ROH TV Results – March 20, 2025 – Komander vs. Dark Panther

March 20, 2025
Fresno, CA – Save Mart Center at Fresno State, Sacramento, CA – Sacramento Memorial Auditorium, and Omaha, NE – Liberty First Credit Union Arena
Commentary – Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman
Results via Jeff Moss of

Quick Match Results

  1. Trios match – Mistico, Neon, & Fuego defeated Volador Jr, Rugido, & Hechicero via La Mistica (submission)
  2. La Catalina defeated Viva Van via Bodyscissor Choke (submission)
  3. La Faccion Ingobernable defeated Eli Theseus & Gabriel Aeros via Facebuster (pinfall)
  4. Winner Receives Future Shot at ROH World Television Championship match – Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox went to a 10-Minute Time Limit Draw
  5. Satnam Singh defeated Sid Ellington via Chokeslam (pinfall)
  6. Top Flight defeated QT Marshall & Aaron Solo via Jawbone Lace (submission)
  7. ROH World Television Championship – Komander (c) defeated Dark Panther via Rope Walk Shooting Star Press (pinfall)

Trios MatchMarch 20, 2025
Volador Jr, Rugido, & Hechicero vs. Mistico, Neon, & Fuego

Kicking things off, the ROH/CMLL Crisis of Infinite Luchadores continued this week with another six-man match contested under Luchadore rules. which basically means if a wrestler slides out under the bottom rope, it counts as a tag and another member of their team can jump in. This makes it much easier for the participants to escape holds, dodge attacks and grab snacks, if they so choose. While the other five luchadores have been seeing in AEW and ROH in recent weeks, Neon was making his ROH debut and the commentators built him up huge.

Neon and Hechicero started things off and Hechicero was all over Neon from jump. It was a surprisingly technical exchange, lots of holds and locks with Neon getting a couple of rolling near-falls. Hechicero caught Neon in a leapfrog attempt and Neon crashed face-first into the mat.

Neon reversed a hold and Hechicero slid under the bottom rope. Volador jumped in and Neon tagged in Mistico. Mistico tried to show respect by offering a handshake, but Rugido and Hechicero ran in and all three beat up Mistico and Neo, leaving Fuego to face down his opponents three-on-one. Rugido (also in his ROH Debut apparently) hit a big dropkick on Mistico who had come in to help Fuego.

Mistico took out Volador and Rugido with a double back elbow and a brawl ensued, leaving Mistico, Fuego and Neon standing tall. They did a co-ordinated triple-dive out of the ring onto their opponents that was really, really, fun. Fuego and Rugido had a fantastic back and forth until Hechicero jumped in and helped with a double team.

Neon began clearing house, taking on all three one at a time. After dispatching Hechicero, Neon tagged in Mistico and Hechicero and Volador tried to double team him, but Mistico stayed alive and hit a headscissor from the top rope on Hechicero. He followed that up with a backbreaker and locked in an armbar submission on Rugido, forcing him to tap out and getting the win for his team.

Winner: Mistico, Neon, & Fuego via Submission.

Viva Van vs. La Catalina

La Catalina failed to capture the ROH Women’s World Title from the Forever Champ Athena on ROH on Honorclub episode 106. So her runner-up prize is a match against Viva Van, who’s last televised match made my six-year old daughter exclaim “oh no, Vivian Van!” in a very sympathetic tone. 

Similarly matched in size and speed, the two locked up off the top with Catalina taking control. Van fought back but had a hard time finding something that would keep Catalina down. Catalina hit a series of shoulder blocks and a fisherman suplex, but only got a two count as Van kicked out.

Van’s biggest chance came via spinning heel kick as she nailed a stunned Catalina. Van tried to get. her up in a surfboard, but Catalina blocked it. Van turned up the aggression but it left her open to a shining wizard from Catalina.

Catalina set Van up in the corner for some clubbing strikes, but Van wriggled out introduced Catalina’s face to the turnbuckle. Catalina responded with a facebuster, but it couldn’t keep Van down. Catalina caught Van with a bodyscissor choke and Van tapped out, giving the Chilean Catalina the victory.

Winner: La Catalina via Submission.

La Faccion Ingobernable (Dralistico & The Beast Mortos) vs. Eli Theseus & Gabriel Aeros

Hey, you know how The Beast Mortos is the scariest wrestler in ROH, non-Gates of Agony division?  The way to make him even scarier is to team him up with Dralistico, with whom Mortos had a killer triple threat match with against Hologram back in the days of yore, September 2024. Dralistico brings all kinds of speed and agility to La Faccion Ingobernable (aka The Ungovernable Faction, which I would like to join). Their victims, uh I mean, opponents, were Theseus and Aeros, who have been tagging together in the Land Down Under and lost to the Frat House (Griff Garrison and Preston Vance) a few weeks ago. 

Mortos was kind enough to let Dralistico start things off against Aeros who immediately found himself on the receiving end of a whole bunch of stomps, chops and really stiff looking punches. Theseus tagged in and didn’t fare much better, especially after Mortos tagged in and turned him inside out with a running body slam.

Aeros tried to help his partner, but Mortos headbutted him into next week. Dralistico pinned Theseus and that was it for the match.

Winner: La Faccion Ingobernable via Pinfall.

Video: Komander, Dark Panther

A video aired hyping up the ROH World Television Championship match between Komander and Dark Panther.

Winner Receives Future Shot at ROH World Television Championship Match
Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox

Fox vs Knight was such a meeting of similar wrestlers that they felt the need to put a time limit on it because it might be one of those things where their equality would lead to a match lasting forever. Or the  Board of Directors (are they still around?) made them do it. You pick whichever one feels best. The truth is, the winner of this match would become the #1 Contender for the ROH TV Title that Komander would be defending later in the show.

