Backstage No Way Out News: Orton Injured, Dark Match, Shane, More

» The Daily Star has an interview up with Raw star William Regal talking about his heart scare following WWE’s tour of Europe last November. “I had a bit of a strange episode after the tour – I thought it was a touch of flu, but it turned out to be trouble from years ago with my heart,” Regal told The Star. “When it happened before, I kept it quiet on medication, but this time I had ablation therapy just after Thanksgiving, where they put the tubes up through my hip. I’m not sure if they could have done it years ago!” Regal also discussed his recent program with CM Punk and he believes they could have done a lot more. “I honestly believe we haven’t scratched the surface on what we can do together,” Regal said. “I’ve been fan of Punk for a long time now. I’d heard about him from his work with ROH. If I liked him before, I’m very impressed now.” Regal says he doesn’t let anyone else’s opinion of Punk affect him, as he knows what the Intercontinental Champion is capable of in the ring. “It’s been a long time since I found anyone in the ring who I have this sort of special connection with,” Regal said. “His rep doesn’t bother him or me; some like him, some don’t.”

» Randy Orton was busted open the hard-way while taking a camera shot from Shane McMahon at No Way Out. Orton needed stitches backstage after the match.

» Prior the live No Way Out PPV broadcast, WWE Women’s champion Melina defeated Beth Phoenix in a dark match.

» For those who did not see it, the SD! Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out was one of the best opening matches in WWE PPV history. That was great work by all and you should go out of your way to see it. The entire PPV was very good to be honest.

» The WWE storyline is that Shane McMahon was taken to a hospital after his match with Randy Orton at No Way Out. They claimed he was going in and out of consciousness. Of course, this is only an angle.

BREAKING: Why Christian Wasn’t At No Way Out – PISSED OFF **WALK-OUT**??!?!