Matt Hardy Says There Was No Plan ‘A’ w/ Christian, J.R On Flair/WWE

Matt Hardy has updated his WWE Universe Blog with some interesting comments about Christian’s return to WWE. “Speaking of Christian, we have a very long and storied history together. Christian was a recipient of my star-making abilities back in the first ever tag team ladder match. Christian was also smart not to stick his nose into my business with Jeff. I could see how he would be tempted to upon resigning with the WWE, but fortunately he was smarter than that. It’s also funny how alot (sic) of the “internet journalist” and “internet fans” thought Christian might be somehow associated with me and my master plan. Nope. Never has been. There’s never been any changes in my plans, there’s never been a “B” plan, and Christian hasn’t ever been factored in at any time.” Note from Ryan Clark: Despite what Matt Hardy says here, several reliable sources have confirmed that there were in fact plans to reveal Christian as Jeff Hardy’s mystery attacker. Many believe WWE creative was told to change direction on Christian’s return when news of his possible involvement in the Jeff Hardy attacker storyline leaked online and fans began chanting for Christian during Jeff Hardy matches and segments at live events.

Jim Ross has updated his blog at Here are some highlights: On Ric Flair’s return: It was great to see Ric Flair back on WWE programming this week as he added excitement to Monday Night Raw in Oakland, Calif. “Naitch” still has “it” — that magical intangible that cannot be manufactured or replicated. I don’t know what Ric’s future plans are as they relate to WWE, but I, for one, hope that we see Flair in Houston in some shape, form or fashion during WrestleMania week festivities … as long as he isn’t wrestling. Flair’s verbal exchange with Chris Jericho Monday night got Raw off to a rousing start and was arguably the best aspect of the broadcast. Christian’s ECW debut: I have to admit that I was surprised to see Christian return to the WWE Tuesday night on ECW. Christian returning to the WWE at some point wasn’t a big secret in many circles but Christian going to the ECW brand was. Personally, I was hoping that “Captain Charisma” would have joined the Smackdown team. ECW got a nice addition to their roster and because they only do one hour or 6 segments of TV weekly, the ECW show should feature solid, in ring wrestling more weeks than not. I think fans want to see more bell to bell action and ECW seems to provide that most weeks. On WWE Draft: Tuesday in Fresno lots of WWE talents were speculating and discussing the upcoming WWE Draft on April 13 from Atlanta when, I assume, every one and their Mom, will be required to be front and center for the annual “let’s shake up the WWE night.” This Raw broadcast will likely garner a healthy TV rating. After last June’s night of surprises in San Antonio, any thing can happen and likely will. I am prepared for whatever unlike last year when I wasn’t expecting to leave Raw. Change can often times be effective and I personally think it is a good thing to shake up the rosters and create new rivalries and issues. Plus, it is a great time to provide some young talents a nice “jump start.” WWE’s Randy Savage DVD: “Macho Madness: The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection” will be released by the WWE on June 9 and as of today the match selection process was still on going. Obviously, some of Savage’s bouts are no brainers to include on this upcoming DVD including Savage vs. Steamboat from WM3 but there is so much excellent content to pick from that making a final decision on this particular DVD won’t be easy. Of course this will create the obligatory and predictable concerns as to why certain matches were not included. It’s obviously a conspiracy of the Oliver Stone magnitude. BTW Macho Man would be a great candidate for the WWE Hall of Fame some day and I wonder why no one has ever suggested such in the past? I think Matt Striker may be penciled in to host the Savage DVD….dig it?!

WWE attendance figures courtesy of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

2/6 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada (Raw): Sellout of 5,500 fans.
2/6 in Kennewick, WA (Smackdown): 2,000 fans.
2/7 in Victoria, B.C., Canada (Raw): 5,000 fans.
2/7 in Yakima, WA (Smackdown): Not known.
2/8 in Sacramento, CA (Raw): 9,500 fans.
2/8 in Bakersfield, CA (Smackdown): Sellout of 2,500 fans.
2/9 in Oakland, CA (Raw taping): 12,000 fans.
2/10 in Fresno, CA (Smackdown/ECW taping): Not known.

Triple H Headed Back To RAW In The Draft – CONFIRMED!!!