WWE NXT Results – Oct. 22, 2024 – Trick Williams & Ethan Page Go Face-to-Face, Stephanie Vaquer & Guilia vs. Fatal Influence

October 22, 2024
Orlando, FL – WWE Performance Center
Commentary – Vic Joseph and Booker T
Results via Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com

Quick Match Results

  1. Meta-Four (Jakkara Jackson & Lash Legend) defeated Damage CTRL (Kairi Sane & IYO SKY) via Disqualification
  2. Jaida Parker defeated Tatum Paxley via Hiptonic (pinfall)
  3. Oba Femi defeated Luca Crusifino via Pop-up Powerbomb (pinfall)
  4. Sol Ruca defeated Karmen Petrovic via Sol Snatcher (pinfall)
  5. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger defeated OTM via Collision Course (pinfall)
  6. Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia defeated Fatal Influence via Package Backbreaker (pinfall)

Damage CTRL (Kairi Sane & IYO SKY) vs. Meta-Four (Jakkara Jackson & Lash Legend)

Jakara and Iyo start things off and they lock up.  Iyo grabs Jackson by the hair and takes her down with a side head lock and follows with punches.  Iyo with a handspring into a drop kick.  Iyo gestures to Lash and that allows Iyo to tag in Sane.  Iyo with a trip and Sane with an axe kick and snap mare.  Iyo and Sane with a double drop kick.  Sane gets a near fall.  Sane with chops to Jackson followed by punches.  Sane misses a shoulder in the corner when Jackson moves.  Jackson sends Sane into the turnbuckles and Lash tags in.  Lash chops Sane but Sane with forearms.  Lash with a vertical choke but Sane goes for a sunset flip and Lash windmills to stay on her feet.  Sane slaps Lash.

Lash gets Sane on her back and she catches Iyo and she swings their heads into the ropes.  Lash with a back breaker for a near fall on Sane.  Sane goes to the apron and Sane drops Lash on the top rope.  Lash refuses to be Irish whipped and Sane with a sleeper and a body scissors.  Lash gets a second wind and she snap mares Sane to escape.  Lash misses a clothesline and Sane with a slingshot head scissors to send Lash to teh floor.  Jackson goes gingerly through the ropes when Sane moves.  Sane with a forearm off the apron to Lash.  Iyo with an Asai Moonsault onto Lash and Jackson.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Iyo with a victory roll and double stomp to Jackson.  Sane tags in and she goes off Jackson’s back to knock Lash off the apron.  Sane with clotheslines and a spear.  Lash misses a bicycle kick and Sane with a shotei.  Sane puts Lash and Jackson in the corner.  Sane with a running shoulder into the corner on Lash and a cannonball to Jackson.  Sane goes up top and she hits a forearm for a near fall.  Sane with an Alabama Slam and Iyo tags in.  Iyo kicks Jackson and Iyo sends Sane into the air for an elboe drop and Lash breaks up the cover.  Lash with a waist lock and Sane with a standing switch.  

Iyo slips on the ropes but she recovers and connects with a forearm to Lash.  Iyo with a running double knee strike on Jackson and then she goes up top for the moonsault and misses but she lands on her feet.  Lash tags in and hits a bicycle kick and then she catches Sane off the turnbuckles and hits a uranage back breaker.  Lash with a wheelbarrow and Piper Niven trips Jackson and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Meta-Four via Disqualification.

After the match, Piper and Green take care of Jackson, Legend, Iyo, and Sane.  Green with a cross body onto Sane and Iyo.

Video: Hank Walker, Tank Ledger, OTM

We see Hank and Tank trying to sell merchandise tonight and Cole Presler shows up and then Jaida Parker, Bronco NIma, and Lucien Price show up and they say that he took their space.  They invite Cole to have a front row seat to see them kick ass.

Video: Sol Ruca, Brinley Reece, Karmen Petrovic, Ashante “Thee” Adonis

We are back with Karmen, Sol, and Brinley in the gym working out and they talk about Ashante.

