Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter
According to sources, the original plan was for Shane McMahon to return and be with WWE until WrestleMania 32, where he would have his match and then be done as a performer. But following the reaction he got when he returned, as well as the fact that tickets moved well after his match was announced, the decision was made to keep him as a weekly TV character and start the angle with Stephanie.
The idea is to have Shane and Stephanie McMahon feud in the coming months, with Stephanie eventually becoming frustrated and losing her “nice girl” attitude. Although this is not confimed, the rumor is that this woud lead to Triple H and Vince McMahon returning to try to “smooth things over” between the two. We all know how that works with yet another McMahon family feud.
“When ratings are down, you bring back the McMahons!” has always been Vince’s motto.
100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Sexy Shots Of All The WWE Divas As Referees! **WHOA**!!