Major WrestleMania 25 WWE Creative Team News Inside Here

One source close to the situation says that WWE’s creative team is going through a chaotic process trying to plan WrestleMania. They have one set of plans for if Mickey Rourke does agree to wrestle at WrestleMania, and another set of plans for if he does not. Mickey Rourke was holding back on making the decision until after last nights Academy Awards. Rourke did have a legitimate concern, as the entertainment industry’s opinion of wrestling is very low. Of course, Rourke failed to earn the Oscar last night. I’d expect a Y2J promo tonight which will reference Rourke’s Oscar ‘loss’.

At this point in time, the only matches locked in for the big event are still HHH vs. Orton, Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy, and Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. WWE wants obviously Rourke to face Jericho, but is trying to secure Hogan as a replacement opponent for Y2J should Rourke decline.

The coming days will be interesting, with more solid plans for WrestleMania 25 being put in place.

Major LEGEND Arrives At RAW Today – **SPOILER ALERT**!