WWE NXT Notes: Results, Je’Von Evans Wins Battle Royal for NXT Title Match at NXT Heatwave 2024, Joe Hendry & Frankie Kazarian Surprise Appearances, Wes Lee vs. Oba Femi Set for NXT North American Title, 6/25 NXT Card

WWE NXT Results – June 18, 2024

June 18, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T

Quick Match Results

  1. NXT Championship #1 Contender 25-Man Battle Royal match – Je’Von Evans won via last eliminated Shawn Spears
    • Prior to the start of the match, Oro Mensah ran out and brawled with Ethan Page taking him out of the match.
    • This match featured Evans, Spears, Joe Hendry, Ethan Page, Frankie Kazarian, Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Damon Kemp, Malik Blade, Tony D’Angelo, Lexis King, Edris Enofe, Angel, Berto, Tyler Bate, Apollo Crews, Tank Hedger, Ridge Holland, Lucha Crusifino, Tavion Heights, Dante Chen, Dragon Lee, and Nathan Frazer.
  2. Women’s Tag Team Triple Threat match – Lola Vice & Roxanne Perez defeated Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson & Lash Evans) and Jazmyn Nyx & Jacy Jayne via Pop Rox (pinfall)
    • Near the end of the match, Legend tagged in Jackson and Meta-Four hit a wheelbarrow suplex & cutter combo to Jayne for the near fall that was broken up by Nyx. Nyx hit a Pele Kick to Legend to lay her out and Jackson responded hitting an Edgeomatic to Nyx to take her out. This led to Vice getting in the ring and hit a back fist to Jackson and tagged in Perez who hit a Pop Rox to Jackson for the pinfall victory.
    • Following the match, Perez stared at her NXT Women’s Championship and Vice gave a look before giving a smile to celebrate their victory only for Perez to suddenly lay out Vice with a back fist and posed with her title.
  3. NXT Women’s North American Championship match – Kelani Jordan (c) defeated Michin via Split-Legged Moonsault (pinfall)
    • During the match, The O.C.’s Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows came out to ringside.
    • Later in the match, OTM’s Lucien Price & Bronco Nima came out and confronted The O.C. while Michin went up to the top rope. This led to Jaida Parker running out from the crowd and shoved Michin off the top rope while the referee was distracted. Jordan then got up unaware of what just happened and went to the top rope to hit a split-legged moonsault for the pinfall victory.
  4. Fallon Henley defeated Carlee Bright via Shinning Wizard (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, Kendal Gray came out alongside Bright to be in her corner.
    • Near the end of the match, Wendy Choo came out and choked out Gray at ringside leading to Bright getting distracted. After some more back-and-forth action, Henley hit a Shining Wizard to Bright for the pinfall victory.
  5. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) defeated The O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) via Pinfall
    • Prior to the start of the match, Chase U’s Thea Hail and Ridge Holland came out with Hudson & Chase while Michin came out with The O.C. to be in their respective corners.
    • Near the end of the match, Hudson hit a suplex to Anderson and pinned him for the victory that was assisted by Holland grabbing Anderson’s feet to prevent him from kicking out while the referee was not looking.
  6. Ethan Page defeated Je’Von Evans via Ego’s Edge (pinfall)
    • Prior to the start of the match, NXT Champion Trick Williams came out and joined the announcer’s table for guest commentary.
    • Near the end of the match, Evans went to the top rope only for Page to shove Evans causing him to tumble on the turnbuckle that was followed by Page hitting a hard hitting looking Ego’s Edge for the pinfall victory.
    • After the match, Page got out of the ring and confronted Williams at ringside claiming that him beating the #1 Contender makes him the new contender for the NXT title. While Page and Williams were arguing, Shawn Spears ran out and attacked Evans leading to a brawl breaking out with all four guys. Spears and Page teamed out and laid out Williams in the ring leading to Evans hitting a springboard double cutter to take out Page and Evans as the show ended with all four guys laid out on the mat.

Joe Hendry & Frankie Kazarian Makes Surprise Appearance at Tuesday’s NXT Show

Tuesday’s WWE NXT show featured TNA talents Joe Hendry and Frankie Kazarian making a surprise appearance.

