TNA Slammiversary 2024 Results – July 20, 2024 – TNA World Championship Six-Way Elimination

July 20, 2024
Montreal, Quebec, Canada – Verdun Auditorium
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via

Quick Match Results

  1. Countdown to Slammiversary Pre-show: Four-way Knockouts match – Tasha Steelz defeated Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw, and Xia Brookside via Pinfall
  2. Countdown to Slammiversary Pre-show: KUSHIDA defeated Rich Swann via Hoverboard Lock (submission)
  3. Countdown to Slammiversary Pre-show: TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship – Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards (c) defeated Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) via Assisted Top Rope Bulldog (pinfall)
  4. Countdown to Slammiversary Pre-show: Eric Young defeated Hammerstone via Roll-up (pinfall)
  5. “Broken” Matt Hardy defeated JDC via Twist of Fate (pinfall)
  6. TNA World Tag Team Championship – ABC defeated The System via 1, 2 Sweet (pinfall)
  7. Mike Santana defeated Jake Something via Spin The Block (pinfall)
  8. Six-Man Tag Team match – The Rascalz defeated No Quarter Catch Crew via Hot Fire Flame (pinfall)
  9. TNA Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Championship Montreal Street Fight match – PCO defeated AJ Francis (c) via PCO-Sault (pinfall)
  10. TNA Knockouts World Championship – Jordynne Grace (c) defeated Ash By Elegance via Juggernaut Driver (pinfall)
  11. TNA X-Division Championship – “Speedball” Mike Bailey defeated Mustafa Ali (c) via Sharpshooter (submission)
  12. TNA World Championship Six-Way Elimination match – Nic Nemeth defeated Frankie Kazarian, Josh Alexander, Joe Hendry, Moose (c), and Steve Maclin via last eliminating Kazarian

Four-way Knockouts Match
Tasha Steelz vs. Faby Apache vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside

The first Knockout to score a pinfall or submission will be the winner! Steelz dives through the ropes, taking out Apache on the floor. Shaw picks up both Steelz and Brookside on her shoulders and drops them on the mat. Apache soars off the top but Shaw catches her in mid-air with a sit-down powerbomb. Shaw hits Brookside with the Denounment. Steelz sends Shaw into the steel ring post, then steals the victory with a pinfall over Brookside.

Winner: Tasha Steelz via Pinfall.

KUSHIDA vs. Rich Swann

Rich Swann steps in to face KUSHIDA, after Jonathan Gresham was unable to compete due to travel issues. KUSHIDA unveils a new look and gains the early advantage with a Dragon Screw. KUSHIDA hits a handspring back elbow but Swann bounces back with a handspring cutter for two. Swann avoids the Hoverboard Lock but gets caught with the Tanaka Punch. KUSHIDA crashes and burns on the Moonsault, allowing Swann to capitalize with a roundhouse kick. KUSHIDA locks in the Hoverboard Lock on the top rope, forcing him to submit.

Winner: KUSHIDA via Submission.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match
Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) vs. Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards (c)

The Knockouts World Tag Team Titles are on the line as Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards defend against former champions, Spitfire. Slamovich trips up Luna from the outside as Alisha capitalizes with a Flatliner. Slamovich and Alisha cut off the ring and employ quick tags as they begin to wear Luna down. Luna creates separation with a dropkick off the top, then makes the tag to Threat. The pace quickens as Threat goes on the attack. Threat powerslams Alisha on top of Alisha for two. Spitfire hit a Hart Attack on Alisha but Slamovich breaks the pin. Slamovich plants Threat with the Snow Plow for a very close near fall. Threat goes head-first into one of the title belts. The Malisha hit a double team bulldog to win.

Winner: Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards via Pinfall to retain the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship.

Eric Young vs. Hammerstone

Director of Authority Santino Marella comes out to greet the sold out crowd in Montreal. Marella announces that he has one more surprise match before Slammiversary gets started on pay-per-view!

Hammerstone makes his return from injury as he battles TNA Original and Canada’s own Eric Young! Hammerstone leaps off the top rope with a dropkick. Hammerstone is in total control as puts his strength on display. Young fights back with a series of right hands, followed by a discus lariat. Young is headed to the top for his signature elbow drop but Hammerstone cuts him off. Young bites Hammerstone, then successfully connects with the elbow drop for two. Young fights off the Torture Rack, then rolls him up for three.

Winner: Eric Young via Pinfall.

Afterwards, Eric Young welcomes us to Slammiversary!

“Broken” Matt Hardy vs. JDC

Matt Hardy is out for revenge on JDC after he targeted the Hardy family! A vengeful Hardy jumps JDC on the ramp during his entrance. JDC attacks him with a flag pole before the match finally begins in the ring. JDC crashes and burns on his signature top rope leg drop, landing on the hardest part of the ring. Hardy hits an elbow drop out of the corner, followed by the Side Effect for two. Moments later, Hardy hits the Twist of Fate from the second turnbuckle to win.

Winner: “Broken” Matt Hardy via Pinfall.

After the match, Hardy adds insult to injury with not one, but two more Twists of Fate.

