Why Manu Was Kicked Out Of The Legacy, Backstage WWE News

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter (F4WOnline.com)

» As noted earlier, Dos Caras Jr. said several weeks ago that he was not going to WWE after all and has signed a new four-year deal with CMLL in Mexico. Caras said staying in Mexico was better for his career and didn’t want to go to WWE where he would have to work his way up from the bottom. Those in WWE claim that it was their decision not to offer him a deal because they didn’t like what they saw when he came in for his tryout match. Read what you want into the whole Caras/WWE thing but we do know he received a contract because credible sources actually saw it.

» Several pushed for Manu to be kicked out of The Legacy, most notably, Randy Orton. The feeling is that he isn’t in the same league or had the same amount of potential as others in the group, and didn’t really fit in as a result. Many believe the group would be better off with Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase and possibly DH Smith although those plans are on hold or more likely completely off now. Considering that he’s no longer apart of Legacy, many feel Manu’s WWE future could be bleak to say the least. We’ll see where they go with him.

» As I noted yesterday, the reason for THE Brian Kendrick’s quick elimination during the Royal Rumble match was because he is currently not in good graces with management. Officials are upset with him for ‘not listening’ to them on certain issues. Kendrick has had problems in the past with management, mainly due to his pot use (has reportedly failed over a dozen times), but it is unknown if that is related to this new issue.

» Another source that I talked to today says that Christian is still not under a new WWE contract. That makes three people who have all said the same thing to me.

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