Adonis shows up and he says she was feeling him.  Karmen says since he cost her a match, she would do the same.

Brinley and Sol tell Adonis she is not interested and he leaves.

Karmen asks Sol and Brinley if they know what she likes.

Video: NXT at 2033 Arena Ad

A video aired hyping up NXT’s upcoming show on November 6th at the legendary former ECW arena.

Jaida Parker vs. Tatum Paxley

Jaida pulls Tatum to the mat by the hair.  Jaida yells at Tatum against the ropes.  Tatum sends Jaida to the mat and she gets a near fall.  Tatum with a reverse chin lock.  Tatum with a rollup for a near fall.  Tatum with a body scissors and she rolls Jaida around the mat and gets a near fall.  Tatum is a little woozy and so is Jaida.  Tatum with a drop kick and cross body into the corner.  Tatum with an Irish whip and she goes for a cross body but Jaida catches Paxley and puts her in the ropes for the springboard seated splash.  Jaida kicks Tatum and follows with a forearm to the lower back and a reverse suplex for a near fall.

We see Lola Vice PACING in LOCKER ROOM watching MONITOR and she leaves.

Jaida stretches Paxley and she applies a waist lock.  Paxley with an elbow and an O’Connor Roll for a near fall.  Tatum with a kick and facebuster.  Tatum with forearms and a kick.  Paxley with an enzuigiri.  Tatum gets Jaida up for a torture rack bomb and she gets a near fall.  Tatum with an inside cradle for a near fall.  Tatum misses an enzuigiri and Jaida goes for a reverse suplex but Paxley lands on her feet.  Jaida with a running hip and a second one for the three count.

Winner: Jaida Parker via Pinfall.

After the match, Lola Vice tries to get to the ring but she is held back by security.  Jaida tries to get into the scrum and from out of nowheree, Wendy Choo grabs Tatum and puts her in a storage case.

Backstage: Lexis King, No Quarter Catch Crew

Lexis King stops where the No Quarter Catch Crew is standing and he says that people are still talking about him even though he won his match cleanly.  He says he has a lot of similairiites with Charlie.  He doesn’t want to be seen as a loose cannon.  Lexis says he knows that Charlie’s father respects him but he needs to win the Heritage Cup.

Charlie says he believes in Lexis and he tells Myles to go to Ava to tell her that Lexis has his match.

Wren tells Lexis he needs a corner man.

Backstage: Wendy Choo, Je’Von Evans, Cedric Alexander, Axiom, Nathan Frazer, Wes Lee

We are back and Wendy Choo is pushing her case while Cedric and Je’Von are confronted by Axiom and Nathan Frazer.  They tell Evans that he came close but he has a lot of time and he will eventually win the big one.  Frazer tells Evans to get used to it because he dealt with it at his age.

Evans slaps Frazer.

Wes Lee says it was a matter of time before someone got under Evans’ skin.  First it is your age, then it is because you get too successful.

Video: Stephanie Vaquer, Gulia

We have a video package for Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer.  

Stephanie says she had to walk down many unknown roads to become the first South American woman to wrestle.  She says you hear the cliche of traveling around the world and she has done it.  She has conquered the world and won titles all over the world.  She says it doesn’t matter how many heads she had to crush, her goal was to get to WWE.

Gilia says they first met in the ring in Japan.  She says they became friends after their first match against each other.  She says she knew that she could trust Stephenie because she wants it as hmuch as she does.  They have the same goal.  She sys that when they are done with Cora and Roxanne at Halloween Havoc, they will be on their way to the title.

Backstage: Tony D’Angelo Family

We see Adriana Rizzo down and she is holding her elbow while Tony, Channing, and Luca are yelling.  Tony says he has this.

