TNA Impact! Results – Sept. 26, 2024 – Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry

September 26, 2024
San Antonio, TX – Boeing Center at Tech Port
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via Matt Boone of

Quick Match Results

  1. Jordynne Grace & Sol Ruca defeated Wendy Choo & Rosemary via Disqualification
  2. Jonathan Gresham defeated Laredo Kid via Knee Slams (submission)
  3. Six-Man Tag Team match – Zachary Wentz & ABC defeated Leon Slater, KUSHIDA, & “Speedball” Mike Bailey via UFO Cutter (pinfall)
  4. Lei Ying Lee defeated Hyan via Thunderstruck (pinfall)
  5. Heather Reckless defeated Xia Brookside via Rarefied Air (pinfall)
  6. TNA World Championship #1 Contender match – Joe Hendry defeated Frankie Kazarian via Standing Ovation (pinfall)

Wendy Choo & Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace & Sol Ruca

Wendy Choo makes her way out first to kick things off on this week’s show. She stops and is joined by Rosemary, and the two head to the ring for our first match of the evening. Jordynne Grace comes out next and then Arianna Grace comes out.

“The Liaison” announces Sol Ruca as Grace’s mystery partner from WWE NXT. Ruca gets a decent reaction coming out, and as soon as she and Grace enter the ring, Rosemary and Choo attack. The four brawl before the match even officially starts.

Ruca hits a wild moonsault to the floor, which is followed up by “The Juggernaut” diving through the ropes for a ring-to-floor splash of her own. In the ring, the bell finally sounds and it is Ruca and Rosemary kicking things off for their respective teams.

Rosemary does a good job establishing the early offensive lead, and then tags in Choo. Choo picks up where Rosemary left off, taking it to Ruca and keeping the high-flyer grounded. The two continue to utilize frequent tags while keeping Ruca on their side of the ring and far away from the much-needed tag.

Ruca finally takes over and hits her always-fun-to-watch Sol-Snatcher. Grace goes for a Juggernaut Driver to follow up, but before they can pick up the win, Tasha Steelz attacks the TNA Knockouts Champion.

Winner: Jordynne Grace & Sol Ruca via Disqualification.

Masha Slamovich runs out to chase her off and make the save.

Backstage: Frankie Kazarian

Backstage, Gia Miller talks with Frankie Kazarian, who asks if she is down with the king. He tells her the answer for her, which is ‘yes.’ He asks if she is a believer of Joe Hendry. Again, he tells her the answer for her, which is ‘no.’

He vows to beat Hendry tonight and go on to prove he is “The King of TNA” by beating Nic Nemeth for the TNA World Championship at TNA Bound For Glory. “Every head must bow, and every tongue must confess, I am ‘The King of TNA.’”

Laredo Kid vs. Jonathan Gresham

The bell sounds to get things started, and Kid gets off to a fast start with some crowd-pleasing high flying offense. He hits a big high spot from the ring to the floor that pops the crowd in the Impact Zone. Back inside the ring, Gresham locks Kid in a submission.

Kid struggled for a good minute or so before ultimately making it to the ropes to force the hold to be broken. Upon getting up, Kid started connecting with a wide variety of kicks, before hitting a cross-body splash off the middle rope.

Kid hits a suplex and holds on. He hits a second one and then finishes with a brainbuster to complete the Three Amigos homage to the late, great, Eddie Guerrero. Gresham takes back over and hits a moonsault, before going back to work on the knees of Kid. He repeatedly smashes Kid’s knee into the mat over-and-over again until Kid tapped out. That’s like tapping to strikes in MMA. Rare.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham via Submission.

Backstage: Mike Santana, The System

Backstage, Mike Santana is shown with a chain in-hand. “They don’t seem to get it, but they will now …” he says, before busting into The System’s locker room. The door shuts and the camera shot remains on the door as we hear banging and sounds of pain from the other end of the door.

Zachary Wentz & ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. Leon Slater, KUSHIDA, & “Speedball” Mike Bailey

The bell sounds and former X-Division Champion Wentz kicks things off against current title-holder Bailey, as a flashback to the title bout from the recent TNA Victory Road 2024 special event, which saw Bailey recapture the title.

The two only mix it up for a few seconds before all six men hit the ring and end up in a big stand-off. On that note, the show heads right back into another commercial break as the match continues.

As we settle back in from the break, we see Wentz and Slater mixing it up. Slater blasts Wentz with a roundhouse kick that knocks him into his own corner. Austin tags in, but so does KUSHIDA. It is KUSHIDA who takes the hot tag and begins shifting the offensive momentum into his team’s favor.