Backstage: The System

The System vows to dominate tonight at Slammiversary.

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) (c)

ABC look to reclaim the TNA World Tag Team Titles as they challenge Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers of The System. Eddie distracts the referee, allowing Alisha to choke Bey from the outside. Bey breaks free of double team offense from The System, allowing him to make the tag to Austin. The pace quickens as Bey dives over the top rope into both of his opponents on the floor. This time it’s Myers who distracts the referee as Eddie trips up Austin on a springboard attempt. The System are in total control as they begin the wear-down process on Ace. Minutes later, Austin counters the Roster Cut from Myers to create separation and make the much-needed tag. Bey drops Eddie with a springboard Moonsault. Alisha gets involved once again, causing Bey to run right into a chop from Eddie. Bey hits Myers with a cutter on the apron, followed by Soar to Glory from Austin. Bey almost puts Eddie away with a top rope frog splash. Myers hits an assisted spear on Bey but it’s not enough. Eddie pulls Myers out of the way, causing Bey to hit Alisha with the Art of Finesse. ABC hits the 1, 2 Sweet on Myers to win the match and they are the new TNA World Tag Team Champions!

Winner: ABC via Pinfall to become the new TNA World Tag Team Champions.

Backstage: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Gia Miller interviews “Speedball” Mike Bailey who vows to become the new X-Division Champion when he challenges Mustafa Ali tonight.

Mike Santana vs. Jake Something

The action continues as Mike Santana battles Jake Something at Slammiversary! Something dives over the top rope, colliding with Santana on the floor. Moments later, Santana takes to the sky as he leaps up to the top and hits a rolling senton to the outside. Back in the ring, Something regains control with a strong Irish whip into the corner. Santana hits a pinpoint kick to the back of the head, followed by the Rolling Buck 50 for two. Santana connects with a running cannonball in the corner but it’s still not enough to keep Something down. Something connects with a thunderous sit-out powerbomb for a near fall of his own. Santana picks him off the top with a German suplex. Both men exchange strikes with Santana gaining the upper-hand off a clothesline. Something powers out at one but Santana hits Spin the Block to win.

Winner: Mike Santana via Pinfall.

Backstage: Eric Young

Eric Young reflects on his victory over Hammerstone earlier tonight on Countdown to Slammiversary.

Six-Man Tag Team Match
The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel, & Wes Lee) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, & Tavion Heights)

It’s an interpromotional showdown as the Rascalz battle NXT’s No Quarter Catch Crew! The early advantage goes to the No Quarter Catch Crew as they cut off the ring and wear Wentz down. Moments later, Wentz breaks free and makes the tag to Miguel. The pace quickens as Miguel knocks his opponents off the apron. Borne pushes Miguel off the top, into Dempsey who catches him in mid-air and connects with a suplex. Borne hits Miguel with a powerslam that launches him into the ropes. Lee hits a tornado DDT on Dempsey for two. It’s an all-out assault as the No Quarter Catch Crew delivers a three-on-one attack to Lee. Dempsey hits Miguel with a Dragon Suplex but Lee hits a top rope splash to break the pin. Everyone is down following a daring dive from Lee, over the top rope to the floor. The Rascalz take out Heights with Soup Kitchen, followed by Hot Fire Flame to win.

Winner: The Rascalz via Pinfall.

TNA Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Championship Montreal Street Fight Match
PCO vs. AJ Francis (c)

Before the next match begins, A.J. Francis reveals footage of him and his allies taking out PCO earlier tonight. Francis demands that the referee declares him as the winner, but the lights go out and Destro is here to revive PCO!

Anything goes in this personal showdown between A.J. Francis and PCO for both the Digital Media and International Heavyweight Wrestling Championships! PCO is in control following the De-Animator, followed by a top rope PCO-Sault to the outside. PCO is going for a table but Swann attacks him from behind. Francis smashes a steel trash can over the head of PCO. Francis hits Tennessee Whisky in the corner. Francis drives a steel chair into PCO’s sternum with an elbow drop. PCO turns the tide with a big clothesline. Francis has PCO up in an electric chair and drops him back-first into a pile of chairs. It’s back and forth as PCO sends him crashing through multiple tables at ringside. Out of nowhere, Josh Bishop blindsides PCO with numerous steel chair shots. Sami Callihan tries to even the odds but gets taken out by Swann. Rhino is out next as he runs through Swann with a vicious Gore. PCO hits Francis with a Chokeslam into the chairs, followed by the PCO-Sault to win the match and become the new Digital Media and International Heavyweight Wrestling Champion!

Winner: PCO via Pinfall to become the new TNA Digital Media & International Heavyweight Champions.

After the match, Steph De Lander asks PCO to marry him and he says oui!

