As noted before, former WWE employee Janel Grant filed a lawsuit in January of 2024 against former TKO Executive Chairman Vince McMahon accusing McMahon of committing sex trafficking and sexual abuse towards her during her time in the company. Besides McMahon, WWE and former WWE Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis were also named defendants in the lawsuit. Grant recently filed a motion requesting for additional time for her amended lawsuit that was granted with a new deadline date of January 31st.
Grant’s attorneys filed a new amended lawsuit on Friday containing new evidence against McMahon and Laurinaitis before the before the United States District Court of Connecticut based on recent court records. Besides McMahon and Laurinaitis, Brock Lesnar, Dr. Carlon Colker, WWE President Nick Khan, and former WWE COO Brad Blum were all explicit named after previously being unnamed in Grant’s original lawsuit. This new amended lawsuit also contained new evidence and allegations against Lesnar, Khan, and Blum.
In regards to the new evidence listed, WWE producer Michael Hayes name was also mentioned in the new amended lawsuit in regards to allegations of McMahon had instructed her to create pornographic content for Hayes and his team in the company.
Grant’s new amended lawsuit also contained new alleged screenshots, voice recordings and photos of texts, and photos sent to her by McMahon.
Among the new allegations and evidence in the amended lawsuit included:
- During her initial meeting with McMahon about potential employment in WWE, “McMahon shared stories about his upbringing, his traumatic childhood,growing up in poverty, and current family dynamics, including his separation from Linda McMahon—described as “his ex” and “long gone.” He added his marital status is an arrangement on paper for business purposes and that he lives a quiet, isolated existence outside of the WWE.“
- Grant alleged “In August 2021, McMahon told Ms. Grant that after she left their initial meeting, he immediately returned to the chair where she had sat and masturbated on the floor.“
- In another meeting, McMahon was stated to have met with Grant to prepare her for a job interview with Blum and “explained that people are intimidated around him and are afraid to touch him. McMahon added that he is an affectionate person who likes to hug and “starves” for physical affection. McMahon then led Ms. Grant on a tour of his condo before hugging her goodbye, again whispering “Feels so good.” Grant alleges that this was the start of McMahon “grooming” her for a sexual relationship.
- Grant alleges that her meetings with McMahon at his condo led to an incident in April of 2019 where she was invited to his “walk-in closet” and “As soon as she turned the corner, McMahon emerged from his bathroom wearing only briefs. Shocked, Ms. Grant turned around and apologized, as McMahon laughed and asked her to turn around. He then handed her a shirt and asked for help with the buttons. McMahon reminded her that he was working hard on her role and said he felt good about her taking care of him.“
- In the same incident, McMahon allegedly “stood up from his chair and knelt in front of the chair where Ms. Grant was seated, blocking her from standing. He leaned close to Ms. Grant and told her to kiss him. Ms. Grant paused and gave McMahon a kiss on the cheek, to which McMahon sighed, “That’s not what I meant.” After McMahon walked off to his bedroom and said that he wanted Ms. Grant, she swiftly rejected his advances and tried to reason with him that he was putting her in a bad position. Ms. Grant pled with McMahon to stop and think about what he was doing. McMahon then begged repeatedly simply to hold Ms. Grant. Out of fear for her employment and his earlier implied threats about his legal team dealing with problems, Ms. Grant lay down in bed next to McMahon and kept her hands clasped and ankles crossed, as she acquiesced in saying that he could only hold her, but nothing more.“
- Grant also alleged that “As McMahon dangled career-making and life-changing promises in front of Ms. Grant, he demonstrated an increasing lack of boundaries. During several meetings that were ostensibly about a potential job at WWE, he greeted her in his underwear, touched her, repeatedly asked for hugs, and spent hours sharing intimate details about his personal life.“
- In another incident, McMahon allegedly “undressed down to his briefs, while Ms. Grant remained clothed, and he began kissing Ms. Grant and inserting his hands into her pants without consent. Thus, McMahon began his trafficking of Ms. Grant—effectively forcing her to exchange sex for commercial value and employment. These acts would grow more extreme and outrageous over time.”
- In regards to why she did not break off the relationship with McMahon, Grant claimed she felt “trapped in an impossible situation: submitting to McMahon’s sexual demands or facing ruin. Ms. Grant feared she had everything to lose and faced negative consequences no matter what happened.” Grant also claimed that she had attempted to stop the relationship after their first sexual encounter only for McMahon to ignore her pleas and request.
- In regards to her work in WWE, Grant also alleged that “In stark contrast to colleagues who complained about overflowing inboxes, Ms. Grant’s phone only overflowed with controlling and sexually charged text messages from the Chairman and CEO, reminding her both of McMahon’s power and ever-present surveillance. In reality, the job Ms. Grant was hired for was her sexual acts, even though she did not realize it yet.”
