More On Alberto Del Rio’s Firing – Did He Slap An Employee?

UPDATE: As we noted earlier this evening, Alberto Del Rio has been released from WWE for what the company described as “unprofessional conduct,” as well as an “altercation with an employee.”

It’s worth noting that has the Alberto Del Rio release story as their top headline right now. It’s featured with a big photo of him headlined by “Breaking News: Alberto Del Rio” released. Normally when a release takes place, they tend to “hide” it in their news section or on the main page but below the main top stories. They also normally use the real name of the Superstar who has been released but that is not the case with Del Rio.

According to RF Video’s Rob Feinstein, Del Rio was involved in a backstage incident at a recent WWE television taping. Feinstein claimed that Del Rio “had words” with a WWE employee who works for the company’s social media department and allegedly slapped him.

It should be noted that we have been unable to confirm this rumor, so it should be taken as exactly that until further notice. We will continue to update you as more information surfaces regarding Del Rio’s WWE release

Del Rio’s final match with WWE would have been on this past week’s WWE Main Event broadcast where he lost to Jack Swagger. He did not work the SmackDown TV tapings and also wasn’t at WWE’s live event in Melbourne, Australia earlier today.

We know that Del Rio’s contract was expiring soon and there was talk that he was thinking about leaving the company.

More as we get it.

ORIGINAL: WWE announced today that Alberto Del Rio has been released. The short statement on reads:

WWE announced the release of Alberto Del Rio due to unprofessional conduct and an altercation with an employee.

Obviously, more on this as it becomes available. Del Rio–real name Alberto Rodríguez–has been with WWE since June of 2010. He made his debut on the main roster on June 25th of that year, winning the WWE Title twice and the World Heavyweight Title twice.