got a close near fall, as both men landed hard on the last two suplexes. King looked at the steps set up and wanted a superplex onto them, but Allin fought free and pie faced King off the ropes onto the steps. Allin followed with a Coffin Drop onto King on the steps to a loud Holy Sh*t chant. King just broke the count at 9, but rolled right into a Coffin Drop and Allin got the win.

Winner: Darby Allin via Pinfall.

Post match, both men slowly rose to their feet until King offered a handshake to Allin, who accepted, as respect shown by both.

AEW World Tag Team Championship
Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) vs. The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) (c)

Justin Roberts announced The Bucks as wearing paisley, pearls and pumps, as Matthew Jackson indeed is wearing a bunch of pearl necklaces. We see Top Flight, Leila Grey & Action Andretti watching from the front row. Video of The Amazing Red giving advice to Private Party is shown as footage of Zay & Quen dropping the ball is shown, as Red said they need to stop playing games, it’s no longer time for shots and partying. Expect the unexpected, they have to get serious and prove they’re the best tag team in AEW. Red fires them up and we get new music for Private Party for their entrance, as we also see a disgruntled Stokely Hathaway sitting ringside as well.

Matthew said to cut that awful new music off and said they’ve seen the footage plenty of times of them losing to Private Party, but what have they done since? They will be nothing more than a mid-card act and failures, as Zay & Quen slap The Bucks in the face, as they walk up the ramp to leave, but it was a ruse, as they wipe out both with superkicks. Neckbreaker into a backbreaker on Quen, as Zay fought back and held both Jacksons, while Quen climbed the entrance stage and hit a somersault dive onto all three men, his partner seemingly getting the worst of it actually.

Match officially begins, as Nicholas was brought to the ring and hit with a cross body for two. Nicholas fought back with a springboard face buster on Zay, but Quen dodged a moonsault and hit a double hurricanrana on The Bucks, as Zay flew out with a dive. Back inside, combo offense got a near fall, as Matthew made a blind tag, with The Bucks hitting an assisted Sliced Bread and superkicks on Zay & Quen. The Bucks slowed the pace, keeping Quen isolated until a Pele Kick created distance. Zay made the hot tag and ran wild with a pop-up double dropkick and Asai Moonsault on Nicholas followed by a springboard spinning DDT on Matthew for two.

Zay tried another hurricanrana, but Matthew hit a buckle bomb, as Nicholas hit the double stomp into a powerbomb attempt, which was countered into a Zay hurricanrana. Wild springboard bounce back X-Factor from Zay for two, as Silly String was countered and Nicholas hit a twisting dive off the top outside. The Bucks sent Quen over by Top Flight, as Nicholas hit a moonsault off the barricade, as they wanted a TK Driver on Zay, who fought off into a Poison Rana on Matthew, but Nicholas flew over the barricade with a Destroyer. Quen launched off the barricade with a 450, leaving everyone down.

All 4 men dove in to break the count, as Zay ramped up with a flurry until both he & Nicholas found themselves on the top with Nicholas hitting an Avalanche Cutter for a close two. TK Driver cut off by Quen, as they teased how Private Party won the first time for a roll-up for two. Blockbuster by Quen on Matthew planted Nicholas with a DDT simultaneously. The Bucks hit a double team double stomp, as they pumped up their kicks, hit a superkick, looked for More Bang for your Buck, but Quen wiggled out into Gin n’ Juice for a close two. Zay & Quen hit superkicks and More Bang for your Buck, but Matthew broke the count.

Nicholas fought off Gin n’ Juice, but with Zay on Quen’s shoulders, Nicholas hit a dropkick and resulted in a Poison Rana on his own partner. Dropkick into a senton from The Bucks, which was followed by the EVP Trigger on Zay, who kicked out. Quen was spiked outside, as back inside, Zay dodged a second EVP Trigger and nearly got a cradle for two. Zay fired up, but Matthew flipped him up into a TK Driver out of nowhere for the three.

Winner: The Young Bucks via Pinfall to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

Hathaway was smirking ringside as Zay & Quen looked incredibly dejected.

ROH World Championship
Chris Jericho vs. Mark Briscoe (c)

Jim Ross has joined commentary for the final two matches of the evening. Briscoe wasted no time going to work in the corner, as Excalibur reminds us about a 20 count since it’s under ROH rules. Jericho fired out of the corner with a Code Breaker, but Briscoe kicked out at one. Briscoe quickly fought back, set up a chair in the ring, went to leap off, but Jericho tossed it aside. Bill went to check on Jericho, as Briscoe hit a dive onto both. Briscoe hit his diving Blockbuster off the apron, as Jericho took the ref inside, allowing Bill to hit a big boot, set up a table, but Orange Cassidy appeared and hit multiple Orange Punches, sending Bill to the back.

Rolling DVD by Briscoe, who wanted a Jay Driller on the apron, but Jericho escaped and hit a suplex to the floor. Jericho took the camera and literally did nothing with it, as he just put the boots to Briscoe while holding it. Redneck Kung-Fu back inside by Briscoe, who was crotched in the corner, as Jericho hit ten punches and a hurricanrana. Jericho opted to pose, which gave Briscoe time to fight back with forearms and chops. Fisherman Buster spiked Jericho for two, as Briscoe wanted Jay Driller, but Jericho swept the legs into the Walls of Jericho. Briscoe managed to get the ropes, as Jericho again took the ref, allowing Bryan Keith to run out and get in a cheap shot for a Jericho two. Keith tried to argue, but Rocky Romero ran out and brawled with Keith to the back. Jericho had a chair and Briscoe hit a big boot into it before launching off of it with a dive on Jericho through the table.

