Jericho Accused Of Making Racial Remark During Incident, RVD, More

Canadian news website has coverage of Chris Jericho’s altercation with fans outside yesterday’s RAW brand house show in Victoria, British Columbia. On how the entire ordeal instigated, Jericho is being accused of directing a racial comment towards the boyfriend of the female fan he attacked, who is of South Asian descent. 20-year-old Ashley Levey said the altercation began when her boyfriend, Kalen Johl, started heckling Jericho as he was driving through the parking lot. The female fan said Jericho got out of his vehicle and made a derogatory comment towards Johl. Levey said Jericho pushed her boyfriend first. She then called Jericho a racist, who then spit and punched her in response. According to another witness, Jericho spit in the woman’s face after she approached his white Chevy Tahoe. The witness said the female fan started hitting Jericho and he turned around and punched her in the face. “I was really surprised that a pro wrestler would do that with everyone watching,” witness Darshan Stevens said. “And hit a girl, what are you thinking?” According to the story, both Levey and Johl were later arrested but released without charge. You can read the article in its entirety, and see a photo of Jericho during the ordeal, at

Rob Van Dam appeared with Geraldo on FOX Saturday night to discuss Michael Phelps’ recent troubles with marijuana. Geraldo introduced RVD and mentioned that he was stripped of his World Title after being caught with pot in his car in 2006. Geraldo was referring to the incident on 7/2/2006 where Van Dam and Sabu were pulled over in Ohio and found to be in possession of 18 grams of pot. Geraldo asked RVD what he thought about Phelps losing his endorsements and RVD said it’s all based on ignorance and said if Phelps had a cigarette in his mouth, nobody would be saying anything. RVD talked about how many people die from smoking cigarettes every year and how no person dies from smoking pot. Geraldo asked him if the incident in 2006 with him losing the World Title made him a pot advocate and RVD corrected him saying he lost two World Titles as he was a dual Champion then. RVD said he also was suspended for 30 days and lost thousands of dollars. He said he was already into it and appreciates the opportunity to draw attention to the Phelps situation. He said with Phelps being outed, it’s a good time to talk about the truth. They began to show clips of RVD and Sabu wrestling in ECW. RVD referred to a survey and talked about half of Americans have tried pot and it’s better for you than alcohol or cigarettes are. Geraldo talked about the sheriff in South Carolina wanting to prosecute Phelps and after some guests on Geraldo’s panel discussed it, Van Dam said it’s not about just breaking the law, it’s about prejudice towards cannabis and all based on ignorance. That was pretty much everything as Geraldo wished Van Dam luck and hoped he gets “back to championship status soon.” RVD thanked him and that was it. Thanks to raymond1908 for also sending in a recap.

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