TNA Knockouts World Championship Match
Ash By Elegance vs. Jordynne Grace (c)

Jordynne Grace puts the Knockouts World Title on the line against Ash By Elegance! During the match, Rosemary is seen watching on from amongst the fans. The Personal Concierge trips up Grace from the outside, prompting the referee to eject him from ringside. Rosemary makes her way to ringside and chases off The Personal Concierge with a knife. The commotion allows Ash to take control following a slam on the floor. Ash hits a backstabber out of the corner to slow the pace down. Grace begins to build momentum with a series of powerslams but the damage to her spine is apparent. Grace hits Shades of Samoa out of the corner for two. Ash hits a tornado DDT for two. Jordynne hits a Superplex, followed by the Juggernaut Jackhammer for a near fall of her own. Ash counters the Juggernaut Driver, then hits a Canadian Destroyer. Ash goes for Rarified Air but Grace gets her knees up. Ash catches her with a spinning neckbreaker, followed by Sliced Bread from the top. Grace hits a powerbomb, then puts Ash away with the Juggernaut Driver.

Winner: Jordynne Grace via Pinfall to retain the TNA Knockouts World Championship.

TNA X-Division Championship Match
“Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Mustafa Ali (c)

In his hometown of Montreal, Mike Bailey challenges Mustafa Ali for the X-Division Championship! Bailey hits a step-up Moonsault from the second rope to the outside. Moments later, Ali turns the tide with his signature rolling neckbreaker. Ali delivers innovative offense, swinging Bailey around and planting him into the mat. Bailey avoids the 450 Splash, then catches Ali with a superkick in mid-air. Bailey soars with a Shooting Star Press but Ali slips away before the referee can count to three. Bailey hits a top rope Spanish Fly into Ali and his entire entourage outside the ring. Ali tries to steal the pin with his feet on the ropes but the referee stops him. Bailey connects with a springboard Moonsault out of nowhere. Bailey dodges the 450, then picks Ali off the top with a Poison Rana. Bailey hits Ultima Weapon and scores the three count – but Ali’s foot was undearneath the rope. The referee calls off the decision and the match continues. Bailey inadvertently takes out the referee. The Secret Service surrounds the ring but Bailey takes them all out. Campaign Singh blindsides Bailey with the X-Division Title belt. Ali hits not one but two 450 Splashes. Trent Seven is dressed as one of the guards and stops the referee from counting to three. Seven is laid out and Ali signals to the back for another referee. TNA Hall of Famer Earl Hebner makes his way to the ring. Ali locks in a Sharpshooter but Hebner has a change of heart and refuses to screw Bailey. Now it’s Bailey who locks in a Sharpshooter, forcing Ali to submit.

Winner: “Speedball” Mike Bailey via Pinfall to become the new TNA X-Division Champion.

Backstage: Santino Marella, Hammerstone, The Personal Concierge

The Personal Concierge and Hammerstone confront Director of Authority Santino Marella and demand that they make things right for their shortcomings earlier tonight. Marella announces that this Thursday on TNA iMPACT!, it will be Hammerstone and Ash By Elegance vs. Eric Young and Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace!

TNA World Championship Six-Way Elimination Match
Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry vs. Moose (c)

It’s main event time at Slammiversary as six of TNA’s best collide in a 6-Way Elimination match for the TNA World Championship! Everybody gangs up on Kazarian in the early going as Hendry drops him with a stalling vertical suplex. The action spills to the outside where Hendry does the same to Moose. Alexander relentlessly hits Maclin with a series of German suplexes. Nemeth leaps off the apron, driving his elbow into Moose who’s laying on the floor. Kazarian catches Moose with a mid-air cutter for two. Kazarian is Caught in the Crosshairs by Maclin. Moose hits the Spear on Maclin to score the first elimination.

First Elimination: Steve Maclin eliminated by Moose

Moose hits a thunderous powerbomb on Hendry, followed by a buckle bomb to Nemeth. Moose connects with a Superplex to Alexander. Hendry brawls up the ramp with Kazarian. The rest of the field joins them as Moose hits a back bodydrop to Alexander. Nemeth superkicks Kazarian off the stage, through a table below. Back in the ring, Hendry hits Moose with a cutter for a very close near fall. Alexander rushes Hendry bus in the receiving end of a Fallaway Slam. Moose spears Alexander and Nemeth. Hendry clotheslines Moose, followed by the Standing Ovation to eliminate the TNA World Champion.

Second Elimination: Moose eliminated by Joe Hendry

Alexander delivers a shocking low blow to Hendry. Alexander hits the C4 Spike to eliminate Hendry.

Third Elimination: Joe Hendry eliminated by Josh Alexander

Alexander continues to pummel Hendry after eliminating him. Alexander puts his hands on the referee but Nemeth comes to his aid. Nemeth superkicks Alexander for the elimination.

Fourth Elimination: Josh Alexander eliminated by Nic Nemeth

We are down to the final two. Kazarian, recovered from being launched off the stage earlier, immediately spikes Nemeth with Fade to Black. Kazarian locks in the Chicken Wing but Nemeth fights free. Nemeth hits a superkick for two. Nemeth hits another superkick, followed by the Danger Zone to win the match and the TNA World Championship!

Winner: Nic Nemeth via Pinfall to become the new TNA World Champion.

After the match, Ryan Nemeth, ABC, Jordynne Grace, PCO and Steph De Lander join Nic in the ring as he celebrates his monumental victory.