Michael Cole Signed New Contract with WWE This Past Spring

WWE commentator Michael Cole reportedly signed a new contract with WWE this past Spring, according to The Ringer.

In a recent interview with Cole, The Ringer’s Bryan Curtis reported that Cole had signed a new contract with WWE that will keep him in the company for the foreseeable future. No other details were given regarding Cole’s new contract.

This spring, Cole signed a new contract that will keep him as the voice of WWE for the foreseeable future.

One of the topics discussed included Cole giving his thoughts about how Vince McMahon would constantly give orders through the headset during shows and how at times McMahon would say inappropriate things to him.

“I’m not going to lie. There have been times where he has said things to me that were inappropriate. I would go back to Gorilla after the show and get in his face and tell him, ‘That was bullshit.’ He respected that I did that.

Over the next few years, people still didn’t accept me because they looked at me as being a puppet for Vince. And I think some of that probably was true. Listen, I’m not a rebel. I’m here to make money and take care of my family and provide myself a good living. And when your boss asks you to do something, you do it. I still think, at that time, I was a hell of a good announcer.”

Cole also gave his thoughts about him getting to show more of his real personality on-screen over the past three years and following McMahon’s resignation from WWE.

“The first 24 years, Michael Cole was out here. I was playing a broadcaster. The last three years, Sean Coulthard, … that’s who you’re seeing. That personality I’m bringing out now is who I really am. I’m bombastic. I’m sarcastic. I’m a prick. But I’m also a hell of a good broadcaster.”

Cole has been with WWE since 1997 and has been working in a commentary role for the company since 1999.