What You Didn’t See On RAW – Randy Orton vs. John Cena

Brian Berry sent this in:

The Oracle Arena in Oakland was SOLD OUT and rightfully so. WWE usually comes to the San Jose Arena and skips over Oakland. Oakland loves heels.

Pre-Monday Night Raw Dark Matches

*Jamie Noble pins TJ Wilson (w/ beer bellied valet)-
Wilson, from Toronto, was supposed to be the face but this changed quickly after a “U.S.A.” chant followed by a “Let’s go Noble” cheer that I started. Good 10 minute opener.

*John Morrison pins Goldust (w/ The Miz)
Surprisingly big pop for Goldust. Poor chemistry, short match.

Off-Air Main Event: Street Fight for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP

*John Cena pins Randy Orton
Fun 15 minute match that started right after Ted Dibiase was escorted to the back. Some really strong spots with Cena winning with the F-U after two RKO attempts and a microphone shot to Cena’s head.

-Jericho’s mic was so low that we could hardly hear him talk during the opening sequence.
-John Cena, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho drew the most mixed reactions of the night.
-Rapper E-40 was in attendance at ringside and the fans were all over him.
-After RAW went off-air, Shane did a little more dancing, and the fans ate it up.
-Tons of William Regal marks in the crowd.
-Kane looked terrible, missing several spots in the 6-man tag. Don’t know how this will play on TV. Tons of Jericho marks in the crowd.

1. The Undertaker (by a mile)
2. Shane McMahon
3. Ric Flair
4. John Cena
5. Shawn Michaels

1. JBL
2. Chris Jericho
3. Randy Orton
4. John Cena
5. Oakland Raiders sitting at ringside

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