Mick Foley Comments – Why WWE Plugged Him On RAW

Mick Foley had the following to say regarding WWE plugging his book Monday night..

“I guess you could call it the plug heard ’round the world. I actually almost missed it when Michael Cole first said my name, and didn’t really catch on until the King followed up on the Cole mention of the new book. Certainly, it was surreal; I don’t think there has ever been an instance of someone on an opposing show getting a shoutout from WWE. I guess there are alot of people speculating as to what Vince’s motives might be. I’m leaning toward the idea that Vince sometimes does things just to be nice, and that the winds must have been blowing in a favorable direction on Monday morning. I think Vince deep down genuinely likes me and respects me and was just trying to do what felt right to him.”

The **REAL REASON** Vince McMahon Plugged Mick Foley – BIG STORY!!