Everyone ends up in the ring for a ton of high spots, including an amazing one from Slater, who clears the ring post with a running leap to the floor with a senton splash. Back in the ring, he goes for the 450 off the top, but nobody was home. Wentz hits a UFO Cutter for the win.

Winner: Zachary Wentz & ABC via Pinfall.

Backstage: Hammerstone, Jake Something, Cody Deaner

Backstage, we see Hammerstone coaching Jake Something through a workout, when in comes Deaner. He wants to talk to Something, but Hammerstone interject and down-talks him. Hammerstone ends up challenging Deaner to a fight.

Deaner says there’s two things he’ll never walk away from. He looks at Something and says family, and then Hammerstone and says a fight. He accepts the challenge and walks off.

Video: Mike Santana

Mike Santana is shown in a vignette filmed immediately after his Texas Death Match with JDC from last week.

He is still covered in blood and has his chain wrapped around him, but talks with a smile and a giggle in his voice as he talks about The System being forced to deal with him in his “playground.” He vows to make them feel his pain and agony.

Lei Ying Lee vs. Hyan

Back inside the Impact Zone, the theme for newcomer Lei Ying Lee hits. Out comes the former WWE Superstar known as Xia Li, following weeks of vignettes promoting her arrival. She settles in the ring for her debut. Already in the ring is her opponent, Hyan.

Lee goes on an offensive spree to start things off, mixing in a number of kicks and strikes. She yells “come on!” as she continues to take it to Hyan. Hyan gets a brief moment and gets a bit cocky, shoving Lee. Lee goes back to work on her, climbing up high on Hyan and striking down on her skull.

She hoists Hyan up in a torture rack position and airplane spins her before slamming her down. Fans chant “We want tables!” Instead they get Lee’s “Thunderstruck” roundhouse kick finisher. Lee picks up an easy win in her Impact debut.

Winner: Lei Ying Lee via Pinfall.

Backstage: Leon Slater, “Speedball” Mike Bailey

We see Leon Slater looking bummed out backstage. In walks TNA X-Division Champion “Speedball” Mike Bailey. Slater apologizes for letting their team down. Bailey tells him not to, and reminds him he’s in the most competitive division in the business. He tells him he has a future in the X-Division.

Backstage: ABC, The Hardys

When the show returns, ABC duo Ace Austin and Chris Bey are shown in a heavily post-produced promo segment where they mourn the loss of their TNA Tag-Team Championships. They also talk about their champions clause rematch against The System.

In comes The Hardys duo of Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy. Matt makes a case for The Hardys getting a shot as well. He says whether it’s ABC or The System, be aware that The Hardys are coming and nothing is going to stop this train. Jeff does the “choo choo” train sound.

In-Ring: Josh Alexander, Eric Young, Steve Maclin, Sinner & Saint

Back inside the Impact Zone, the theme for “The Walking Weapon” hits and out comes Josh Alexander. He heads to the ring as Tom Hannifan points out on commentary that he asked for this time. He settles in the ring and soaks in the atmosphere before speaking.

Fans immediately get on his case with loud “You tapped out!” chants, referencing his loss to Joe Hendry at TNA Victory Road 2024. He talks about believing in Joe Hendry like they do after sharing the ring with him. He admits he was going down the wrong path and a good friend gave him some good advice.

He asks Eric Young to come out. Young comes out. Young helps the fans come around and chant for Alexander. A “Walking Weapon” chant spreads and Young calls Alexander the lifeblood of TNA if he is the heartbeat. The mutual admiration session wraps up and they go to leave.

Young tries to hold the ropes for Alexander. Alexander smiles and waves him off. Alexander goes to hold the ropes for Young. Young smiles and obliges, but as he goes to step through the ropes, Alexander snatches him up and dumps him on his dome with a German suplex.

The crowd boos as Alexander gets back on the mic and takes issue with Young’s previous comments. He continues to attack him, and then Steve Maclin runs out to make the save. This brings out Sinner & Saint, and the full plan is unveiled.

We learn that Alexander wasn’t giving veteran advice to them like Young suggested he do as the locker room leader he should be last week. Instead, they were apparently plotting this attack. Alexander hits a C4 Spike. The three stand tall as the show heads into another commercial break.

Backstage: Santino Marella, Steph De Lander, Matt Cardona

Backstage, Matt Cardona learns he has a Monster’s Ball match with PCO at TNA Bound For Glory 2024. The announcement was made directly to him by Santino Marella and Steph De Lander. Cardona wasn’t happy.

Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside

Back inside the Impact Zone, newcomer Heather Reckless heads to the ring for our next match of the evening in the TNA Knockouts division. Her opponent, Xia Brookside, makes her way out with a cowboy hat on.

A little slap from Reckless gets things started. Brookside slams her down and does a little “Texas Two Step” dance as she stands over her. Reckless charges at Brookside in the corner, but Brookside hops on the middle rope and bops her on the top of her head with her heel.

As the action continues, we see Ash By Elegance and George Iceman appear on the entrance ramp. They make their way down to ringside to a ton of crowd heat from the San Antonio fans. We then see the action spill out to the floor, where Brookside yanks some of the extensions out of Reckless’ hair.

The action resumes in the ring, where Iceman is loudly yelling “You suck, Brookside!” The distraction leads to Reckless taking back over on offense, and in the end, Reckless heads to the top-rope and leaps off, connecting with Rarified Air for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Heather Reckless via Pinfall.

Backstage: Ash By Elegance, The Personal Concierge, Heather Reckless

Ash By Elegance is backstage complaining about her feet hurting when in comes Reckless. She gloats about doing Rarified Air, but Iceman and Ash aren’t impressed. They do agree she has “something” but claim she needs elegance. They have some ideas.

Next Week’s Show Card Rundown

A video aired running down the card for next week’s show.

TNA World Championship #1 Contender Match
Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian

It’s main event time!

Back inside the Impact Zone, the theme for TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth hits and out he comes to join Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on special guest commentary for our main event of the evening.

This week’s main event is a TNA World Championship No. 1 Contender’s match, with Joe Hendry squaring off against Frankie Kazarian. The winner will move on to challenge Nemeth for the TNA title at TNA Bound For Glory 2024 on October 26 in Detroit, Michigan.

Hendry’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring to a big reaction from the San Antonio crowd. Nemeth sings his praises as someone who definitely has something special. His catchy-ass entrance tune wraps up, he does the dramatic head turn and smile.

Fans chant “We Believe! We Believe!” and then the theme for his opponent hits. Out comes the self-proclaimed “King of TNA” Frankie Kazarian. He heads to the ring to a ton of boos. He goes to demand his “King of TNA” introduction. Hendry stops the ring announcer and takes the mic.

He tells Kazarian not to worry and ensures him he will give him an introduction worthy of a title contender. He introduces him as the winner of the Antonio Banderas look-alike contest. He is the Dad from Spy Kids. He is Puss in Boots. Fans chant “Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots!” Before he can finish his sarcastic intro, Kazarian attacks him and things start off with a bang between these two.

Hendry immediately starts fighting back, however, and upon taking over, Hannifan talks us into a mid-match commercial break as the match continues.When the show returns, we see Kazarian is in a comfortable offensive lead. So much so that he exits the ring and grabs a mic. He rolls back into the ring and asks the fans if they still believe in Joe Hendry.

Fans loudly chant “We believe! We believe!”As Kazarian continues to verbally taunt his fallen foe, Hendry recovers and attacks Kazarian. Hendry begins taking back over control of the offense as the San Antonio crowd comes to life. Hendry looks for the Standing Ovation, but doesn’t get it.

Kazarian starts to shift the momentum back in his favor, but not for long, as a “Puss in Boots!” chant from the fans in the Impact Zone leads to another Hendry comeback. This time, Hendry locks Kazarian in an ankle lock that looked close. Ultimately, however, Kazarian made it to the ropes.Again we see Kazarian fight back, as he hits a big slingshot DDT.

Hendry takes over again and launches Kazarian out to the floor. Hendry heads out after him. He hoists Kazarian up and holds him for a stalled suplex on the floor. Kazarian reaches into his bag and slides a set of brass knuckles onto his hand while the referee is dealing with Hendry in the ring. Hendry leans through the ropes to grab Kazarian, and Kazarian blasts Hendry with the brass knuckles.

He knocks him out and quickly rolls into the ring and covers him for the win. Kazarian is announced as the winner and his music plays, however as he is celebrating, Nic Nemeth stands up from his chair at the commentary desk. He grabs the brass knuckles that Kazarian used and shows them to the referee. He explains what happened and the referee restarts the match.

Kazarian gets the offensive jump on Hendry again, but again gets a bit too cocky. As he stops and wastes time taunting Hendry and the crowd in the Impact Zone, Hendry ends up recovering and taking over. He hits his Standing Ovation and scores the pinfall victory.

Winner: Joe Hendry via Pinfall.

With the win, it will be Joe Hendry challenging Nic Nemeth for the world title at TNA Bound For Glory 2024.