Homicide on Reason for His Decision for His Retirement from Wrestling

As noted before, wrestling legend and Indie Wrestling Hall of Famer Homicide will be having his retirement match for Outlaw Wrestling at their End of an Era event on Thursday in Brooklyn, New York. Homicide will be teaming up with Bull James in a tag team match against Mike Santana & Afa Jr. for his retirement match.

Homicide provided an update on Wednesday on Facebook stating that the reason why he is retiring from in-ring wrestling is due a cyst that was found on his brain that is causing him vision and speech issues.

“Can’t believe I’m saying goodbye—not just to a job, but to my passion, the sport of pro wrestling.

Myself and Bull James vs. Mike Santana and “I Hate Everyone” Afa Jr.

The reason I’m leaving is that I went to my doctor and found out I have a cyst in my brain.

I’ve had it for months, and it’s getting worse.

My vision, speech are bad [because of the] hard hits, getting knocked out, and then hopping on a plane to travel.

March 20, Outlaw Wrestling means a lot.

I want people to party and smile—except for Afa Jr.

I’m a survivor. I always win my battles.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support.

This is not goodbye.

This is see you later.

#LatinTerror #Homicide #187Sweatbox.ONE

This not a goodbye

This is I see you later

#LatinTerror #Homicide #187sweatbox.ONE.”