The crowd was clearly behind Fox, chanting his name before the bell. Knight worked Fox’s arm off the top, trying to take away Fox’s long reach. The two ran a series that was a literal mirror image of each other, both hitting the same moves, neither one getting an upper hand.

Fox stomped Knight in the corner, causing Knight to roll out of the ring to catch his breath. Fox dove onto him and they battled on the outside. Knight pulled Fox back into the ring and hit a standing frogh splash to get a two-count. Knight busted his lip open somwhere along the line and it seemed to make him more aggressive, but a little sloppier. Fox took advantage and hit him with a through-the-rope ddt as I quietly chanted “fight forever” to no one in particular, as I was alone in my office.

This was a really awesome match. Both of these guys can go, and they worked it perfectly so that there was no indication as to who might end up the winner. The only issue with it was that they never actually told the TV audience how long the time limit was. So, suddenly out of nowhere it was announced that there was “one minute left in the match.” Hopefully it guarantees they have another one soon as I would very much like to see it.

Winner: None.

Satnam Singh vs. Sid Ellington

Singh’s last match in ROH was way, way back on Episode #62 of ROH on Honorclub when he defeated, of all people, Jimmy Jacobs. The 400lbs Singh was looking to extend(?) that streak(?) against the 97lb Ellington, a Nightmare Factory student in his fourth match… ever. 

Ellington threw everything he had at Singh and honestly looked pretty good doing it. But as soon as Singh decided he was bored, he literally picked up Ellington and threw him the 20 feet across the ring, bouncing the smaller man off of the turnbuckles. Twice.

Singh continued beating on Ellington like he stole Singh’s lunch until everyone was screaming “stop, stop, he’s already dead!” (OK, that may have been just me screaming that). Singh pinned him and that was it.

Winner: Satnam Singh via Pinfall.

QT Marshall & Aaron Solo vs. Top Flight (Darius & Dante Martin)

In a really, really stacked Tag Division, Top Flight are close to the top of the ROH Tag Title Chase. Last week, they teamed with Gates of Agony  in a win over The Frat House and The Premier Athletes. This week, they faced Aaron Solo and QT Marshall. Solo is a stalwart ROH Workhorse and Marshall has been hanging around ROH for a while now, presumably because they have better catering? I can’t really tell. There hasn’t been much reason in his current ROH run, but maybe this will be the start of a team with Solo that can enter the Tag Team Fray of ROH.  

Solo and Darius began the match, but Dante got involved pretty quickly, with the siblings double teaming Solo. Marshall tagged himself in and the crowd let him know that he sucked. Marshall worked Dante over until the high-flyer took him out with a headscissor.

On the outside, Solo drove Dante into the ring apron (the hardest part of the ring!) before tossing him back into the ring and isolating from his brother. Marshall tried to draw a DQ by punching Darious, but he didn’t go for it as Solo worked over Dante in the corner.

Dante got a hot tag to Darious who disptached Marshall, then turned his attention to Solo. Martin exploded with speed, bringing Solo to his corner and tagging Dante back in. Darious had Solo pinned, but Marshall jumped in to break it up.

Solo and Marshall beat up Darious until Dante could take out Marshall with a hurricanrana to the outside. Darious locked in a submission on Solo and Solo tapped out before Marshall could break it up.

Winner: Top Flight via Submission.

On Stage: The Outrunners, The Infantry

Next, in a NCAA tie-in, The Outrunners arrived with the Omaha Maverick’s mascot, a bull named Durango. They fired up the Omaha crowd and promoted the Tournament. Suddenly, they were interrupted by the Infantry. They ran down the local sports teams and the Outrunners… left. Durango stayed though and the Outrunners returned with a couple of trash cans. They used the Infantry’s heads to test their durability and sent them packing.

ROH World Television Championship
Dark Panther vs. Komander (c)

Last week, Komander watched from ringside as Panther took on Aaron Solo. Solo looked pretty good against the veteran Cat-man, but Panther got the win and even did a little riling up of the ROH TV Champ in the process. Komander has been vying for the title of Fightingest Champion In ROH, having defended his TV Title seven times (so far) since winning it in December (for context and comparison, another championship, the ROH Tag Titles, were only defended eight times in all of 2024). 

These two were fired up and Komander took control off the top against the larger Panther. Panther switched tactics and started working the leg of Komander, hoping to take away some of his speed and agility.

The best part of these Luchadore matches is the speed. Komander and Panther were moving so fast and hitting so many different moves, the commentary could barely keep up. The fans were loving it too, chanting “Lucha Libre” at any opportunity, while Panther changed things up and worked Komander’s arm.

Komander began stomping on Panther’s feet, trying to get the big man on his back. It didn’t work though and Panther clubbed him to the mat. Komander dodged Panther and Panther ended up on the outside. Komander tried a dive, but Panther caught him and hung him up on the top rope, wrenching his knee.

Panther clearly had Komander scouted and was able to counter just about everything Komander tried. Panther also knew where to work Komander, putting him in surfboards in the center of the rign, stretching his knees.

Panther made a mistake though and gave Komander an opening for some high flying moves. Komander went for a running flip form the top rope, but Panther got his knees up, dazing Komander. Panther followed that with a missile dropkick from the second rope, but Komander got his hand on the ropes during the count.

Komander tossed Panther out of the ring and climbed to the opposite top turnbuckle. He ran along the ropes and dove onto Panther. Throwing him back in the ring, Komander climbed up again and hit a top rope flip to get the pin and retain his ROH TV Title.

Winner: Komander via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Television Championship.

After the match, Dark Panther grabbed the title belt and put it on Komander in a sign of respect. A perfect ending to a pretty good show!