Kelly Kelly In Playboy?, Kendrick’s Backstage Heat, Kane, More

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

The reason for The Brian Kendrick’s quick elimination during last Sunday’s Royal Rumble match is because he is currently not in good graces with management. Officials are upset with him for ‘not listening’ to them on certain issues.

WWE superstar Kane (real name Glenn Jacobs) sent a letter to former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich regarding comments he made on the CNN’s “State of the Union” show that aired on Sunday before the Superbowl. “You said that the government’s first priority should be to expand the social safety net, which will cause money to go directly into circulation,” Jacobs wrote. “Historically, government welfare programs have been wasteful, inefficient, and corrupt. “Private charities do a much better job of administering aid to those in need with the final goal of helping the unemployed get back to work. Government programs, on the other hand, lead to longer periods of unemployment by encouraging welfare recipients to remain on the dole as long as possible.” He continued on and eventually concluded with, “All in all, Professor Reich, it seems to me that your arguments defy logic and common sense. However, as a prominent economist, public policy expert, and opinion molder, I’m sure that you can explain what I am missing. I anxiously await your reply.” To read the entire statement from the Big Red Machine, visit

The latest issue of WWE Magazine has an article making their predictions for 2009, and in one of the predictions, they predict Kelly Kelly to pose for Playboy this year. Here is what they wrote: “Kelly Kelly graces the pages of Playboy. We can continue dreaming, can’t we?”

KELLY KELLY Playboy Cover LEAKED Online + Manu released from WWE moments ago!!