TNA Impact! Results – March 20, 2025 – Nic & Ryan Nemeth Address Their Actions at Sacrifice, Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana

March 20, 2025
El Paso, TX – El Paso County Coliseum
Commentary – Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt
Results via Matt Boone of

Quick Match Results

  1. The Rascalz defeated The Northern Armory via Feed Em To The Lions (pinfall)
  2. Mike Santana defeated Mustafa Ali via Countout
  3. Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee defeated Rosemary & Savannah Evans via Thunderstruck (pinfall)
  4. Mance Warner defeated Mango via Running Knee Strike (pinfall)
  5. Elijah & Joe Hendry defeated The System via Standing Ovation (pinfall)

Last Week’s Show Recap

A recap video package looking back at TNA Sacrifice airs.

In-Ring: Masha Slamovich, Tessa Blanchard, Jacy Jayne, Santino Marella

The show opens inside a jam-packed El Paso County Coliseum with TNA Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich coming to the ring. She gives Cora Jade props for coming to fight, but says it wasn’t enough.

She claims she’s on a new mission to prove she is the best champion in all of pro wrestling. She says her belt proves it, and she’ll defend it against anyone, anytime, anywhere. She says, “At Rebellion …” but before she can finish, Tessa Blanchard makes her way out.

Blanchard tells Slamovich she beat Jade, which is fine, but Blanchard could do the same in her sleep. She says it’s time she beats her and take what’s hers. As she continues taking, out of nowhere, Slamovich is attacked from behind by WWE NXT Superstar Jacy Jane.

A ton of officials hit the ring to break things up. As they do, the theme for Santino Marella hits and out comes TNA’s “Director of Authority” to a big pop and chants of his name. He tells Jane this isn’t how you conduct yourself in TNA. He says next week it’ll be Jane vs. Slamovich.

Santino turns and tells Blanchard that the world doesn’t revolve around her. He says Blanchard will be banned from ringside during the Jane-Slamovich showdown next week. After this wraps up, the show heads into the first commercial break of the evening.

Backstage: Santino Marella, Arianna Grace

When the show returns, a fired up Santino approaches “The Liaison” Arianna Grace and says he has to know ahead of time about things like this. She swears she didn’t know Jane was coming, and that she only knew of the same surprise Santino knows about for later in the show.

The Northern Armory (Travis Williams & Judas Icarus) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

Back inside the Impact Zone, the theme for Eric Young hits and out he comes accompanying The Northern Armory duo of Judas Icarus and Travis Williams to the ring for the first match of the evening. He joins the gang on special guest commentary for this one.

Out next comes their opponents, The Rascalz duo of Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel. The bell sounds and things get officially off-and-running with Wentz and Icarus. Wentz takes the early offensive lead, however, Icarus tags in Williams and The Northern Armory settle into the offensive lead.

After several minutes on the defensive end of things, Wentz finally fights back into competitive form and gets the tag to Wentz. The two hit a back-to-back double-team high spot sequence, leading to Miguel scoring the pinfall.

Winner: The Rascalz via Pinfall.

Eric Young comes to get involved afterwards until Ace Austin runs out with a chair. The show heads to another commercial break after the tag bout wraps up.

Backstage: Xia Brookside, Rosemary

When it returns, footage is shown of Rosemary spraying Xia Brookside in the eyes with the poison mist last week. Backstage live, Gia Miller introduces her guest at this time — Xia Brookside.

She asks how her eyes are. Brookside said the doctors told her that her eyes are fine, but she can still feel it. Gia asks her about nearly using a chain as a weapon, something very out of character for her. She says she always tries to fight fair, but then things like this happens.

Brookside says she knows Rosemary is trying to get into her head. As she continues talking, she is cut off by Rosemary in a video on the monitor behind her. Rosemary says Xia is finally starting to understand. She brings up Xia hesitating against Savannah Evans.

She tells Xia to get a partner and meet us in the ring. “We’ve got a little surprise for you!” Brookside tells Gia she will take her revenge tonight and that she has the perfect partner in mind.

On Stage: FIR$T CLA$$, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Frankie Kazarian

Inside the Impact Zone, the theme for First Class hits and out comes AJ Francis and KC Navarro to a chorus of boos from the El Paso crowd, as it’s time for the latest installment of the First Class Penthouse. They babble for only a few minutes before they are interrupted by Chavo Guerrero Jr.

