Former NXT Diva Shaul Guerrero recently spoke with Headlocks 2 Headlines about going to rehab for an eating disorder. Here are the highlights…
“Actually, I went into rehab for an eating disorder. I was really close to Joey Mercury when I was in FCW, he was my mentor/coach. He, along with the strength and conditioning coach, noticed that I was really sick and I was just not mentally okay and physically doing a really bad job of doing what I needed to do and they finally convinced me to go into rehab for a long time disease I had. I took two months off and stayed in an (rehab) facility and from then on, I didn’t know how to come back to wrestling and still keep my recovery intact because this business is very much based on how you look. I was just not ready for that kind of challenge so I took a whole year off and really focused on myself and really needed to get health mentality, emotionally and spiritually.”
100% DIRECT LINK (PHOTOS): Shaul Guerrero’s **NEW JOB REVEALED** – A Go-Go Dancer **HOT PHOTO**!!!!