Elijah Burke Speaks On Going To TNA, WWE Release, RVD, More

The following is an excerpt from an interview recap with Elijah Burke:

“In Your Head Online Radio’s interview with Elijah Burke. Hosted by Jack E. Jones and Oneinchbiceps ! To hear the full interview head on over to www.InYourHeadOnline.com

Burke says “I cried like a little baby.” when asked about his Wrestlemania appearance. He says that there are plenty of wrestlers who had competed much longer than him, and didn’t compete at WrestleMania. Burke says that Undertaker actually saw him and pulled him towards him to let it all out.

Burke says that he is NWA through and through. Starrcade was the reason why he got involved in wrestling. He was a huge Dusty Rhodes fan.

Burke puts over Rob Van Dam as a “big part in what I got” regarding a push. If he where to write a book, he would have to RVD a chapter or damn near close to one. Burke puts RVD over a “great guy”.

Burke says that TNA is “definitely an option”.

Burke mentions how that his last match with WWE was on June 6th, 2008 up until his release in November. He did nothing throughout that time. Burke says the release was a relief, so that he can go out and work now!

Burke puts over Paul Heyman over as a great booker. Burke says that Heyman is a “mastermind”.

Burke says he is not a fan of the movie “the Wrestler.” Whenever he hears Mickey Rourke’s name he thinks of Jerry Lynn.

Elijah Burke goes on a very good rant on the Wrestler that needs to be heard. He even throws in a Braden Walker insult! Must be heard.”

Check out the full interview at InYourHeadOnline.com.

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