Back inside, Briscoe tried a Froggy Bow, but leapt into a Code Breaker for a close two. Briscoe dodged a Judas Effect, avoided a Jay Driller, but Briscoe ran right into a Judas Effect. Jericho didn’t make the cover, he wanted a Jay Driller of his own and hit it, but Briscoe kicked out. Briscoe fired up; no selling shot after shot before hitting a home run shot of his own until a rolling fireman’s carry into a Froggy Bow. Briscoe didn’t make the cover, opting for the Jay Driller to spike Jericho for the win.

Winner: Jay Briscoe via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Championship.

AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley vs. Bryan Danielson (c)

Moxley cut off Danielson right as he posed for the crowd and they continued their brawl with The Final Countdown still playing in the arena. Moxley cut off a charging Danielson and choked him with cable chords, as the match hadn’t officially begun. Danielson turned the tables and choked Moxley, as Shafir jumped on his back and slammed down. Moxley connected on a lariat, bringing a chair into the ring, where Danielson hit a Busaiku Knee onto it right as the music stops and the match begins. Moxley avoided the backflip out of the corner and sank in a bulldog choke, as Danielson countered into a Saito Suplex and another Busaiku Knee for two. Moxley regrouped outside, but Danielson wouldn’t allow it and hit a springboard somersault dive. On the other side of the ring, Danielson hit another dive, spilling onto the Spanish Announce Table, where Danielson fired off Yes Kicks. Moxley raked the eyes and connected on a piledriver on the table.

Danielson clutched his neck as Moxley took a swipe at Nigel McGuinness before taking the ref, allowing Shafir to knee Danielson repeatedly in the neck. Moxley remained in the driver’s seat, stomping down over and over onto the head for a near fall. Moxley continued to target the neck with Shafir again getting in her licks, as referee Bryce is becoming more suspicious. Moxley gave his orders, as Shafir exposes the concrete ringside, while Moxley stepped on Danielson’s head onto the steps. Moxley gave last rites, wanting a piledriver on the concrete, but Danielson managed a back drop. Moxley ripped away the tape from Danielson’s neck while in the corner, but was crotched after taking too long, giving Danielson a chance to bite at the head and hit Yes Kicks with Moxley trapped in the Tree of Woe. Superplex blocked by Moxley, so Danielson opted for the Spider German out of the corner.

Moxley avoided a top rope headbutt and hit a Curb Stomp for two before gator rolling into the bulldog choke. Knee off the front chancery before back to the choke, but Danielson rolled out into a desperation piledriver. Both men slowly up, as each fire off forearms to “Yes/No” from the crowd. Head of steam from Danielson, who hits a flying clothesline and fires up with more Yes Kicks. Danielson goes for a home run shot, but Shafir trips him up right as Moxley hits a Cutter. Bryce finally kicks out Shafir, as Moxley tries Death Rider, but Danielson spins out, fires with a Busaiku Knee for two.

Danielson stomps down on the face of Moxley before transitioning into the LeBell Lock, but Moxley got the ropes. Danielson wanted another dive, but Moxley caught him into a Death Rider onto the concrete as a hush fell over the Tacoma Dome. Back inside, Moxley made the cover, but Danielson kicked out. Anvil elbows pour down, as he sank in the rear naked choke, but Danielson, with Moxley on his back, climbed the ropes and fell back to break the hold. Danielson again gets the LeBell Lock, as both counter submissions until Danielson hits another Busaiku Knee for two. Danielson wants the home run shot, but ran into a King Kong Lariat for a Moxley two. Moxley flips off the crowd, as he hits another Death Rider, but Danielson out at one, as the crowd explodes.

Danielson spat at Moxley and slapped him, so Moxley connected with a Gotch Style Piledriver before sinking in the rear naked choke once more. Danielson faded, never quit, but Bryce called the match. Moxley broke the submission and Danielson rolled to the corner, so it wasn’t like he was out cold, which was odd, but gives Danielson an out, he never quit.

Winner: Jon Moxley via Submission to become the new AEW World Champion.

Post match, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC & Marina Shafir all came to the ring, as Moxley handed the AEW Title to Castagnoli to put in a bag. Shafir handed a plastic bag to Moxley, but Wheeler Yuta & Darby Allin ran out with a chair as Moxley and crew bailed. Allin’s back was turned, as Yuta hit a Busaiku Knee on Allin, as he was taped in the corner by Shafir & PAC. Yuta looked dejected initially, as Moxley handed him the plastic bag. Danielson stumbled back into him and Yuta reluctantly put the bag over his head, pleading for Danielson to stop fighting as Allin was forced to watch while security, Private Party, Jeff Jarrett all were dispatched by Moxley and crew. Castagnoli placed a chair around Danielson’s neck, as Moxley again gave last rites before Castagnoli stomped down. The locker room finally emptied, as Moxley, Castatgnoli, PAC, Yuta & Shafir bailed with Jim Ross wisely asking where the hell as everyone been? Orange Cassidy, Adam Cole, Daniel Garcia, Mark Briscoe, all helped free Allin, while doctors tended to Danielson, who was loaded on a stretcher.

They loosen up the ring ropes, as Excalibur is crying on commentary about the actions of Moxley and crew. The crowd chants Thank You Bryan while Allin looks dejected, doctors continue to give medical attention to Danielson, as the crowd becomes silent and the show goes off the air.