The legend comes out and banters back-and-forth with them until quickly another theme hits and Frankie Kazarian comes out. AJ Francis asks what the hell is going on. Great question that could apply to any First Class Penthouse segment. Kazarian tells Chavo he remembers him costing he and Christopher Daniels the tag titles in 2012.

After they go back-and-forth for a bit, The Aztec Warriors duo of Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr. come out and a lucha tag bout is made for next week’s show, with the Aztec Warriors taking on First Class. This madness wraps up and the show heads into another commercial time out.

Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana

The show returns, the theme for Mustafa Ali hits and out he comes with The Cabinet banned from ringside for a TNA Sacrifice rematch. Mike Santana’s music hits next and out he comes through the crowd amped up and ready for some get-back.

As soon as they are in arm’s reach, Santana goes after him and hits a big dive on the floor. The bell hasn’t even sounded yet to get this officially started. Ali fights back, but Santana sends him flying onto and across the timekeepers table.

Ali tries fighting back and focusing his attack on the injured arm of Santana. The bell eventually sounds to make things official. After just a few more minutes of back-and-forth action not really going Ali’s way, he decides to walk out on the match.

Mustafa stops by Hannifan and Rehwoldt and talks into their headset, saying he is the one addiction that Santana will never be able to conquer. He walks off through the crowd waving and smiling at Santana as the referee counts him out. Santana gets the win by count out. The show heads into another commercial break.

Winner: Mike Santana via Countout.

Backstage: Mustafa Ali, The Cabinet

Mustafa Ali and The Cabinet were seen backstage walking towards a limo as Gia Miller stopped them to get some words about Ali running out during his match against Mike Santana. Ali stated that he didn’t run from Santana and instead he conquered Santana. Ali then talked about his win over Santana at Scarifice and how he is done with Santana. Ali talked about how he is the one addiction Santana won’t overcome and proceeded to enter the limo. Miller tried to get some more words only to be stopped by Tasha Steelz who stated that they were done.

In-Ring: Ryan Nemeth, Nic Nemeth, Leon Slater

When the show returns, Ryan Nemeth makes his way to the ring. He talks about his “Big Brother!” before calling himself the greatest brother in the world. He says Nic Nemeth finally did the right thing. He then introduces his big brother, whom he calls the best wrestler in the world.

“The Wanted Man” makes his way out to a ton of heat and boos from the El Paso crowd. Nic comes out with a similar John Cena heel face. Expressionless. No remorse for his actions. Fans chant “Hardy! Hardy!” as he settles in the ring. Nic begins, “They ain’t coming.”

Nic says “if everyone would shut up for a second, I’d like to say a few words.” He goes on to talk about how people have been talking about TNA again for about the past year. He connects that to when he arrived on the scene, and brings up The Hardys sneakily coming in and taking credit.

Leon Slater comes out and calls them crazy. He says someone needs to step up next week, and that he’s going to beat Nemeth’s ass right now. A brawl breaks out. Nemeth beats Slater down, leaving him lying in the ring. He and Ryan walk off as the show heads to another commercial break.

Rosemary & Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee

The show returns inside the Impact Zone to Rosemary’s theme playing. The red lights come on and out she comes to the ring. She settles inside and the entrance tune for her partner plays. Out comes Savannah Evans.

After the two heels make their way out, the theme for Xia Brookside plays and out she comes. She settles in the ring and then the lights go out. When they come back on, Lei Ying Lee’s name appears on the big screen. The crowd couldn’t have reacted less.

She makes her way out and some respectful cheers spread throughout the El Paso crowd. The bell sounds and Brookside and Rosemary kick things off for their respective teams. Rosemary decides against it and tags in Evans. Brookside shows her fiery side, taking it right to Evans.

Evans blasts Brookside with a big shot and tags Rosemary back in. Brookside fires up again and takes over, hitting Broken Wings on Rosemary in the corner. She follows up with a DDT for a two-count. Lei tags in, but she too finds herself mostly on the defensive.

After some more back-and-forth action, Rosemary accidentally sprays Evans with the mist. Brookside follows up. Lei goes to show off her strength, picking up Evans, but she appeared to drop her. She hits her Thunderstruck kick for the win.

Winner: Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee via Pinfall.

The show heads to another commercial break.

In-Ring: The Personnel Concierge, Heather & Ash By Elegance, Meta-Girls, Spitfire, Gigi Dolin, Tatum Paxley, Santino Marella, Arianna Grace

The show returns to George Iceman in the ring with a neck brace on. He introduces the new TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions Ash & Heather by Elegance. The duo make their way out to their Championship Celebration by Elegance, complete with a “$4,000 cake” and some “beefcake models.”

