WWE: Nia Jax on Changes in WWE Locker Room Culture, Joe Hendy on TNA Wrestler Getting Pin Victory in WWE Main Event Match Being Meaningful, Tatum Paxley

Nia Jax Comments on Changes in WWE’s Locker Room Culture

A recent episode of the Battleground Podcast featured Nia Jax as the guest. One of the topics discussed included Jax’s thoughts about the changes in WWE’s locker room culture between the current environment and the past one that existed during her first run in the company.

“So, the locker room culture, it’s constantly changing but I do find as though we have more of a support system for each other. I come from a team background. I’ve played sports my whole life and it’s always been like you’re only strong as your weakest link and I find as though, like previously, everybody took it more of a me, me, me sort of thing where it’s like, ‘I need to do this’ and now we’re like, ‘Well, we all need to come together to support so and so’ and, ‘We all need to come together’ so I think it’s more of a team, a group effort in the locker room I feel. I also feel a lot of the creative and our producers are more just like, ‘Hey, this is what we’re doing but make sure you realize, go have fun. Go enjoy what you’re doing.’ It’s not like to where it’s like, oh my gosh, I did this. I’m gonna have so many repercussions when I get backstage. It’s more of just, try something. If it doesn’t work out, figure it out. We’ll figure it out later. It’s a different kind of culture, a different kind of atmosphere… I feel as though there’s just more support and encouragement.”

Transcript h/t: PostWrestling.com

Joe Hendry on How Meaningful It was for a TNA Wrestler Getting Pinfall Win in a WWE Main Event Match

Denise Salcedo held a recent interview with TNA Wrestling talent Joe Hendry. One of the topics discussed included Hendry’s thoughts about his recent appearances in WWE’s NXT brand and how meaningful it was for a TNA wrestler to get the pinfall victory in a WWE main event match.

“My time in WWE and in NXT has been everything that you would want it to be. I couldn’t have asked for a better environment, a more encouraging atmosphere. People are happy to be there. I just feel they have treated TNA so well. The fact that Shawn is willing to take the time to not only give advice and guide and teach, but also when I did the promo with him after the match as well. I don’t know if people realize how meaningful it is that a TNA guy got the pin in the main event of a WWE show. The fact that Shawn Michaels has faith in me, enough to allow me to compete in that main event, I hope the fans understand how much that Shawn is doing for me and for TNA there. I have to say, I can only speak for myself, but I will say I’m just very grateful to be in the situation that I am in and to be learning from that people that I have been learning from on both sides.”

Transcript h/t: F4WOnline.com

Tatum Paxley Comments on Origin of Her Finisher Being Named “Psycho Trap” was Misunderstanding

In a recent Twitch stream, WWE NXT talent Tatum Paxley gave her thoughts about the origin of her finisher being named the “Psycho Trap” being the result of a misunderstanding of what she originally wanted her finisher to be called.

“The Cycle Trap from Saw is the saw trap that the kid got lowered into, and it had spiraling blades – that’s called the Cycle Trap. The funny thing is, I said, ‘I would like to call this the Cycle Trap’. The assumption was obviously that I must have said ‘Psycho’. So, ‘Psycho Trap’, the name was then born from that. But I said Cycle.”

Transcript h/t: Fightful.com