March 19, 2025
Orlando, FL – Performance Center
Commentary – Peter Rosenberg and Mr. Stone
Results via Matt ten-Hoeve of
Quick Match Results
- Brinley Reece defeated Masyn Holiday via Fireman’s Carry Neckbreaker (pinfall)
- Gallus defeated Jordan Oasis & Sam Holloway via Southpaw Jinx (pinfall)
- Chantel Monroe defeated Layla Diggs via Roll-up (pinfall)
- Kali Armstrong defeated Haze Jameson via Kali Connection (pinfall)
- Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe defeated Drako Knox & Tate Wilder via Belly-to-Back Suplex and Heartbreaker combo (pinfall)
- Luca Crusifino defeated Javier Bernal via Case Closed (pinfall)
Video: Brinley Reece
This week’s episode starts off with Peter Rosenberg and Robert Stone introducing the first match and a closer look at Brinley Reece. A short video package airs on Brinley Reece that talks about her having a ton of energy, her background in cheerleading, and her work as a fitness coach.
Video: Masyn Holiday
A short video package airs on Masyn Holiday. She was valedictorian at Howard University and broke school records for Track and Field.
Brinley Reece vs. Masyn Holiday
They lock up and Brinley Reece backs Masyn Holiday into the ropes. She breaks clean and Holiday aggressively locks up again. Holiday is able to grab an arm and crank it. Reece drops to the mat as Holiday continues to work over her arm. Reece is able to roll and flip out of the hold, though, and drop Holiday down. Reece is able to grab one of Holiday’s arms and cranks it. Holiday sends Reece into the ropes, but Reece hits Holiday with a big tackle. Reece follows that up with an arm drag and a corner strike for a one count.
Reece tries to go back to attacking Holiday’s arm, but Holiday picks Reece up. Reece wiggles out, but Holiday is able to grab Reece and drag her down to the mat. In the corner, Holiday works over Reece. Holiday then drops Reece down again and stomps on her back. Holiday hits a backbreaker for a two count. Holiday hugs Reece with her legs down on the mat, but Reece works out of it. Reece hits two big shoulder blocks and then a bodyslam. Reece flips into a lariat and then hits a neckbreaker out of a fireman’s carry for the win!
Winner: Brinley Reece via Pinfall.
Chuey Martinez is ringside with Brinley Reece after the match. Reece feels great about her win. Martinez asks Reece about screaming, “It should have been me!” during the match. Reece doesn’t remember saying that.
Ringside: Tyriek Igwe, Tyson Dupont, Gallus
Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont are in the VIP Section. Peter Rosenberg asks them what they are doing in WWE EVOLVE. They are here to make an impact, but they know no one wants a piece of them.
Mark and Joe Coffey come out for their match and have some words with Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont on their way to the ring.
Video: Jordan Oasis
A short video package airs on Jordan Oasis has been wrestling for about 10 years and trained with Rikishi. After seeing that he was out of shape earlier in life, he worked hard to get into wrestling shape. He’s a bit of a nomad.
Video: Sam Holloway
A short video package airs on Sam Holloway wasn’t all that big as a kid and got bullied. He’s big now, though, and has no remorse. He played football for a short period of time, but gave it up for wrestling because he loves it.
Gallus (Mark & Joe Coffey) vs. Jordan Oasis & Sam Holloway
Sam Holloway and Joe Coffey start things off with a lock up. Holloway basically demanded to start the match. Holloway is able to grab a side headlock, but gets sent into the ropes. Holloway tries to hit a tackle, but Joe stands up to it. They then exchange strikes in the middle of the ring until Joe gets control and tags in Mark Coffey. Mark hits an elbow and maintains control of Holloway’s arm. Mark hits a European Uppercut, but eats a big boot from Holloway. Holloway tags in Jordan Oasis a bit aggressively.
Oasis comes in and grabs a side headlock. He gets sent into the ropes, but his tackle doesn’t have an impact. Mark grabs a side headlock, but hits the ropes and eats a tackle. They then exchange strikes in the middle of the ring until Mark hits a series of strikes. Oasis hits the ropes and Holloway gets a blind tag. Holloway comes in and works over Mark. Oasis is confused, but ends up dropping Joe from the apron.