As Ash and Heather drone on, Ash demands her cake be brought over. She kneels down to make a wish, but the lights go out instead. WWE NXT Superstars Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson “cross the line,” coming out and telling the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions that they are the best team in the women’s scene, regardless of promotion.

While they bicker back-and-forth, they are cut off by the entrance tune for former TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions Spitfire. Jody Threat and Dani Luna come to the ring wanting their immediate rematch. As they all talk, even more music plays. Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley “cross the line” and say they want a shot at the titles as well.

Ash throws a fit. Gigi tells her to kiss her ass. A big brawl breaks out with all of the ladies. Security rushes to the scene to break things up. TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella’s theme hits and out he comes to another monster pop. Next week it’ll be Ash & Heather vs. Gigi and Paxley. Spitfire are banned from ringside. Jackson and Legend are banned as well.

Jackson and Legend beat down some of the security. They get in Santino’s face and intimidate him. Arianna Grace comes out and says he might not have authority over him, but she does. She says there’s still banned from ringside next week. The show heads to another commercial break.

Mance Warner vs. Mango

When the show returns, Mance Warner’s theme hits and out he comes accompanied by the TNA Digital Media Championship-toting Steph De Lander. They head to the ring, where Warner will be in action in the next match of the evening.

His opponent, already in the ring, is Magno. He is introduced as from El Paso, TX., and gets a good pop as a result. The bell sounds and things get officially off-and-running with a bang, as Warner runs over Magno with a big lariat.

Seconds later Warner runs over Magno with another big shot. He follows up with a knee strike and after all of two minutes, maximum, Warner picks up the easy squash match victory. Poor Magno.

Winner: Mance Warner via Pinfall.

Video: Steve Maclin

A video airs with Steve Maclin talking as quick-cut clips are shown of his recent interactions with Eric Young and The Northern Armory. He makes it clear that he didn’t like the look he saw in Young’s eyes, that he never wanted or needed his help, and that he will not join The Northern Armory.

Next Week’s Show Card Rundown

Next Week:
* Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley vs. Ash & Heather By Elegance
* The Aztec Warriors & Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. First Class & Frankie Kazarian
* Jacy Jane vs. Masha Slamovich
* Eric Young vs. Ace Austin
* Leon Slater vs. Nic Nemeth

The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) vs. Elijah & Joe Hendry

The theme for The System hits and out comes Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers, accompanied by Alisha Edwards. The trio head to the ring for the final match of the evening, a tag-team tilt in the main event.

After they settle inside the squared circle, the theme for the first of their two opponents hits, and out comes Elijah. He settles in the ring with his guitar in-hand, but before he can strum or play anything, the viral smash hit, “I Believe in Joe Hendry” hits and the crowd goes bonkers as the TNA World Champion emerges.

The bell sounds and Hendry and Myers kick things off for their respective teams. Hannifan points out today marks the 60th day of Hendry’s world title reign. Hendry takes the early offensive lead over Myers, showing off his power with a spinning powerslam.

Edwards tags in, but he doesn’t fare any better. Elijah tags in and takes over, picking up where Hendry left off. Hendry joins him in the ring when Myers tries to interfere. Both members of The System are knocked to the floor. Hendry and Elijah stand tall in the ring as the show heads to a mid-match commercial break.

When the show returns, The System are shown taking over, thanks to interference and distractions by Alisha Edwards at ringside. Elijah is kept isolated in the ring and away from his corner so he can’t make the much-needed tag to Hendry. He end up blasting Edwards with a big shot that buys him some time.

Elijah makes it to his corner for the tag to Hendry, just as Edwards tags in Myers. Hendry takes the hot tag and hits the ring with a ton of energy. The crowd comes to life as Hendry hits a pair of Fall Away Slams before doing his big dramatic head-turn.

He leads the crowd in a “We will rock you!” stomp-stomp-clap sequence as he looks to finish things off. Edwards hits the ring and knocks Elijah off the apron. Hendry is hit with a big spear by Myers for a close two-count. Edwards hits a splash on Hendry in the corner.

Edwards goes for the Back-Pack Stunner into a System Overload, but Hendry avoids it and counters with a Standing Ovation thanks to help from Elijah. Hendry goes for the follow-up cover and scores the pinfall to pick up the victory for his team.

Winner: Elijah & Joe Hendry via Pinfall.

The two celebrate as Hendry’s theme plays. That’s how this week’s show wraps up.