- Grant also alleged that “McMahon treated Ms. Grant as a commodity—offering her to other men. In March 2020, McMahon began sharing sexually explicit photographs and videos of Ms. Grant (including pornographic content he recorded on his cell phone) with other men both inside and outside the Company, including with members of the television production “tech” team, executive(s), producer(s), and a world-famous athlete and former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar, with whom WWE was actively trying to sign to a new contract (and ultimately did sign that contract). McMahon actively requested, directed, encouraged, insisted, and ultimately conditioned Ms. Grant to create and send sexually explicit content during, but not limited to, writers’ meetings, production meetings, while running live television broadcasts in “gorilla position,” and while on the corporate jet traveling both domestically and internationally. McMahon even knowingly solicited and received Ms. Grant’s sexually explicit content while being filmed for a global streamer. McMahon noticed when Ms. Grant did not comply with his directions and inquired or interrogated her about her creation of content.”
- Grant also alleged that former WWE SVP Rich Hering was aware of her relationship with McMahon stating “Ms. Grant did not even meet Rich Hering until her second week of employment. Hering was a lively individual who frequently regaled the Legal department with stories of others at WWE. If McMahon’s name was mentioned, Hering would turn to Ms. Grant with a smile, a finger point, and/or a comment that drew attention to her connection to McMahon – —such as, “She knows what I’m talking about.”
- Grant also alleged that McMahon had recruited individuals to have sexual relations with Grant, including regular sexual relations with John Laurinatis before going to work for WWE several times a week and to engage in sexual activity while at WWE HQ.
- Grant also alleged that some in WWE were aware of her situation but instead of intervening to assist her, the company “viewed and dealt with her as a corporate liability and actively sought to conceal the wrongdoing., both while she was at WWE and after the end of her employment. McMahon himself said to Ms. Grant, “unfortunately, you appear to have my company over a barrel” before transferring her to Talent Relations.“
- In regards to Nick Khan, the amended lawsuit alleges that when Grant was moved to Talent Relations, WWE had constructed a new custom corner office suite that was decribed to be done “to Laurinaitis’ taste. This new room was stated to have shared a wall with WWE CCO Paul “Triple H” Levesque’s office and had an internal door that “connected directly into Laurinaitis’ office.” Khan and Blum allegedly were involved with the planning of this new office room.
- In regards to Michael Hayes, Grant alleged “In or about September 2020, McMahon instructed Ms. Grant to create customized pornographic content for producer Michael Hayes and his crew” and that she should off and create content for “construction workers.“
- Grant also alleged that she was being encouraged to make sexually explicit material for Laurinaitis. Grant also alleges that she was streamed to Laurinaitis by McMahon while naked without her knowledge and that once she and Laurinaitis began to communicate via cell phone, McMahon was to be included in all exchanges. Grant also alleged that after their first three-some, Laurinaitis allegedly claimed he could “read people” just like McMahon and would “take a bullet” for McMahon.
- In the amended lawsuit, Grant also claimed that she was informed by Blum that she would be moving to Talent Relations stating “In essence, Ms. Grant again found herself in a completely undefined role, except for the understanding that she remain a sexual slave to be used and trafficked by McMahon within the WWE. A month later, having still not received a title and the corresponding pay raise promised and uneasy with the uncertainty, Ms. Grant even called Human Resources to confirm that there was nothing further she needed to do in order to transition into her new role. They assured her that this was a natural progression.“
- In regards to Laurinaitis, “On multiple other occasions while Ms. Grant worked under Laurinaitis, including after McMahon’s promise that one-on-one encounters would end – —and even after his wife moved across the country to join Laurinaitis – —he would call Ms. Grant to his office, lock the door, unzip his pants, and instruct Ms. Grant to perform oral sex. Through all this, Ms. Grant noticed that the less she sexually engaged with Laurinaitis, the less work she had as Laurinaitis began to belittle Ms. Grant in front of colleagues. Fearing for herself and her future, Ms. Grant asked Laurinaitis whether he still supported her promotion to vice presidentVice President. He deflected with an answer about considering all options and changed the topic. The extreme uncertainty and fear for her future exacerbated Ms. Grant’s physical symptoms of illness, including gastrointestinal issues and vomiting, which continued to worsen over the remainder of her time with WWE.”
- In regards to Lesnar, McMahon allegedly had brought Lesnar to Connecticut to meet with him and have a sexual interaction with Grant but this did not happen due to Lesnar being allegedly too intoxicated and was brought back to his plane to be taken home.