At the start of the show, Kazarian was seen in the ring along with almost everyone else who did not get a televised entrance for the 25-Man Battle Royal match. Je’Von Evans was the first to get a televised entrance and was followed by Hendry leading to a loud cheer and reaction from the crowd. Hendry gave a promo talking about when you say his name and he appears. Hendry stated that Cody Rhodes said that this would be twenty-five men but all he sees is twenty-four men and one sensation. Hendry claimed that he will win the battle royal and take the title to TNA leading to some boos from the crowd. Hendry then stated that the entire WWE will be chanting “We Believe” and what they believe in is the answer to all of life’s problems, Joe Hendry.

Hendry was the first to be officially eliminated from the match after everyone ganged up on him and Kazarian being the one to toss him over the ropes. Kazarian was eventually eliminated after making it to the final four of the match.

Je’Von Evans Wins Battle Royal for NXT Title Match at NXT Heatwave 2024

Tuesday’s WWE NXT show featured Je’Von Evans winning a Battle Royal match to earn a shot at the NXT Championship at NXT Heatwave 2024, which takes place on July 7th at the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

This 25-Man Battle Royal featured Evans, Spears, Lee, Kazarian, Joe Hendry, Ethan Page, Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Damon Kemp, Malik Blade, Tony D’Angelo, Lexis King, Edris Enofe, Angel, Berto, Tyler Bate, Apollo Crews, Tank Hedger, Ridge Holland, Lucha Crusifino, Tavion Heights, Dante Chen, and Nathan Frazer.

The final five were Frankie Kazarian, Shawn Spears, Dragon Lee, Je’Von Evans. Evans eliminated Kazarian, followed by Spears eliminating Lee, and ended with Evans eliminating Spears to win the match.

In a follow-up segment, Evans was seen in NXT General Manager Ava’s office in a celebratory mood about his big win earlier. This led to an angry Ethan Page walking in and yelling about Oro Mensah’s attack on him and Ava responded stating that she took care of that issue by banning Mensah from the venue. Page then shouted that he was never eliminated and in his view, the battle royal match never ended and is still going on. This led to shouting banter between Evans and Page resulting in Evans issuing a challenge to Page for a match and Ava making it official for tonight’s main event.

Current card for July 7th NXT Heatwave 2024:

  • NXT Championship – Je’Von Evans vs. Trick Williams (c)

Oba Femi Grants Wes Lee One Final Shot at his NXT North American Title

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured Wes Lee being granted one final shot at Oba Femi’s North American Championship.

During the show, Femi came out to the ring and stated that this feels all too familiar. Femi stated that once again, Oba is still the North American Champion and ruler of NXT. Femi stated that he told everyone who would listen that it did not matter how many stepped up to him since the result would be the same. Femi stated that he went to Vegas and did what he did best. Femi stated that he dominated two men, two of the greatest NXT has to offer and they are notthing like him. Femi stated that there is no one like him. Femi then stated for you to look into his eyes and who can take this title from him?

This led to Lee’s music playing interrupting Femi and Lee made his way to the ring. Lee stated that would be him. Lee stated that you know, he knows, and everyone knows that you did not pin him. Femi responded stating that Lee’s little obsession with this title is beginning to irritate him. Lee responded back stating that he does not care and when he came back, he was gunning for one thing, which he said was Oba. Lee stated that you know how badly he wanted to test himself against Oba. Lee then stated that he declined being in the battle royal match because all of his energy is on “his” North American title and getting it back. After some more back-and-forth banter, Femi stated that he is willing to grant Lee one more chance but on the condition that when Lee loses, he can never challenge him for the title again as long as he holds it, which Lee accepted.

Current Card for June 25th NXT Show

Tuesday’s NXT show also featured three new matches announced for the card of next week’s NXT show on June 25th.

These matches were all setup during promos and segments throughout the show.

Current card for June 25th WWE NXT show:

  • Sol Ruca vs. Arianna Grace
  • NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contender Tag Team Turmoil match – TBA vs. TBA(s)
  • NXT Heritage Cup Championship – Nathan Frazer vs. Tony D’Angelo (c)