Holloway keeps control of Mark with a big bodyslam for a two count. Holloway slaps on a chinlock, but Mark gets out of it with a jawbreaker. Holloway shakes it off and clubs down on Mark. He then tags Oasis in aggressively again. Oasis tries to work over Mark in the corner, but Mark works out of it with a roll up. Oasis kicks out, sending Mark into the ropes. Oasis hits a running senton onto Mark in the ropes.
Holloway makes another blind tag. Oasis doesn’t appreciate it and the tag team has words. Mark takes advantage of the disagreement and is able to dispose of Holloway and drop Oasis. Mark tags in his brother, who comes in hot. Joe drops Oasis with a few big tackles. He goes for a running strike in the corner, but Oasis moves. Oasis goes for a charging strike, but Joe hits a back elbow. Joe then springboards off of the ropes for a twisting crossbody. He gets a two count due to Holloway breaking up the pin.
Holloway goes to the outside with Mark. Holloway sends Mark into the ringpost. Wolfgang comes out and has words with Holloway. Oasis tries to take the advantage on Joe as he’s distracted by the outside action. Joe reads it, though, and hits the Southpaw Jinx for the knockout win!
Winner: Gallus via Pinfall.
After the match, Cappuccino Jones and Jack Cartwheel help Oasis Jones get to the back. As they do so, Gallus has words for them.
Video: Layla Diggs
A short video package airs on Layla Diggs. She has struggled with self confidence. Even with Shawn Michaels telling her that she’s a great athlete, she doesn’t always believe in herself. Diggs is ready to conquer her fears, though.
Video: Chantel Monroe
A short video package airs on Chantel Monroe. She was a gymnast growing up and is a little bit of a diva. She loves fashion. Monroe wants to wrestle the best, but also look the best.
Layla Diggs vs. Chantel Monroe
They lock up and Chantel Monroe backs Layla Diggs up to the corner. Out of the corner, Diggs hits a side headlock takeover. Monroe works out of it, though, and hits a tackle. She ducks under a jumping Diggs and drags her down by the hair. Monroe then stomps down on Diggs. Diggs hits the ropes and hits a sunset flip for a two count.
Diggs is sent into the ropes and flips over them to the apron. She gets back into the ring and hits a scissor kick. Diggs then hits a slam and a standing moonsault for a two count. Diggs tries a running attack in the corner, but Monroe moves out of the way and then clips Diggs’ leg. Monroe then works over Diggs’ leg, using the ropes to stretch it. She jumps down on Diggs’ leg and then hits a double knee on Diggs for a two count.
Monroe locks on a single leg Boston Crab. Diggs turns the hold into a roll up for a two count. Diggs hits a kick, but it hurts her leg. Monroe reverses a suplex and dropkicks Diggs’ leg. Monroe charges at Diggs in the corner, but eats an elbow. Diggs climbs the ropes slowly. She kicks Monroe off and tries to hit a sunset flip from the second rope. Monroe holds onto Diggs’ legs, though, and pins her for the win!
Winner: Chantel Monroe via Pinfall.
Video: Haze Jameson
A short video package airs on Haze Jameson. She is a rookie who played volleyball in college. Her nickname is “The Wild Child” because she’s the life of the party. Her idol growing up was Dennis Rodman.
Ringside: Kali Armstrong
Kali Armstrong interrupts Haze Jameson’s video package. She’s at the commentary table and wants a match. She’s going to take the match.
Kali Armstrong vs. Haze Jameson
Kali Armstong starts off fast by sending Haze Jameson into the corner. She works Jameson over in the corner a bit and then hits a big bodyslam. Armstrong then hits the Kali Connection for the win!
Winner: Kali Armstrong via Pinfall.
After the match, Kali Armstrong sends a message through the camera. “I’m different!”