Luca Crusifino vs. Oba Femi

Oba pushes Luca but Luca with punches and a drop kick.  Oba sends Luca to the apron and Oba misses a boot.  Luca drops the leg on the top rope.  Oba with an Irish whip and Oba catches Luca when he tries to float over and Oba with a shoulder breaker.  Oba works on the arm.  Oba with a kick to the shoulder and an uppercut.  Oba with knees to the back but Luca with a jaw breaker.  Oba with a punch to the midsection.  Oba with a rear chin lock but Luca with a jumping knee to escape.  Luca with punches and chops.  Luca goes for a neck breaker but Oba escapes.  Oba misses a clothesline and Luca with a neck breaker.  Oba goes for a choke slam and Luca counters with a codebreaker that sends Oba to the floor.  Oba chops Luca and Oba with a toss back drop.  Oba with a power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Oba Femi via Pinfall.

After the match, Oba throws Channing out of the ring and he sends Luca into the ring post shoulder first.  Channing punches Oba and Oba sends Channing to the floor.  Oba pulls out a tool box, but he wants the table to get the crowd to cheer for him.

Tony D’Angelo attacks Oba from behind but Oba sends Tony into the ringside barrier.  Oba zip ties Tony to the turnbuckle. Oba with a forearm to Tony and then he tosses Channing through the table. Oba adjusts the hood of the announce table and Oba pulls out a ladder and puts it between the apron and announce table.  Oba power bombs Luca through the ladder.

Oba says something to Tony but we cannot hear it because the crowd was saying naughty words.

Video: Zaira

We are finally at the top of the mountain in the post apocalyptic Halloween Havoc landscape and Zaria is coming.

Video: Andre Chase

Andre Chase talks about what Chase University does for people who have had doors slammed in their faces before.  You wanted to come back to NXT for redemption and Chase U was going to help Ridge to show that he was wrongly labeled.  You were made part of a family and you won tag team gold.  You had it in your hands.  Chase says he realized there was no saving him and everyone was right about you.  He says he can make Ridge feel what Ridge made him feel when he was put in an ambulance at No Mercy.  He will take care of Ridge at Halloween Havoc in an Ambulance match.

In-Ring: “All Ego” Ethan Page, Trick Williams

Ethan Page makes his way to the ring.

Trick Williams makes his way to the ring.

Trick says he wants to get straight to the point.  He says he should have come out tonight and dropped Ethan like a mix tape after what Page did to him last week.  He promised Ava he would wait until until Sunday.  He says he found out that Ethan isn’t All Ego, he is All Desperate.

Ethan says maybe he is desperate but maybe he wants Trick to think that.  Page says he might be known as a father and husband.  You might know him as a wrestler who has been in the business for more than 17 years.  Ethan says he glosses over what he had to do to get here, but they have had different paths.  He never had a Performance Center with state of the art equipment and staff to pamper and cater to him.  He never had the greatest minds in pro wrestling to train him to be at the top of the top wrestling company.  Ethan says he had to go through hell to get whre Trick is at.

Trick says Ethan had to work hard and he has his story.  He will not let Page shame him for being blessed.

Page asks Trick if he has ever been busted open and have blood and sweat blur your vision, knowing that you have to get up and keep fighting.  Have you ever been hit by a weapon so hard it pulls off flesh and you have to get up and keep going?  Have you ever tasted your own blood and sweat and get the copper and salt that makes everyone else uneasy and queasy so many times that you started to like the taste of it?

Trick says he gets that Page has been through a lot because he is going to bust his ass on Sunday.

Page calls him the silver tongue, dressed to the nines, two time champion.  All flash and fake confidence.

He says he hit Trick in the head with the light to give him a glimpse of what is going to happen in the Devil’s Playground.  Anything Goes and he means anything.  He says that benefits him.  Page says Trick looks great.  He says Trick has every skill he needs to defend the title on Sunday.  He says that Trick doesn’t have the devil inside of him but Page says he does.  He says Trick is not tough and he is not built for the Devil’s Playground.

Trick asks if Page saw the wars he went through with Melo, Ilja Dragunov, and Pete Dunne.  

Page asks if Hayes thought about every way to inflict pain on you and to make you think again about becoming a wrestler.  On Sunday, you see a version of him that the people haven’t seen and Trick will see a person that Trick has never seen in his career.

