TNA Impact! TV Taping Night 1 Spoilers from Tampa – Three NXT Talents Make Surprise Appearances, Former WWE NXT Talent Makes TNA Debut

TNA Wrestling held a new set of television tapings on Friday at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa, Florida.

This new set of tapings focused on the build for Emergence 2024 and will be for future episodes of TNA Impact!

In regards to notable moments from the tapings, three WWE NXT talents made surprise appearances. The first NXT talent was Dante Chen who competed in a qualifier match for the Ultimate X match at TNA’s Emergence 2024 event later this month.

The second NXT talent was Wolfgang who competed in a singles match against Joe Hendry at the tapings.

The third and final NXT talent was Riley Osborne who also competed in a qualifier match for the Ultimate X match at Emergence 2024.

In regards to new debuts, former WWE NXT talent Xyon Quinn made his official debut for the company at the tapings. Quinn competed in a singles match against Steve Maclin.

Full results from TNA Impact! spoilers on August 2nd:

  • Frankie Kazarian defeated Bhupinder Gujjar
  • Masha Slamovich defeated Dani Luna
  • Hammerstone defeated Eric Young. Prior to the start of the match, Steve Maclin came out on commentary. During the match, Young and Maclin interacted but did not get physical with each other.
  • The System & JDC came out to give a promo. Alisha Edwards talked about how she is sick of people saying The System is a failure and stated that she is one half of the TNA Knockouts Tag Champions. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards were the next to speak and talked about getting their TNA World Tag titles back and Moose losing at Slammiversary 2024 was a fluke. Moose was the next to speak and stated that he wanted to address the “freak in the locker room” Mike Santana. Moose stated that he is not afraid of Santana and Santana calls himself a dog but next week, he will take him out back and give him the Ole Yeller treatment.
  • Santino Marella and “Speedball” Mike Bailey were seen backstage discussing the return of the Ultimate X match at Emergence 2024. It was announced that there will be three-way qualifying matches upcoming to determine the competitors for this match.
  • Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – “Speedball” Mike Bailey defeated Trent Seven and Jake Something
  • KUSHIDA defeated Jonathan Gresham
  • TNA Knockouts World Championship Open Challenge match – Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace (c) went to a No Contest. During the match, Ash By Elegance and her Personal Concierge came out to ringside. Ash’s Personal Concierge distracted the referee leading to Ash getting a pink kendo stick from under the ring and attacked Rosemary and Grace. The referee managed to see what happened and called for the bell.
  • Josh Alexander came out to the ring and gave a promo. Alexander stated a couple of weeks ago they were all chanting “Walking Weapon” but now they say he sold out. Alexander stated that he did not change at all and claimed it was the fans who changed. Alexander stated that they chant for Joe Hendry but Hendry is not a wrestler but a meme. Alexander stated that he is the “Standard of TNA” and he is focused on getting back his TNA World title. Alexander stated that we will call Nic Nemeth the same thing they called him in WWE, a transitional champion. This led to Nemeth coming out to confront Alexander and grabbed a microphone teasing he was going to respond only to strike Alexander with it instead. Nemeth then hit a superkick to Alexander and stated that he is a fighting champion and he will defend the title next week right here in Tampa.
  • Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – Zachary Wentz defeated KC Navarro and Dante Chen
  • Joe Hendry defeated Gallus. Prior to the start of the match, Hendry gave a promo talking about how not long ago him and Wolfgang were back home in Scotland but it wasn’t too long ago that he came to his place of work. Hendry then talked about Gallus’ attack on him on NXT. Hendry stated that words escaped what he wanted to say but said it went like this … which Hendry revealed to be striking Wolfgang in the head with his microphone.
  • The System and Mike Santana were shown having a backstage altercation.
  • Rhino & Sami Callihan defeated FIR$T CLA$$ (Rich Swann & AJ Francis)
  • Steve Maclin defeated Xyon
  • Xia Brookside defeated Mila Moore
  • Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – Riley Osborne defeated Chris Bey and John Skyler
  • Gisele Shaw defeated Tasha Steelz
  • The System were seen continuing their attack on Mike Santana from earlier.
  • The System came out to the ring and Alisha Edwards stated that we were all expecting Moose vs. Santana but Santana isn’t cleared. This led to Santana’s music playing and him coming out through the crowd. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards attempted to stop Santana from getting to the ring to no avail.
  • Moose defeated Santana. Following the match, The System attacked Santana leading to Joe Hendry running out with a chair to save Santana. Hendry grabbed a microphone and stated there may be strength in numbers but The System has a lot of enemies. Hendry stated that next week two of those people will face JDC & Moose and that would be Matt & Jeff Hardy.
  • Ultimate X Qualifying Three-way match – Jason Hotch defeated Ace Austin and Rich Swann
  • TNA World Championship – Josh Alexander vs. Nic Nemeth (c) went to a 30-minute time limit draw. Following the match, Nemeth asked for five more minutes but Alexander left the ring. This led to Nemeth chasing Alexander and a brawl breaking out that spilled back into the ring. Alexander gave a low blow to Nemeth and then asked for five more minutes which the referee declined to allow. Alexander then grabbed the TNA World title and rubbed it into Nemeth’s face and stood over him before tossing the title onto the ground. After Alexander left, Frankie Kazarian ran out to attack Nemeth only to be quickly stopped by PCO and Steph De Lander who attacked Kazarian and cleared him out of the ring.
