WWE: Oba Femi on NXT Being “NCAA of Wrestling”, Mr. McMahon Producer Matt Maxson on Lack of Ending for Series Before Allegations, Eric Young on Criticisms of Mr. McMahon Docuseries

Oba Femi Comments on “NXT is the NCAA of Wrestling”

WCCB Charlotte held a recent interview with current WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi. One of the topics discussed included Femi’s thoughts about his belief that WWE’s NXT is the “NCAA of wrestling.”

“NXT is the NCAA of wrestling and NXT gives you the opportunity to see what the future generation is right now before they become what they’re going to be.”

Transcript h/t: PostWrestling.com

Mr. McMahon Docuseries Producer Matt Maxson Comments on “We Didn’t Really Have An Ending Before Allegations, It Wasn’t The Most Compelling Story”

Kevin Iole held a recent interview with Netflix’s Mr. McMahon docuseries producer Matt Maxon. One of the topics discussed included Maxson’s thoughts about the changes made throughout the production of the series and how they originally did not really have a compelling story for its ending prior to the sex trafficking lawsuit allegations against Vince McMahon.

“I got a call in June or July of 2021. I came onto a project that had been going on since 2018. It had, at that point, two acts already. Filming didn’t really begin until 2021. I was getting instilled pretty early on. We were taking something that, at the time, really didn’t have an ending. It wasn’t necessarily the most compelling story. It was a guy who built this empire up and at that point looked like he was on cruise control. We had all these different endings we were workshopping like, ‘Is AEW going to be the challenge for him?’ ‘Is this going to happen?’ We had gotten pretty far into production, all of 2021 and early 2022, and I remember we were screening cuts. We had a first draft for the first five or six episodes, and I remember sitting down to watch it. As we’re reviewing it, we’re giving each other notes on things, that was when the first Wall Street Journal article came out. We had to take a backseat from there and rethink everything from the ground up. I have never been on a project that has lasted this long that has felt like it’s taken so many acts. I think Bill Simmons said he remembers 14 cuts. I remember a lot more than that. It just felt like it went from something that felt static and stale and locked in time to where you’re nervously refreshing Twitter going, ‘Is something else going to come out that we don’t know about?”

Transcript h/t: Fightful.com

Eric Young Comments on Criticisms of Mr. McMahon Docuseries

A recent episode of the HUGE POP! with Donnie DaSilva and Jimmy Korderas podcast featured TNA Wrestling talent Eric Young as the guest. One of the topics discussed included Young’s thoughts about people’s criticisms of Netflix’s Mr. McMahon docuseries.

“I don’t know what people were expecting (from Netflix’s Vince McMahon docuseries). I mean, Netflix is married to the WWE. No one understands better that he doesn’t work there anymore, but I mean, his legacy will be part of that company as long as it exists and at one time, I would say in my personal opinion, a genius and maybe the greatest promoter living and he lost his way along the way obviously and the documentary is certainly not kind. I haven’t seen it but I know people that have. I don’t know if I’ll watch it or not. It’s certainly not on my list. There’s lots of other good TV that I’m busy watching, and this comes as — the stuff on there is stuff that’s been talked about before. So, yeah, it’s no news to me but, it’s definitely got the world and anybody that’s linked or affiliated to wrestling in any way talking and wondering what’s gonna happen so, it’s never a dull moment in pro wrestling. That’s for sure. You guys know that.”

Transcript h/t: PostWrestling.com