Trick says Page is all talk.  He says that Page never beat him.  He says that when Page won the title, he couldn’t pin Trick.  You are desperate and you will do everything to stay close to the title.

Page asks if this is the face of a desperate man.  Ethan says he is desperate and he tells Trick that it took 17 years for him to become a champion in WWE.  After he got a taste, he became addicted and he will satiate that addiction when he gets back what is his.  We are about to play in the Devil’s Playground.  For the first time in your career, someone is going to make you walk through hell and they are going to use the Devil’s Rules.

Trick says he is looking forward to it.

Backstage: Cora Jade, Roxanne Perez, Fatal Influence, Kelani Jordan

Cora and Roxanne are in LOUNGE and they talk about how they can do it elsewhere but they haven’t done it here.

Jacy says Giulia and Stephanie don’t belong here and Kelani does not deserve to be champion.

Roxanne says they have been the backbone of the division.

Kelani says Roxanne might have controlled the division but it is stipping through your fingers.  She wants to know who she faces on Sunday.

They tell her she will find out on Sunday.

Sol Ruca vs. Karmen Petrovic

Karmen with a side head lock and Sol tries to escape.  Karmen with a take down using the ropes for leverage.  Sol with a rollup for a near fall.  Sol goes for a head scissors and she locks it in.  Karmen rolls over and escapes.  Karmen with a side head lock and Sol with a handstand to escape.  Sol with a side head lock.  Karmen with forearms.  Karmen sends Sol into the turnbuckles.  Karmen with a monkey flip and Sol lands on her feet.  Sol with a leg trip and she ‘surfs’ on Karmen’s back.  Sol with a thrust kick for a near fall.  Sol with an Irish whip and Karmen with an elbow.  

We see Adonis in the CROWD to watch.

Karmen with a clothesline for a near fall.  Karmen with punches and a cross body against the ropes.  Karmen sends Sol into the turnbuckles and follows with kicks.  Karmen chokes Sol.  Karmen with a kick to the midsection for a near fall.  Sol with a Codebreaker and punches.  Sol with more punches and a twisting springboard forearm and a springboard cross body for a near fall.  Sol with an Irish whip and she goes to the apron when Karmen moves.  Sol with a kick but Karmen stops Sol on the turnbuckles and sends her to the mat with Iconoclasm.  

Karmen sees Adonis walk out of the bleachers and Sol with Sol Snatcher for the three count.

Winner: Sol Ruca via Pinfall.

Backstage: Nikkita Lyons, Tyson Dupont, Tyriek Igwe, Oba Femi

Nikkita Lyons is with Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igw.  Tyson says Nikkita’s return was successful.  They tell Nikkita when her moment comes she will take it.  Nikkita tells them they need to take their opportunity.

Oba gives Nikkita a cape that she dropped and he thanks her.

Hank and Tank are in LOCKER ROOM with Cole Presler.

OTM (Bronco Nima & Lucien Price) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Legder

They fight on the floor before the match starts and Hank puts Nima on the apron and Tank with a cross body to the back.

The referee starts the match and Hank and Tank with a Malachi Crunch on Price.  Price gets his boots up and tags in Nima.  Nima with a running boot to the head.  Price tags in and he hits a uranage.  Price with a clothesline into the corner.  Hank tags in and connects with clotheslines and then hits a bulldog on Nima.  Hank with a POUNCE to Price on the floor.  Hank sends Price over the top rope and Hank with a Bossman slam for a near fall.  

Parker tries to attack Tank but Lola with a spear.

Custer hits Nima with the helmet and Hank and Tank hit Collision Course for the three count.

Winner:  Hank Walker & Tank Ledger via Pinfall.

After the match it is time for some dancing to Lola’s music.

Backstage: Axiom, Nathan Frazer, Ava, Lexis King

Nathan Frazer wants Ava to make the match against Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander.

Ava asks Nathan to ask his partner.