On Stage: Kylie Rae
Peter Rosenberg interviews Kylie Rae. Everyone wants to know what the note from Wendy Choo said. Rae isn’t sure if she wants to get to know Choo because Choo is scary. Rae has a lot of women to focus on in the locker room. She doesn’t have time to focus on the note. Rae crumbles the note and throws it down. Wendy Choo’s music hits, but out comes Zara Zakher. Rae is looking around for Choo. Zakher calms Rae down and they go to the back together.
Video: Drako Knox
A short video package airs on Drako Knox. He grew up in a blue collar family and played college football. Knox has always been a fan of WWE, so he’s all in on this opportunity.
Video: Tate Wilder
A short video package airs on Tate Wilder. He’s a fifth generation rancher and cowboy. He has five brothers and was always competing. He walked on to his college football team and ended up earning a scholarship.
Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe vs. Drako Knox & Tate Wilder
Drako Knox and Tyson Dupont start things off with a lock up. Dupont immediately backs Knox up into the corner. They lock up again and Knox is able to gain the control, but Dupont takes a cheap shot. Dupont comes off of the ropes with a tackle. Knox wiggles out of a Dupont lift and hits a flying shoulder tackle. Tay Wilder tags in and he double teams Dupont with Knox, hitting a dropkick. Tyriek Igwe tags in.
Wilder tries to use his quickness, but Igwe catches him and clubs down on his back. Wilder hits a springboard arm drag, but succumbs to a kick to the gut. Igwe hits Wilder with snake eyes and tags in Dupont. Dupont hits a big uppercut and Wilder rolls to the outside. Dupont follows him out and hits him with a strike. Wilder is rolled back into the ring. Igwe tags in as Dupont puts Wilder in a full nelson. Igwe chops Wilder and then Dupont hits a full nelson slam.
Swipe Right comes out and goes to the VIP Section to watch the match.
Igwe sends Wilder into the corner and hits a running elbow. Wilder tries to hit a springboard attack, but Igwe moves and Wilder lands awkwardly. He shakes it off, though, and is able to tag in Knox. Knox comes in hot and is able to drop both Igwe and Dupont. Knox misses a running knee and hits the turnbuckle. Dupont tags in and he double teams Knox with Igwe. Igwe hits a belly-to-back suplex as Dupont hits a heartbreaker at the same time for the win!
Winner: Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe via Pinfall.
After the match, Swipe Right have words with Drako Knox and Tay Wilder. A massive man is also in the VIP Section and seems to be with Swipe Right.
Ringside: Oro Mensah
Oro Mensah is now in the VIP Section alone to watch the main event.
Luca Crusifino vs. Javier Bernal
They lock up and Luca Crusifino is quick to hit a side headlock takeover. Bernal head scissors out of it and they reverse a couple of holds before standing up and shaking hands. They lock up again and Crusifino is able to grab an arm. He cranks it and rolls up Bernal for a two count. Crusifino goes back to the arm, but Bernal is able to lift Crusifino over the top rope to the apron. Crusifino jumps back into the ring with a tackle.
Bernal is sent into the corner, but he reverses control and hits a headscissors. Crusifino rolls to the outside. Bernal hits a baseball slide kick, but Crusifino shakes it off by lifting Bernal up and dropping him down on the apron. Crusifino then puts Bernal on the apron and htis a leg drop.
Back in the ring, Bernal grabs at his leg and is hobbling. Crusifino sends Bernal into the corner multiple times, but Bernal is able to lock on a roll up for a two count. Crusifino hits a leaping kick for a two count. Crusifino tries to lift Bernal up off the mat, but eats a back body drop. Crusifino shakes it off, though, and exchanges strikes with Bernal. Bernal, though, hits a series of strikes and a springboard tornado DDT for a two count. Bernal tries the DDT again, but Crusifino catches him with the Law Breaker. Crusifino then hits Case Closed for the win!
Winner: Luca Crusifino via Pinfall.
After the match, Luca Crusifino has a message for the camera. This is his show and anyone who thinks they can take him…they should come out now. Keanu Carver and Harlem Lewis both come out and have words for Crusifino as the show fades to black.