- The amdended lawsuit also stated that in January of 2022, Linda McMahon had discovered McMahon’s relationship with Grant and that it needed to end. McMahon allegedly responded to Grant stating that he was going to get divorced, would lose his condo, and the publicity from the divorce would put Grant’s name out into the public sphere. McMahon allegedly told Grant that he wanted “to ensure that Ms. Grant would remain silent about his personal misconduct in order to preserve his controlling interest in WWE. McMahon told Ms. Grant that if she left WWE and signed an NDA, he was confident Linda McMahon would not divorce him, he could remain in the condo, and Ms. Grant would avoid reputational harm.“
- In regards to the NDA, the amended lawsuit claimed “In the days ahead, McMahon put Ms. Grant under immense pressure to sign, saying that refusing would not only jeopardize McMahon, his family, and the Company, but that she’d surely become a public headline, suffer reputational ruin (including from the pornographic content McMahon had captured), and face McMahon’s legal resources. Conversely, McMahon reassured her that her signature would ensure his continued support and protection and safeguard her reputation. Ultimately, without any meaningful choice, Ms. Grant succumbed to the pressure and signed the NDA in exchange for payments – —which McMahon later stopped making.“
- Grant also alleged that McMahon had sent her a “to do” list to get the NDA process going and that this list had been drafted by Blum.
- Grant also claimed that despite signing the NDA, McMahon continued to take part in sexual test messages and continued to push Grant to interact with Brock Lesnar with explicit content and pushing for Grant to meet Lesnar while he was in New York City in March of 2022. All of these things that would violate the NDA that was in the process of negotiating.
- Grant also claimed that McMahon’s abuse towards her continued even after she signed the NDA and alleged that he had met her in a white robe at his condo to “discuss outstanding business items” but instead allegedly “grabbed her arm” and forced her to her knees for oral sex. Grant stated that this encounter had left her in tears and made her body wretch afterwards.
- In regards to the SEC’s investigation and fine against McMahon, the amended lawsuit stated “Despite his public assertion that he did not engage in any intentional wrongdoing, McMahon consented to the entry of the SEC’s order finding that he violated the Securities Exchange Act by knowingly circumventing WWE’s internal accounting controls.“
Following the filing of the amended lawsuit, Grant’s attorneys released an official press release.
NEW YORK, NY – Today, attorneys for Janel Grant filed a motion to amend the complaint in her ongoing case against former WWE CEO Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE to provide new evidence that McMahon treated Ms. Grant as a commodity to sexually abuse and offer to other men. The proposed amended complaint, which is attached to her motion, includes never- before-seen text and voice messages from McMahon and provides new details about how McMahon coerced Ms. Grant into sexual acts through her employment at WWE.
“Ms. Grant’s amended complaint reveals new details that further demonstrate the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis and pulls back the curtain on the dangerous workplace culture McMahon created at WWE,” said Ann Callis, attorney for Janel Grant. “Ms. Grant looks forward to holding her abusers accountable in a court of law.”
The amended complaint provides new evidence about the sexual abuse carried out by McMahon, Laurinaitis, and WWE including:
* McMahon offered Ms. Grant to WWE Superstar Brock Lesnar for a sexual encounter during his formal negotiation of a new contract with WWE, and McMahon ordered Ms. Grant to send Lesnar sexually explicit content of herself.
* McMahon sent a text message to Ms. Grant, where he fantasizes in graphic detail about watching as a group of men are “surrounding” her and leaving her physically “wrecked,” underscoring how he viewed her as a commodity to offer to others.
* A text message from McMahon to Ms. Grant where he makes clear that only McMahon has the power to “arrange” Ms. Grant’s sexual encounters.
* An occasion where McMahon video recorded Ms. Grant while nude for Laurinaitis, without Ms. Grant’s knowledge or consent.
* Details about the sham investigation WWE proclaimed to conduct in 2022 after it became public that McMahon signed NDAs with multiple women, in which “investigators” refused to interview Ms. Grant.
* The transcript of a voice message from McMahon to Ms. Grant, where he attempts to coerce her into signing an NDA “really f***in’ fast” so he doesn’t get kicked out of his own “f***in’ company.”
The initial complaint, filed in January 2024, includes a text message from McMahon to Ms. Grant where McMahon admits, “im the only one who owns U and controls who I want to f*** U.”
Grant’s attorney Ann Callis also issued an official statement about the new amended lawsuit.
“Ms. Grant’s amended complaint reveals new details that further demonstrate the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis and pulls back the curtain on the dangerous workplace culture McMahon created at WWE,” Grant’s attorney, Ann Callis, said in a statement. “Ms. Grant looks forward to holding her abusers accountable in a court of law.”
In an official statement to Post Wrestling, McMahon’s attorney Jessica Rosenberg issued a statement dismissing the claims made in the amended lawsuit against her client.
“As expected, the proposed amended complaint is nothing more than the latest publicity stunt in an ongoing smear campaign,” Rosenberg said. “It is filled with desperate falsehoods from a team that continues to disregard the law and the truth.”