Frazer doesn’t care and asks if he thinks they are the best team and he wants the match for next week.

Lexis King says he needs a corner man for next week but no one has accepted the offer.  He asks Ava to appoint someone as his corner man.  King says everyone thinks that he is like ‘him’.

Video: Ridge Holland

We are back with Ridge Holland asking Andre why the anger?  He says he made Chase U proud.  How does it feel to have no control and watch your school be ripped apart and taken down brick by brick.  Are you sure you want an ambulance match at Halloween Havoc.  He says he is the most dangerous man in NXT and Chase U gets destroyed Sunday and you take your last ride.

Backstage: Tony D’Angelo

Sarah is with Tony D’Angelo and she asks him how is he dealing with things.

Tony says that someone took out Rizzo and then Oba took out Luca and Stacks.  It will be about more than climbing a ladder.  Tony says he will use every table, ladder, and chair to beat Oba’s ass.  Be careful what you wish for because it is going to happen.

Backstage: Stephanie Vaquer, Giulia, Damage CTRL

Giulia and Stephanie walk in the back and they stop to go face to face with Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane.

Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne) vs. Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia

Fallon and Giulia start and they lock up.  Fallon goes into the ropes to avoid a puch.  Fallon with a waist lock take down and Giulia with a wrist lock.  Fallon tries for a reversal but Giulia with an arm drag and drop kick.  Jacy tags in and she misses a clothesline.  Giulia with a kick and slam for a near fall.  Vaquer tags in and Giulia sends Jacy into the turnbuckles.  Vaquer with a suplex and she drives Jacy’s head into the mat.  Fallon distracts Vaquer and Jacy runs her into the turnbuckles.  Fallon tags in and she connects with a forearm for a near fall.  Jacy tags in and she kicks Vaquer and punches her.  Vaquer with a jaw breaker.  Jacy with a heads scissors and Jacy has some words for Giulia.  Vaquer with a drop kick.  Giulia tags in and Giulia with a drop toe hold and Vaquer with a Tiger Feint Kick.  Giulia with a drop kick.

Giulia is sent to the apron but Giulia kicks Jacy.  Jacy distracts the referee and Nyx grabs the leg.  Jacy and Fallon with kicks to send Giulia to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Fallon kicks Giulia but Giulia with a rollup for a near fall.  Fallon with a front face lock and Giulia with forearms.  Fallon trips Giulia and sends her into the ropes.  Jacy with a kick from the apron and a drop kick for a near fall.  Jacy stretches Giulia.  Giulia leans back to get a near fall and she follows with a drop kick.  Fallon and Vaquer make the tag.  Vaquer with a springboard cross body and Soul Food.  Vaquer sends Fallon into the turnbuckles and then she connects with an elbow to Fallon.  Vaquer with a running double knee strike to Jacy.  Vaquer runs into a boot but she gives Fallon a dragon screw for a near fall.

Giulia tags in and Fallon escapes and Giulia leaps over Fallon.  Giulia and Vaquer with a double kick and Giulia gets a near fall.  Jacy with a clothesline to Vaquer on the floor.  Fallon and Giulia exchange forearms.  Fallon with a kick and Giulia with an irish whip.  Fallon with a back elbow and she goes to the turnbuckles but Giulia stops her.  Giulia goes for a superplex but Fallon lands on her feet and hits a suplex of her own.  Fallon with a punch and a drop kick.  Jacy with a spinebuster for a near fall.  Vaquer is sent to the floor but Vaquer pulls Fallon to the floor.  Nyx gets on the apron and Jacy with a rollup for a near fall.

Jacy with a super kick.

Jordan with a clothesline to Nyx on the floor.  Jacy misses a rolling elbow and Giulia with a head butt.  Giulia with a knee and Vaquer with a package back breaker for the three count.

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia via Pinfall.

After the match, we see Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade on the HBalKony.

We find out that the stipulation for the Women’s North American Title Match will be Spinner’s Choice.

The lights go out and Zaria is here.