Reddit User Posts ‘Backstage News’ From WWE’s TLC PPV

Credit: Reddit

Reddit user “metsfan4ever,” who has broken WWE news before, posted a backstage update for WWE TLC and Stairs online. His Reddit post claims that tensions have been at a “fever pitch” all day backstage for the event.

A lot of wrestlers apparently want to go out of their way to try and have the match of the night. This would be in line with a recent report saying that the NXT Takeover: R Evolution event really motivated and lit a fire under the main WWE roster. According to metsfan4ever, there is a small rivalry that has started between the NXT and the main rosters, and many apparently agree that it could be good for all sides.

The Reddit post goes on to say that the Superstars are very focused for the show tonight and want TLC and Stairs to rival or top NXT Takeover: R Evolution as “Show of the Year.” The main matches have already been rehearsed for tonight. There is also a big black curtain covering the ringside area.

Take this as STRICTLY RUMOR for now!

PHOTO: The Black Curtain Covering The WWE Ring Right Now – WTF?!